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50 Baby Boy Bible Names You Will Fall in Love With

Any number of factors attract expecting parents to baby boy bible names. The main reason parents choose a baby’s name from the bible is their faith, of course. However, many of the appellations in the bible are beautiful and have a secular appeal as well. With their (mostly) Hebrew origins and timeless appeal, these appellations are real winners for all parents.

The only issue many parents encounter when trying to find the right biblical name is the ubiquity of many of so many of them. There are a ton of Johns, Samuels, Andrews, and Davids in the world today. All are fine names but contemporary parents may want something more unheard of. We’re here to help! We will share with you some time-tested classics but also some rather rare baby boy bible names that you might have forgotten about. Check them out below!

Check Out These Handsome Baby Boy Bible Names for Inspiration!


50 Baby Boy Bible Names

A Biblical name form the Old Testament, Zuriel has a very zippy sound that we think will appeal to many parents today. This Hebrew name means “God is my rock.”


Biblical Zimri was a King of Israel and the name belonged to one of Judah’s grandsons. Of all of these unique baby boy bible names, it has one of the very best meanings in “my music, my praise.” It’s the perfect name for a musical family!


Tammuz is the Semitic form of a Sumerian name that means “loyal child.” Tammuz names the fourth month of the Hebrew calendar (June and July for those on the Gregorian one). In addition, the name belonged to a small character in the Old Testament.


Simeon is closer to the Hebrew name that brings us the common Greek form of the name, Simon. Simeon blessed infant Christ in the New Testament. The name means “God is listening.”


Of these baby boy bible names, Pallu might be one of the quirkiest, but we do hope you will consider it. Pallu has Hebrew origins and means “distinguished.” Not bad, right?


Biblical Nebo was an ancestor of those who returned to Judah with Zerubbabel. Further, the name belonged to two Biblical towns. Nebo is an ancient Babylonian mythological name that refers to the invention of writing.


Mahlon was a popular choice among new parents until the 1950s when we guess people learned that the Hebrew name means “sickly.” But, we encourage you to not take that too seriously. Cameron means “crooked nose” and Kennedy means “misshapen head” so take these name meanings with a grain of salt! Biblical Mahlon is the son of Naomi. Mahlon could be the most evocative baby boy bible names on this list!


Lael is an ancient Hebrew name that been used through the years for both boys and girls. This name has a rare, contemporary feel when compared to other baby boy bible names. It means “belonging to God.”


Of these baby boy bible names, one you may be least familiar with is Laban. Laban was the Biblical father of Rachel who seems to have stolen the spotlight from Laban. This biblical name for boys means “white.”


We often encourage expecting parents not to get too hung up on baby name meanings. After all most people do not know what most of them translate to. However, Havilah, which is a Biblical place name and character name means “to dance.” And, we adore that!


Joah may seem like just another one of these baby boy bible names but it actually belonged to a number of characters in the Old Testament. With Noah being so overused at this point, Joah could be a natural alternative. This Hebrew name means “brother of God.”


The last time Jethro was popular in the US was in 1913! The Biblical dad of Zipporah, Jethro enjoyed a Hebrew name that means “excellence.” We must say we agree. It’s excellent!


Of all of the unique baby boy bible names on this list, Jemuel probably has the best nickname possibility in “Jem.” Jemuel has Hebrew origins and means “day of God.” In the Old Testament, Jemeul was the son of Simeon.


Jeconiah is an obscure form of the more popular Hebrew name Jedediah. This stunner means “God will establish.”


Despite this name’s meaning, “borne in pain,” Jabez proves a most attractive and distinctive choice. It once was popular among Pilgrims and continued to be until the nineteenth century.


The name of one of Asher’s sons, Ishvi has been criminally underused for decades. Ishvi is composed of Hebrew elements that mean “he resembles me.” We promise he will be the only Ishvi in his kindergarten class!


