Mamas Uncut

25 Funny Crying Cat Memes That Are Somehow the Most Relatable Memes on the Internet

The crying cat meme is the pinnacle of internet culture. Yes, photoshopping tears onto a cat has resulted in some of the most relatable meme content ever created. Crying cat memes are funny because they reflect our own inner sad cat. Further, any meme with a clear tone or connotation is instantly a winning one for self-expression.

We decided to round up some of the funniest crying cat memes ever for you to enjoy. Yes, they are at the expense of a sorrowful fur baby but they are just too good to pass up. If you need a pick-me-up, scroll through these hilarious memes to find the right one to fit the way you are feeling. Once you see how excellent these memes are, you are going to want to send them to all of your friends. So, please share a sad cat meme far and wide.

A Message from Those Skipped Songs

Crying Cat Meme

Do you ever keep songs you do not plan on listening to on your favorite playlist? It’s something we all do and it is a mystery as to why. Don’t be a song bully and give those dusty tracks a listen every once in a while. After all, you thought highly enough to put them on a playlist in the first place.



Cat people know that the can opener in their homes is a worshipped device by our fur babies. This crying cat meme imagines that can opener stepping out on its lover and cheating with another cat.

You Are Not Alone


We love the thumbs-up crying cat meme for so many reasons but chief among them has to be the irony it conveys. In this instance, it is about someone who is feeling a bit lonesome on a Friday night. It’s okay to be home and be sad. We all get there at some point.

Tears at the Dinner Table


Who remembers this feeling as a child? The food will make you feel better, sad cat. Can we also address the fact that an actual cat sits at a table like this? Pets are more like us than we like to admit.

Asking Why


Have you ever been there? We love this crying cat meme that seems to capture existential dread. If you have ever wondered how you got to this point, you are not alone. This sad cat has been. there too.

Love Yourself


We get an assist from the star of Tom and Jerry in this crying cat meme that imagines someone who is sad and in need of comfort. We do our best with self-care and a good hug from yourself does actually feel great.

All In It Together


In this crying cat meme, we find a joke about depression, which is no joking matter. Although, it is good that there seems to be an idea of a support group here. We all need all of the help we can get.



We love these crying cat memes about childhood. In this one, we find our sad cat feeling rather bruised after being disciplined by its parents. Anger cools over time, sweet cat. It will all feel normal again soon.

Washed Up


“Do I even matter?” this crying cat meme asks. It is hilarious because the question is paired with an image of a cat that looks like it has really hit the bottle hard. We hope this cat feels better after sleeping it off.

In Need of Cuddles


Here is one of the wildest crying cat memes that finds a cat requesting cuddles in exchange for money. What are cats out here doing? Why does this one have cash? So many questions and no answers with this meme.

The Good Food


Here’s yet another crying cat meme about childhood (we hope). When we are young all we crave is junk food and this cat is really sad after learning that it cannot have Mcdonald’s. Trust us, cat. The food you are about to get at home is so much better for you.



No matter how sad we may feel, our bodies still do the work. Try and count your blessings before sharing this crying cat meme. One of them is all of our cells keeping you ticking.



The truth of the matter is that you are what you bring to any situation. We love this idea of a very sensitive gamer. Cats sure do love fiddling with buttons and knobs and thankfully, this cat’s owner has captured that and photoshop has really turned it around.

A Mother’s Love


Here’s yet another crying cat meme about childhood. If you have ever felt like your sibling gets more love, this is the meme for you to share.

Crying Cat Memes Forever


In this meme, we find a crying cat who just cannot stop looking at other sad cats. The memes help, okay! We love this template and we were surprised not to find more memes out there made with it.

Expectations Meet Reality


It’s a grind out there, folks. In this crying cat meme, we find a cat faced with his lack of wealth despite working for a decade. Who else can relate?

All Dressed Up With Nowhere to Go


Here is a crying cat meme that captures a feeling we have all had at one point or another. If you have ever been looked over for a party invite, this is the meme for you. We’re sure it was an honest mistake!

