This Is What Happens When Kids Don’t Have Toilet Paper

It’s no shock to anyone that being a parent isn’t a glamourous endeavor. It’s a fact of life that kids are messy. This is especially true for toddlers who seem to materialize messes from thin air. In a recent photo shared on Reddit, one parent pushes the boundary of any parent’s imagination by showing what their child did to unassuming, carpeted stairs.

Warning dear reader: this story is going to repulse you as much as it makes you laugh.

A Redditor posted a horrific photo of what their daughter did to a set of stairs.

This Is What Happens When Kids Don't Have Toilet Paper

The poster captioned the photo, “No toilet paper? No problem.”

As you’d expect, the photo caused quite the stir on Reddit with many parents and people who once considered having children were left disgusted.

Comments on the photo ranged from petrified to tickled.

This Is What Happens When Kids Don't Have Toilet Paper

“At least they’ve got their sh** straight,” one person wrote.  

“Now that’s a skidmark!” one person joked. 

With an image as vile as this, the jokes write themselves. Many seasoned parents were more entertained than horrified. Because they already know that if you don’t laugh at situations like this you will indeed cry.

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For singles and couples without kids, the image was enough to put the urge to bed.

This Is What Happens When Kids Don't Have Toilet Paper

“Thank you, I now no longer want a child,” one person wrote.

“When I’m out in public and I see a newborn baby I think to myself, wouldn’t it be lovely to have one? Looking at this at I thank God I’m infertile,” another added.

We can’t fault anyone for looking at this image and feeling a great deal of revulsion. Imagining what it took to clean up that mess is enough to want one of those brain erasing pens aka “nueralyzers” from Men In Black.

While the original post left most to the imagination, the parent eventually did comment with an explanation.

This Is What Happens When Kids Don't Have Toilet Paper

“My daughter is one of those kids who would rather die than poop, so she was on Miralax to help make things easier for her,” she explained. “She would still hold it in until she couldn’t anymore, resulting in some really massive sh**.” 

Apparently the daughter’s aversion to going number two could be sensed by the parent who usually would intervene. However, the child apparently woke from a nap to do the deed. According to the parent, the little girl was just under two when the incident occurred and had not completed her potty training.

“She had enough sense to tell me right away, but instead of calling out to me from her room, she came scooting down the stairs to find me. This was the result. Luckily (and unluckily), this was brand new, stain-resistant carpet.”

Parents, a lesson, stain-resistant carpet is your friend. Stain-resistant anything is your friend as a matter of fact. With our nation currently experiencing a shortage of toilet paper in grocery stores, this could be you. Make sure that you stay stocked up or your stairs could suffer the same fate.

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1 thought on “This Is What Happens When Kids Don’t Have Toilet Paper”

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