Mamas Uncut

Hilarious Crying Memes That Make Sadness Totally Relatable

We all need a good cry from time to time. Crying memes capture the cathartic release of emotion and inject humor into that experience. Some crying memes simply are about crying and sadness while others are meant as hyperbolic reactions. This means there is plenty of variety among memes in this class.

We wanted to discover the best crying memes that feel as relatable as possible so we did some digging to discover which memes were being shared the most. We’ve rounded up the latest and greatest crying memes for you and this collection has the range! Check them out.

Missing Friends

Crying Meme

Have you been missing your bestie as of late? Here’s an excellent crying meme that shows how much you miss each other.



“Crying is not an emergency,” doesn’t feel fair but that’s adulthood. What a perfect meme about how insufferable adulting can feel at times.



The queen of the crying meme, Cassie from Euphoria cries in just about every scene she is in in the show. Her work on the show has spawned numerous memes and this is one of the best.

Hopes for the New Year


Is it just going to be like this forever, now? There’s so much uncertainty in these times that it can be a touch overwhelming.

You Deserve Some Attention


First things first, you look fantastic. However, this is a perfect crying meme about wanting attention but not receiving it.

That Feeling When:


Isn’t this the worst? Keep trying! That perfect snap is just around the corner.

Sad Girl Songs


Relatable? We find this crying meme to be very potent. We listen to sad music when we’re sad because it releases hormones that make us feel comforted. It’s totally natural.

Parking Woes


Who really needs an audience when trying to parallel park? If you’ve ever had to do it in front of a group of people, you know that the pressure is real.

We’re All Dumbo


Sadness can creep up on us out of nowhere. This crying meme perfectly captures its fleeting nature.

It’s Okay to (Ugly) Cry


As long as you’re releasing those emotions, that’s all that matters. Looking a hot mess is all part of the process.

A Real Issue


Have you ever looked at your phone and thought, “What more do you want from me?” You’re in good company.

Problem Solved


Where was this idea when we were in school? This really would change things.

When Reality Sets In


We have Paris Hilton to thank for these iconic images being used for a crying meme. Thank you for your service.

Who Else Has Been There?


Your neighbor is jealous of your emotional vulnerability. Let them stare. You’ve got some things to work through!

RELATED: 25 Sad Memes That Are Unfortunately All Too Relatable

You’re Welcome…


There are a number of crying memes about money, as you might expect. Here is one of our favorites.

The Report


Do you think your guardian angel would do the same? This is so funny.

Bills, Bills, Bills


Why is that? We all deserve more of the latter.

Just Some Peace and Quiet


Here’s a sort of expectations versus reality crying meme. Just be sure to do you the best way you know how.

An Assist from JVN


Jonathan Van Ness is an angel among us and always seems to have the right read on any situation. “Why am I crying?” is something we’ve all asked ourselves.



Work can be tough some days. You might as well be upfront about how you cope.



If they can’t understand where you’re coming from, they are not worthy. It’s okay to cry about it.

You Tried


Has this ever happened to you? Sometimes we’re too emotional to even be around other emotional folks. It’s a totally natural thing.

Plenty to Do


It’s fine to take time for yourself if you needed. That’s very much true if you’ve got some emotions to process and work through.



There’s more than one way to go about things. This clever meme comments on socializing when we’re sad.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Embarrassed Memes For Every Mortifying Situation

That Look


We leave you with this hilarious meme that finds a bottle of conditioner as a witness to a breakdown. It’s hilarious but it also captures some of the complicated feelings we have about letting ourselves cry and feeling shame about it. You’ll get through it!

There you have it! Now, you’ve got plenty of crying memes in your meme arsenal. We hope these funny memes serve you well. Share them far and wide!

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