Growing Up


Failure to launch is a common feeling many of us have had and that is especially true for those who had to move back home after a stint of independence. Do not worry! You have got this.

Black Cat


And the award for the cutest crying cat meme goes to… this meme right here. These cats are just adorable and that’s especially true for that very sad black cat. Take that advice and “Don’t listen to them.” You are not bad luck, cute baby!

The Anger


Less of a crying cat meme and more like a cat with a very mad-looking expression, this meme was so ridiculous we had to share it with you. What would you do if this was your cat’s resting expression?

On Second Thought


Who has not said that they don’t care when in actuality they do? We all have at some point and that’s what makes this crying cat meme so relatable and funny. We should all be more honest about our feeling.

The Haunting


In this sweet crying cat meme, we find one sad little kitten snuggled up with its baby. If you have trouble shaking conflicts from your mind, this is the meme for you. Overthinkers, we are thinking of you.



Again, less of a crying cat meme and one of sheer surprise. How good is this cat’s expression? We have all experienced this bathroom disaster at one point. The real measure of a person is how they react in those moments after realizing the water is on the rise.

So Sleepy


Here’s a perfect crying cat meme for anyone who has ever stayed up way too late watching Netflix. You just said “one more episode” one too many times! If you can relate to that sleepy feeling when you realize you have to wake up in just a few short hours, this meme is for you.



Have you ever thought about the word “meow” like this before? We had not! It is simply the perfect crying cat meme. The sad cat eyes in this one are enough to melt your heart!

There you go! We hope you got a kick out of these crying cat memes. If you enjoyed these memes but want even more, keep scrolling for some of the best memes to go viral on Twitter.

Enjoy Some Twitter Memes Below:

Garlic Stuff


You take the good with the bad, right? We’re not sure how this meme got started but we are pleased to see it still has legs.

About Love


There are so many fish in the sea but when you’ve found “the one,” they are all you need. What a fun nature-inspired meme.

Some Rules


Honestly, what is happening? Is this sign on a bathroom in Chernobyl? We’d walk the other way if we saw it in real life.

For Real


If you’re having trouble sticking to your diet, do not worry, you’re not alone. There are plenty of Twitter memes out there about it.

Sure Do


This is perfect. We never realized how much Ed Sheeran looked like that Chucky doll. We’re pretty sure this is one of the Twitter memes that’s about to go viral.



What is the point? We’re into this funny meme about taking things in a literal way. Now, we’re craving pizza.

How It Goes


“Okay, I respect your wrong opinion,” feels like something that’s said a lot on Twitter. There is so much arguing but there are Twitter memes that make it all worth it.

RELATED: Get Your Fix with These Funny Coffee Memes

This Text Exchange


We all make mistakes and sometimes it’s all about how you frame it that matters. This funny text exchange is perfect in every way imaginable.



This feels like something you debate in philosophy class. Is the house made of flesh or is he made of house? What a paradox.

With All Due Respect


Here’s one of the best parenting, Twitter memes. Does your toddler also do the same? We would cave too.

A Wager


Here’s a funny meme that’s clearly about your favorite Looney Tune, Wile E. Coyote. It looks like the Road Runner has done it again!



Wow! We’ve seen A1 for years and never noticed the date it was established was right in the middle of the Civil War. The war tore the country apart from 1861 until 1865. What was A1 even doing?

Dads Will Be Dads


Dads really love to tell you to turn the lights out. It’s actually the right thing to do. You don’t want to be wasting precious energy, would you?

Well, When You Put It Like That…


Here’s one of the unlikely Twitter memes about evolution. What a funny sentiment about the time when our ancestors left the sea and made it to land. How did we end up with capitalism?

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Here’s a great, paranormal meme about hearing a ghost child’s laughter. It’s 100% accurate.

There you go! We hope you enjoyed these recent Twitter memes that have been making the rounds lately. These funny memes will always cheer folks up so share them far and wide with the ones who need a pick me up.

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