Mamas Uncut

Friend of Halyna Hutchins Reveals Her Last Moments Before On Set Tragedy Involving Alec Baldwin Took Her Life


As new reports are revealing, Halyna Hutchins died while thinking about the livelihoods of others. As Mamas Uncut previously reported, Halyna Hutchins died on October 21 after she was accidentally shot in the chest by a prop gun held by actor Alec Baldwin.

According to an affidavit, everyone on set believed the prop gun was a “cold gun” when it was handed to Baldwin during rehearsal. Sadly, the prop gun did have a live round in it which struck Hutchins, a cinematographer, in the chest.

RELATED: Affidavit Reveals Who Handed Alec Baldwin the Prop Gun With a Live Round in It

Halyna Hutchins was just 42 years old. She leaves behind a husband and a 9-year-old son.

A Friend of Halyna Hutchins Reveals Her Last Moments Before On Set Tragedy Took Her Life

Now, a friend of Hutchins is opening up about the last moments of her life to People. During a candlelight vigil for the mom, Jonathan McAbee revealed that Hutchins felt a “responsibility” for her co-workers who stayed on set moments before her tragic passing.

Friend of Halyna Hutchins Reveals Her Last Moments Before On Set Tragedy Involving Alec Baldwin Took Her Life

As reports revealed, prior to the tragedy that occurred on the set of the movie Rust several crew members walked off the set due to unfavorable working conditions. However, while some of her colleagues made the decision to leave, Hutchins was one of those who stayed.

McAbee revealed that was because she “felt the responsibility for everyone else’s job there.” As McAbee continued, Hutchins knew the production of the project “rest[ed] on her shoulders. She’s the one responsible for how this [film’s] gonna look.”

“She put her heart and soul into everything she did, and even after losing her whole crew — who walked off in protest — she stayed because she felt the responsibility for everyone else’s job there,” he continued. “If she left, the production’s over and that’s what? Another 30 people’s jobs, livelihoods,” McAbee explained to People.


McAbee went on to say that things do need to change, adding that live firearms need to be “banned” on set. “There’s no reason why an actor cannot fake a recoil. … Every time you have a live firearm onset of any type, there’s a risk. And if I was on this show, I would have walked off too.”

According to the affidavit that was obtained by The New York Times, authorities learned that it was assistant director Dave Hall who picked up the prop gun and handed it to Alec Baldwin after yelling out “cold gun” which is meant to symbolize a firearm was in use, but that it was safe. The affidavit further stated that Hall grabbed the prop gun from a rolling cart prepared by armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed.

Since the tragedy occurred, it has been reported that Alec Baldwin is cooperating with authorities and that he has been in touch with Halyna Hutchins’ family. It has also been reported by a source that Baldwin is taking some time away from his current projects in hopes of processing everything.

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