American civil rights leader, Hosea Williams, had a fabulous name and his legacy alone could inspire the use of this name. Biblical Hosea wrote a book of prophecies. According to the Talmud, Hosea was the greatest prophet of the time. This Hebrew name means “salvation.”


An Alternative form of Hebrew Eli, popular in ancient Rome, Heli is one of the most fun of these baby boy bible names. It shares the same meaning as Eli: “ascended.” It’s gone virtually unused for decades.


A brother of Abraham in the Old Testament, Haran is an obscure biblical name that means “mountain.” Despite the meaning, this name is not insurmountable as it sounds rather casual and warm.


One of the few Latin names to make the list, Gaius is an ancient Roman name that means “to rejoice,” which is nothing to complain about! Gaius appears in the New Testament as Paul’s traveling companion.


Lesser-known archangel names like Gadiel could make for unique baby boy bible names that have not been mega-hits yet. Gadiel is considered an archangel of wealth and thus, the name means “God is my fortune.”


If you can separate the dramatic story in the bible of Jacob’s twin brother with the name Esau, you might have found the perfect choice! Of all of these baby boy bible names, Esau must be one of our favorites. Its casual sound and elegance are undeniable, even if the appellation does mean “hairy.”


A name that has long been popular among Jewish families, Ephraim is expanding its reach and has landed on many birth certificates as of late. This Hebrew name means “fruitful.”


The high-profile Elon Musk might scare you from this name, but we think Elon is a great option. Elon has Hebrew origins that mean “oak tree,” making it a lovely choice for nature-loving parents.


Eliel cracked the US top 1000 most popular baby names in 2019. While this is one of the fastest rising baby boy bible names today, it might become ubiquitous before too long. So, get ahead of the trend and choose this appellation that means “my God is God.”

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Eder is the son of Muchi in the Bible. The Hebrew elements of this name mean “flock.” A different name in Basque spelled the exact same way means “handsome.”


A name that could easily be an alternative to Nathan, Dathan is virtually unknown as far as baby boy bible names go. This name has Hebrew origins and means “fountain.”


The name Cephas comes from Aramaic and means “rock.” Simon the Apostle was called Cephas by Jesus because he was said to be the “rock” on which the foundation of the church was built. The name is often translated to Petros and Peter.


Beriah names a few characters in the Bible, the main one is the son of Ephraim. Beriah sounds close to Mariah which is why we think it has yet to take off, but we encourage to be bold! This Hebrew name means “in envy.”


Azel is the name of a place in the Old Testament. This handsome name for boys has somehow never taken off. It has Hebrew origins and means “reserved.”


It might be hard for you to consider of this name without Captain in front of it, but Ahab is a standalone winner. Ahab, as with most of the baby boy bible names on this list, has Hebrew origins and means “uncle.” In the Bible,
Ahab is the seventh king of Israel and husband of Jezebel.


A masculine name from the Old Testament, but would likely be confused with the name Amy so be ready to defend this one. This appellation deserves it. Ami is another name with Hebrew origins and it means “trustworthy.” What’s not to love?


Anan is a rarely used name that rhymes with its mother language of Akan. In Akan, Anan means “cloud.” In Hebrew, this name is thought to mean “fourth child.” We love this name but fear people will confuse it with “anon” a shortened form of anonymous.


Like Isaiah but looking for a name that’s more individual? Asaiah is a name found several times in the Old Testament. Think of it as a blend of Asa and Josiah and a possible substitute for Isaiah. This Hebrew name means “the Lord hath made.”


Now that such Old Testament patriarchs as Elijah and Moses fill the classroom, Boaz seems downright baby-friendly, having more pizzazz than many of the other baby boy bible names, perhaps as a successor to Noah. Boaz has not found favor in the US since the time of the pilgrims! We yearn for this offbeat name to return. Boaz is known as the “the left pillar in the Temple.” This Hebrew name means “swiftness.”


Buz is a name used in the Old Testament, as well as a variation of Buzz. We love this zippy name even though it has a meaning that might be undesirable for some parents. Buz’s Hebrew origins mean “contempt.” We, however, harbor no disdain for this appellation.


