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12 Items You Might Actually Want If You Are Working From Home Now

12 Items You Might Actually Want If You Are Working From Home Now


A lot of us are getting comfortable with the new normal that is working from home. And between your kids running around you, or using the same internet connection as you to do their own school work, things can get pretty hectic and stressful in the home.

Well since we are all going to be spending most of our time in our homes for the foreseeable future, here is a list of things that might help those hours you are clocked in at work a bit more comfortable.

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1. A Desk

When it comes to working from home, separation is key. What do we mean by that? When your home becomes your office, it is so important to create a designated space where you work so that your home doesn’t start to feel like one big office where you’re working all the time.

2. A Good Chair

Sitting in that dining room chair for 8-plus hours just isn’t going to cut it. Life is already stressful with everyone being under the same roof 24/7, so why make it even worse by forcing yourself to sit in an uncomfortable chair.

3. Back Support

Okay, I get it, because this work from home situation will (hopefully) be temporary, you might not want to the money on a chair you’ll use for a handful of weeks. If this is the case, then I suggest buying support for your back. This is great because it can help elevate the comfort level of a chair you already have and you can bring into the office with you when we all get the OK to get back into our normal daily routines.

4. A Seat Cushion

For the very same reason, maybe you have a chair that feels good on your back but is hard as a rock everywhere else. A removable seat cushion can fix that, and again, you can bring it into the office when all of this is said and done.

5. Headphones

Life in your home is noisy with everyone inside of it and when it comes to keeping your focus and drowning out the background noise during those Zoom meetings, headphones are another must-have when working from home. And when it comes to headphones, you really can spend as little or as much as you want.

6. A Good Lamp

Look our houses are always lit for functionality. So in order to avoid extra strain on your eyes, which will no doubt contribute to that headache you probably already have, a desk lamp can help solve that! And if you pick your lamp wisely, it can just be a new addition somewhere in your home when you no longer have to use it for work.

7. Coffee

Now that we are no longer making our daily commute, for some of us, that means we are no longer going for a daily coffee run(s) anymore either. So make sure you are STOCKED up on coffee. Others are worried about toilet paper, I’m worried about waking up without caffeine in my cupboard.

8. Reusable To-Do List

Look, we all have to-do lists whether we are working from home or not. But normally when we are in the office, our only distraction is the occasional co-worker stopping by for a quick chat. Now we have children, pets, spouses, and a handful of things waiting in the wings to through us of our game. One way to make sure you’re not forgetting anything is making note of your to-do list first thing in the morning before things get crazy.

9. Plants

Plants bring us oxygen and right now, there are a lot of people sucking up the oxygen in your home so why not add some more. Plus they are pretty to look at and they give us an excuse to get up from our computers and water them once a day.

10. Candles

It is in all of our best interests if we just remain calm and what better way to remain calm then to make sure the vibe of our makeshift office is just right. And an easy way to set a nice calming vibe is with a few candles.

11. Stress Ball

Enough said.

12. Do Not Disturb Sign

For when you’re just sick of saying it.

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Not to mention these items can all be purchased on Amazon, so you don’t even have to brave the public to get them.

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