Mamas Uncut

Help! What Is the Best Way to Explain to My Child that Someone Is Unsafe to Be Around

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QUESTION: How can I explain to my child that someone is unsafe?

“How do I explain an unsafe person to my child? My daughter’s father is not safe; anger issues, etc. How do I explain she is unsafe there? Any advice?”

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Help! What Is the Best Way to Explain to My Child that Someone Is Unsafe to Be Around

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“I dealt with this with my ex-husband. I actually had my children’s therapist take control of it. I didn’t want the kids relationship with their father to be ruined. But I wanted them to understand why they aren’t allowed to go to his house or go anywhere with him without the supervisor for visitation. This definitely depends on the age also.”

“Daddy is not being the best daddy he can be right now and until he is, Mommy just wants to keep you as safe as possible until circumstances change. Hope that helps and good luck.”

“We had to do this regarding my fiancé’s ex. We put it into terms that not all people we may know are safe, some are dangerous. And explained to them stranger danger isn’t just about strangers. (His ex was caught molesting a 14-year-old and it has come out she has done it to multiple kids).”

“He’s sick and until he can go to the doctor to get better, you can’t see him because I don’t want anything to ever happen to you! That’s what I told my daughter about her father. He has anger management issues due to addiction issues.”

“Be honest.”

“This is how I explained it to my kids when they were small” You know how we have to ask before we pet a dog because sometimes they’re not safe to pet? Same with adults. Ask before you speak to or hug/whatever an adult because not all of them are safe to talk to/hug/whatever. Keep it simple, don’t offer extra info. Only answer their questions as they come.”

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