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My Boyfriend Is an Alcoholic: How Should I Handle This?

My Boyfriend Is an Alcoholic: How Should I Handle This?


An expectant mom writes in asking for advice after her boyfriend who promised to quit drinking but has continuously lied about his progress. Being six months pregnant, the soon-to-be mom is worried about her family’s future and didn’t realize the father of her child was an alcoholic until recently. She knows where their relationship is heading, but she’s still looking for advice from others.

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A member of the community asks:

“I am 6 months pregnant. My boyfriend promised he would quit drinking. I didn’t realize he had this bad of a drinking problem until now. He did well for about 6 weeks and then he had two slip-ups. At first, he lied to me about drinking, but I found out through a mutual friend that he was wasted. He promised he would go to AA because he didn’t want to lose me. Well, he lied about that too. He got wasted again and tried to lie again about drinking and won’t go to AA. I pretty much know where this is headed, but I would like any advice. Thank you!”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Expectant Mom Whose Boyfriend Is an Alcoholic

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

Some of the community members think it’s time for this mama-to-be to move on. One commenter wrote, “Leave and once you’re gone, he may realize he needs to change his ways. If not, you’re strong and got this momma.”

Another mom wrote, “Girl, leave that alone. He isn’t ever gonna get clean until he wants too. I went through this with my ex.”

And someone else added, “He won’t quit till he’s ready to quit, you can’t say or do anything to make him change his mind. You have two choices, stay and accept it or leave.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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