Mamas Uncut

Jon Gosselin’s Girlfriend Shares Christmas Photo with Kids as Jon’s Latest Battle with Kate Rages On


Former Jon & Kate Plus 8 star, Jon Gosselin is in the midst of a nasty fight with his ex-wife, Kate Gosselin. The drama has escalated over this past year and culminated with an appearance on the Dr. Oz Show where Jon called Kate an “unfit mother,” among other things.

The latest development in the Gosselin saga came this past holiday when Jon’s current girlfriend, Colleen Conrad shared a Christmas photo of their blended family.

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Jon Gosselin’s longtime girlfriend, Colleen Conrad, shared a Christmas photo on Instagram with her blended family.

The family-of-six wore matching flannel pants and posed in front of their fireplace. Colleen captioned the photo, “Happy Holidays from our family to yours!!!”

The photo features Jon and his two kids, Hannah and Collin. Jon recently retained custody of the two children. In addition to Jon’s children, the photo also features two of Colleen’s kids.

Colleen has two kids, named Jesse and Jordan from a previous marriage.

Colleen and Jon have a blended family and both have kids from previous marriages. The Christmas photo landed just a month after photos were shared of the family spending Thanksgiving together in Saint Croix.

The same group traveled to the US Virgin Islands together to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Spending the holidays away from their mother, Kate, Collin, and Hannah seem very happy with their living situation.

Jon Gosselin explained in early November that things between himself and Kate were “volatile.”

Jon said that his relationship with his ex-wife had further deteriorated and that Collin and Hannah probably wouldn’t see their mother over the holidays.

The trip came on the heels of a revealing TV appearance in which Jon shared some harsh criticism of his ex-wife.

With Dr. Oz, Jon called Kate an “unfit mother.” Additionally, Jon blasted Kate saying, “I believe her belief system is skewed.”

Jon also speculated that Kate might be suffering from a personality disorder.

Kate doesn’t seem phased by the criticism and still appears on reality TV programs for TLC.

Jon said of Kate, “I believe her intentions, in the beginning, were good intentions. She fought to have these kids. I think once fame and money got involved, it twisted her belief system. On my end, I’ve been fighting to get my kids off TV forever.”

This certainly seems like it could be true considering that Jon has strayed away from reality TV and his wife continues making appearances.

Jon has considered asking Colleen to marry him.

Jon told reporters at WE tv’s Real Love: Relationship Reality TV’s Past, Present & Future that he’s “thought about” marriage to Colleen.

He elaborated saying, “I’ve known Colleen my whole life. We grew up three blocks from each other. Her sister used to babysit me.”

Whatever the next step is, we’re happy to see this blended family spending time with the people they love.

Family is what you make it and after all the drama between Kate and Jon over the years, we’re happy to see him in a good place.

Fans were also pretty pleased with the photo and Christmas message.

Jon Gosselin's Girlfriend Shares Christmas Photo with Kids During Fight with Kate
colleen.conrad122 / Instagram

Comments from fans flooded the Christmas photo. Many left encouraging comments noting how beautiful their family appears.

We don’t know what 2020 will bring for Jon, Kate, and their children. But, we sure hope it’s a move in a positive direction.

Collin and Hannah seem so happy with their father Jon Gosselin and his girlfriend Colleen. We sure hope those bonds continue to strengthen and that Jon and Kate can reconcile their differences.

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