Mamas Uncut

Amy Duggar King Makes Request as Letters Written By Duggar Family Members Are Made Public

After snippets of letters written by one of Josh Duggar’s victims and some of his family and friends were made public, Amy Duggar King is speaking out. Speaking out against her cousin isn’t new for Amy. In fact, she’s been one of the most outspoken family members since his arrest.

Amy Duggar King Makes Request as Letters Written By Duggar Family Members Are Made Public

In a series of Instagram Story slides, Amy wrote, “Thank you to everyone who has reached out. Please do not send me the graphs/sick details of Josh Duggar’s case.” 

She continued by saying, “Honestly, I have to protect my mind and my heart from hearing/reading such disgusting material. Please let me remind you to be careful. If you’re interested in knowing the graphic details to protect your mind and heart also. You’ll just never be the same.”

But while Amy wishes to be protect for the disturbing details of Josh’s case, she says she “will continue to shine a light in the most dark areas,” before asking her followers to “please just pray that Josh Duggar will be given the ultimate sentence. Twenty-plus years.”

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Several hours later, Amy took to her Instagram Story again to share a quote about abusers. “Abusers are not all shady men lurking in alleyways. They are amongst your friends, classmates, coworkers, family, etc. They are sociable, well-liked, charismatic, charming even, making it that much important to act accordingly when outed.”

This is an interesting quote shared by King for a few reasons. First, it’s very clear she is speaking directly to Josh, but it is also interesting because it directly relates to some of the quotes that were pulled from the several letters written on Josh’s behalf.

As Mamas Uncut previously reported, quotes from letters written to the judge by some of Josh’s loved ones were made public. These letters spoke to Josh’s alleged character and pleaded with the judge to be lenient when deciding on his sentence.

But perhaps the quote shared by King most directly speaks to this excerpt taken from LaCount Reber’s letter. Reber is the family friend Josh had stayed with since he was arrested for downloading child pornography.


In his letter, FOX 24 reports Reber wrote that Josh “displayed a great amount of patience and kindness as he interacted with his wife and children,” exhibiting “a great deal of care and consideration.”

RELATED: As Josh Duggar Prepares for Sentencing, the Mom of One of His Victims Speaks Out

Reber continued, saying that “It was interesting to see that Joshua always seemed to have a good attitude, throughout the discouraging circumstances that he was facing.” As Mamas Uncut reported, Josh’s defense is asking the judge to sentence him to just five years in jail rather than the maximum sentence of 20 years.

Josh, who was found guilty of downloading and possessing child pornography in December 2021, will be sentenced on May 25. If you would like to read other snippets for different letters written to the judge presiding over Josh’s sentencing hearing, you can do so here.

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