Mamas Uncut

As a Single Mother, Would You Celebrate Father’s Day?

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QUESTION: Should single mothers celebrate Father’s Day?

“As a single mother of a boy and girl, whose father is not around, is it weird for my children to give me Father’s Day gifts and for us to celebrate them?”

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As a Single Mother, Would You Celebrate Father's Day?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“I know it’s not like Mother’s Day. I have the same situation. My daughter’s father doesn’t want to be involved with my daughter. I am not planning on celebrating Father’s Day, even though my role is both mother and father.”

“I would rather my child participate at school & make these gifts and give them to me, then have my child sit in class and explain that it wouldn’t be right because they don’t “have a father”. Who cares what adults think. Truly. Let them make the gifts, accept them & forget anyone and everyone else’s opinion.”

“They can, as long as it is the same for single fathers celebrating mothers day.”

“You celebrate it if you and your kids want. You work hard as a single parent and as far as I’m concerned single parents don’t get enough opportunities to be celebrated!”

“I think mother’s Day is for all the mothers out there and the daddies who are taking care of the kids their self without a mom deserves to be recognized on mother’s Day and on Father’s Day it should be the same way with the mom celebrating Father’s Day.”

“Yes I think they should and the father should celebrate on mother’s Day the ones who is the mother and father both should celebrate both of them they don’t have nothing to do with their birthday or Christmas or none of that it’s just for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.”

“I’m a single mom and while it does require alot more work but that doesn’t mean I am also father. I can never be one. The same as a single father can never be a mother. There are gender dynamics for a reason. I think it’s kinda offensive for women to try to take that day away from the men who actually step up and do their jobs as father’s, they’re the only ones who should be being celebrated.”

“I say If your children want to celebrate all you do on father’s day also. Let them, but if it isn’t on their mind the day is just a day. My dad died when I was 13. I didn’t get my mom father’s day gifts. I knew ever thing my mom did for us so we went all out for mother’s day.”

“I never celebrated Father’s Day when I was a single mom. I celebrated my dad and grandfather on that day instead.”

“Celebrate it as you are the father! I’m a single mom of 3 …. Every year my family has a get together/cook out honoring all the fathers and every year they include honoring me also although I am not a male. I still am both parents to my children.”

“My boys always gave me father’s day presents. Its not weird. I was both to them.”

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