Ree Drummond admits becoming a grandma doesn’t feel like she thought it would

Ree Drummond is admitting that learning she was going to be a grandmother wasn’t what she thought it would be like.

Earlier in June, Ree’s daughter Alex announced she is expecting her first child with her husband Mauricio a month after celebrating their three year wedding anniversary.

Now, while talking with People, Ree revealed that “it feels totally different than I thought it would feel.”

The Pioneer Woman continued, saying, “since we just kind of became empty-nesters, Ladd and I feel like we just finished raising our kids — not even finished! A couple of them are in college, so we’re still raising our kids.”

Ree said that she and Ladd “weren’t necessarily in a big rush to enter the grandparent stage.” And when she learned she would soon be Grandma Ree, she admitted she thought it would feel a bit different.

“I thought when I heard the news eventually, whenever that would be, that I would feel more, ‘Oh no, here it comes.’ But instead, what I think about most is — this is my honest answer — just how happy I am for my daughter and her husband.”

In fact, it made the Pioneer Woman nostalgic.

“Thinking back on the days when my kids were babies and those years, I mean, I can hardly look at old pictures because it was just such a precious, fun time,” she told People. “I’m just so happy that she is going to enter into that period of her life. There’s just nothing better in the world.”

And when asked if she thinks she’ll have a grandson or a granddaughter, Ree joked that she had a 50-50 chance of guessing correctly. Adding that she thinks it may be a boy.

But despite her grandmother’s intuition, Ree said Alex and Mauricio will be thrilled with either gender.

“I know that they’re going to love either one. Alex and her sister Paige were first in the family, so they kind of see the benefits of having older girls. And so I think Alex would like to have a girl, and Mauricio is so happy-natured, he’ll love whatever they have.”

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