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WATCH: Jennifer Garner Got Lost in a Parking Garage for 25 Minutes While Holding a Build-a-Bear, and We Have Never Related to Anything More

Jennifer Garner Lost Video


National treasure and world’s most relatable mom, Jennifer Garner, lost her car in a parking lot and documented the experience on video. You have not lived until you’ve seen this hilarity.

Jennifer is always a treat and we did not think we could love her more until this video happened. She recently posted the video to her Instagram. In it, she searches for her car with a Build-a-Bear tucked under her arm. We’d like to say we’ve never been in this situation, but yeah.

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Jennifer Garner posted a video of her looking for her car. We have questions.

Where’s the popcorn? We’ve watched this video a dozen times and it gets better with every viewing.

Why is she holding this stuffed bear?

jennifer.garner / Instagram

Also: Is she also holding the Build-a-Bear’s birth certificate? Did we answer our own question here?

Why did they wait ten minutes to start filming?

jennifer.garner / Instagram

First, Jennifer informs us that they’ve “been walking for 10 minutes.” Why did they wait? Every second of this video is gold. We missed ten minutes of it and we’re a touch sad about it, but it’s fine.

Why would you park in section Y of any garage?

jennifer.garner / Instagram

Why Y? Never choose a letter that already sounds like a question. You’re setting yourself up for failure Jennifer!

Why doesn’t her alarm button work?

jennifer.garner / Instagram

In the video, Jennifer keeps pressing the alarm button for her car. It isn’t sounding. Why?

We get an answer that only raises more questions.

jennifer.garner / Instagram

Jennifer explains that her key batteries are probably dead. Doesn’t she know that’s a safety risk?

Why did they walk for ten minutes plus when the person filming had a car?

jennifer.garner / Instagram

Why would Jennifer walk around aimlessly when she could have hoped in her friend’s car? We’re all about exercise, but getting out of a parking deck or lot should always be done quickly.

Why do things have to be so complicated?

jennifer.garner / Instagram

She shouldn’t have parked in Y.

How is the stress not getting to her?

jennifer.garner / Instagram

Oh, we asked that too soon. Jennifer is breaking a sweat!

Does she not have a plan?

jennifer.garner / Instagram

Oh, we see! What loop?

Does she zone out just like us when she drives?

jennifer.garner / Instagram

Seems likely.

Is this getting a bit ridiculous?

jennifer.garner / Instagram

Who’s keeping track at this point?

Will Jennifer ever find her beloved automobile?

jennifer.garner / Instagram

Eureka! She’s laid eyes on the prize!

But, how did this happen?

jennifer.garner / Instagram

Clearly someone moved her car. It’s the only possible explanation.

That was hilarious. Jennifer really knows how to bless us, fans.

Like the time she got her kid on the bus. She couldn’t be more relatable!

We can always count on her to make us smile.

She always imparts her wisdom along with some wit.

Can she star in a reality TV show already?

If you’re honest with yourself, you know you’d watch it.

She’s got such a singular voice.

We can never get enough Jennifer Garner.

It’s pretty obvious what we are wishing for.

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