Mamas Uncut

Q&A: Can I Hear Your Stories About Getting Your Tubes Tied?

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“M 35 and due with my 4th girl this summer, and I’m highly considering getting my tubes tied. I would love to hear from other women who have done this! Good, bad, pros, cons, regrets, or would you do it all over again. Also, how have your periods been afterward? Thanks in advance, ladies!”

RELATED: WWE’s Brie Bella Reveals She Got Her Tubes Tied After the Birth of Her Second Child Because They Have One of Each

Can I Hear Your Stories About Getting Your Tubes Tied?
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Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“It’s been 7 years since I had mine tied, the first few years were great, regular light periods, mild cramping and short. Now they are terrible and unpredictable, intense bleeding and cramping and the mood swings are out of this world. Seriously weigh your options of other forms of “permanent” birth control.”

“I had my tubes 75 % removed. Its more permanent the tube tying and won’t come undone. I’ve actually lost weight sense i got it done. I was a size XL shirt and now I’m down to a size L shirt. My periods are the same as before and I started back with my periods when my son was about 1 month old.”

“I opted for filshie clips after my doctor pushed and pushed for essure. No regrets at all. Birth control made me a psychopath and was only effective because it completely killed my libido. My periods are regular for the first time in my life. Worst part of the procedure was the typical pain in my neck and shoulders from having laparoscopic surgery. Well worth it as a single momma of 5!!”

“No issues having tubes tied 7 years ago but periods are way heavier and worse cramps.”

“I had my tubes tied about 27 years ago. I never had an issue with anything. Best thing I did. I was already having bad periods before. But it never increased my period or pain from them at all. Yes I would do it all over if I had to. I was 21 when I had my tubes tied.”

“I was spouse to have my tubes tied, but they ended up just removing mine because of bleeding ( I did have very bad bleeding during mine), which was fine by me but I also had a iud placed at the same time to stop my periods. My ob said it would be fine and it has been I haven’t had a period since and he told me it can last longer since I have my tubes removed and I don’t ovulate where as if my tubes where tied I would still ovulate because of the hormones released during that process.”

“I regret every minute of it but that’s cause I wanted more children.”

“I got mine tied at 28 – 4 kids (3 c sections) it’s been 2.5 yrs and I would do it all over again. I wouldn’t say my periods are worse but they aren’t better either – just different and sometimes I’m late by a couple weeks and I panic but I love it.”

“Also the worst thing I have done had my 3rd child at 34 tubes tied 17 months after and have horrible cramps and very heavy periods now.”

“Somewhat regular periods after my tubal ligation. I unfortunately had an ectopic pregnancy this last fall four years after having a tubal ligation. You still have a pregnancy risk. Most require surgery and they remove the tube with the embryo.”

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