A potential hero name can be found in Crispus as it was borne by Crispus Attucks, an African and Native American man, who was the first colonist to die for independence in the Boston Massacre. This stately name has Latin origins and means “curly-haired.”


Elam is the name of no fewer than eight Old Testament figures. The most notable was a grandson of Noah whose followers were dubbed the Elamites. Elam has Hebrew origins and means “distant.” Which makes its meaning appropriate as this name has not been in the US top 1000 since 1898!


A thundering biblical name belonging to a grandson of Adam and Eve, also known as Enosh, Enos could prove a smart choice It hasn’t made as much of a comeback as similar Enoch, unfortunately. Enos is also a book in the Book of Mormon which might appeal to some. Enos has Hebrew origins and it means “mankind.” It was last popular in the US in the 1920s.


Ephron was the Old Testament son of Zohar who sold his field and dwelling to Abraham to use as a family burial ground. Ephron is also a Biblical place name, a mountain range that formed the northern border of the land of Judah. Like so many of these baby boy bible names, Ephron has such a beautiful ring to it and means “fawn-like.”


Jabin is the name of two Old Testament kings that seems as fresh as you can get for modern use, given the popularity of sound-alike Biblical brethren Jadon and Jacob. This joyful name means “perceptive” which could very well be a quality you would want for your son. It’s one of the most unique meanings among these baby boy bible names.


The name of the tenth king of Israel is pronounced Ye-hu but most English-speakers wouldn’t necessarily know that. He seized power violently and reigned from about 841 to 814 BCE. Despite that unsavory connection, we think the name Jehu would be an amazing option. This Hebrew name means “God is He.”


Joses is the Greek form of Joseph that we are most fond of. The name is used in the New Testament and like Joseph, this appellation means “Jehovah increases.” If you are looking for an alternative to Joseph or even Moses, this could be the perfect pick amid these baby boy bible names.


Old Testament name of a king of Israel, related to the harvest. Thus, this name means “my sheaf.” Omri is a very handsome name that is currently popular in Israel and we wish it would catch on like other baby boy bible names in the US. It’s the perfect alternative to Emery.


Rosh is not Ross, not Rush, but an improvement on both of those more familiar baby boy bible names. The Biblical Rosh was a son of Benjamin, so you might consider it to honor a father or otherwise ancestral Benjamin. Rosh is associated with the Jewish New Year holiday, Rosh Hashanah. This stunning Hebrew name means “chief.”


The name Shem is a boy’s name of Hebrew, Yiddish origin meaning “name.” Shem is the name of one of Noah’s sons, his eldest. This rather blunt name could be perfect for the right parents looking for a casual-sounding moniker.


Talmai is the name of several minor actors in the Old Testament, including the father of Maacah, the wife of King David, and one of Anak’s three giant sons. Talmai has Hebrew origins and means “furrowed.” The name Bartholomew can be interpreted as meaning “son of Talmai.”


Tammuz is the Semitic variation of Dumuzid, a name from Sumerian mythology. Tammuz is the name of the fourth month on the Hebrew calendar, corresponding with June and July on the Gregorian calendar. This gorgeous Sumerian name means “loyal child.”


The Biblical Zerah is related to such baby boy bible names as Zora, which also means “dawn.” While the vowel sound at the end of the name does not sound as feminine to our modern ear as it once did, thanks to such popular choices as Noah and Joshua. Zerah has the attractive Z-sound that many parents are after today. This name appears dozens of times in the Bible.

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An attractive gender-neutral option, Shiloh is a handsome Hebrew name that means “tranquil.” The bible mentioned the place name of a city that preceded Jerusalem in Samaria. It’s one of the baby boy bible names that is on the rise today!

There you go! We hope you found some wonderful baby boy bible names for your son. There are thousands of names mentioned in the bible which means there is no shortage of baby name inspiration to take from the good book. If you’re a person of faith, these appellations are extra-meaningful to you. Best of luck on your baby name journey!

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