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My Daughter, Who Mostly Lives at Her Boyfriend's, Comes Homes Twice a Day to Eat Food and Leaves Me with the Mess: Advice?

My Daughter, Who Mostly Lives at Her Boyfriend’s, Comes Homes Twice a Day to Eat Food and Leaves Me with the Mess: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 18-year-old teenage daughter. She says her daughter, who mostly lives at her boyfriend’s house, comes home in at most to sleep and/or eat. She comes home to eat because her boyfriend’s mother refuses her food, as she does not pay to live there. So this mom’s daughter started coming home and taking food to bring back to her boyfriend’s to eat. This mom put a stop to it, said that the food must be eaten at home. So now the daughter comes home to eat, but then up and leaves her mom with the mess. What can she do?

My Daughter, Who Mostly Lives at Her Boyfriend’s, Comes Homes Twice a Day to Eat Food and Leaves Me with the Mess: Advice? Read More »

I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant and Was Smoking Cigarettes: Should I Be Worried?

I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant and Was Smoking Cigarettes: Should I Be Worried?

A mom writes in asking for advice about smoking while pregnant. She says that she has been trying to conceive for a couple of months. After taking a pregnancy test recently and getting a negative result, she smoked through several packs of cigarettes. She later found out she is, in fact, pregnant. Should she be worried about the smoking she did?

I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant and Was Smoking Cigarettes: Should I Be Worried? Read More »

Bride Asks Bridesmaid To Lose Weight Before Wedding

After Bridesmaid Gains Pandemic Pounds, Bride Asks Her ‘Gently’ To Return To Her Last Dress Size To Stay In Wedding

One bride isn’t buying the pandemic-15-pound excuse. After asking the internet if she was wrong to ask a bridesmaid to lose weight for her wedding, many are shocked at the details.

After Bridesmaid Gains Pandemic Pounds, Bride Asks Her ‘Gently’ To Return To Her Last Dress Size To Stay In Wedding Read More »

Son Is Reunited with Parents 32 Years After He Was Kidnapped

Son Is Reunited with Parents 32 Years After He Was Kidnapped Thanks To Facial Recognition Technology

A Chinese couple who spent over three decades looking for their son after he was abducted in the late ’80s were reunited with him last week in what local media called one of the county’s “most notorious” missing child cases.

Son Is Reunited with Parents 32 Years After He Was Kidnapped Thanks To Facial Recognition Technology Read More »

'Bringing Up Bates' Star Carlin Bates Opens Up About Her Newborn Daughter's Struggles with Heart and Oxygen Issues

‘Bringing Up Bates’ Star Carlin Bates Opens Up About Her Newborn Daughter’s Struggles with Heart and Oxygen Issues

“In some ways I feel like the hospital has become our 2nd home! Although we’re still so nervous about the outcomes of everything, I know my God is in control and He’s writing our little story.”

‘Bringing Up Bates’ Star Carlin Bates Opens Up About Her Newborn Daughter’s Struggles with Heart and Oxygen Issues Read More »

My Almost Year-Old Baby Refuses to Eat Anything Other Than Baby Food: Advice

My Almost Year-Old Baby Refuses to Eat Anything Other Than Baby Food: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 11-month-old baby who, she says, refuses to eat any food other than baby food. She has tried a ton of different baby-safe foods, but nothing has taken. Her son will only eat baby food with cereal mixed in. If she gives him something else, like peas or eggs or banana, “he will gag until he makes himself throw up.” Do you have any advice for this mom?

My Almost Year-Old Baby Refuses to Eat Anything Other Than Baby Food: Advice? Read More »

I Struggle Deeply with Mom Guilt Whenever I Leave My Baby with Others: Advice?

I Struggle Deeply with Mom Guilt Whenever I Leave My Baby with Others: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about dealing with mom guilt. She says that her 5-month-old daughter has basically been by her side all day, every day since birth. This mom feels guilty leaving her baby with others, including family members. She is worried that this attachment is bad for her baby, who has become fussy the few times she’s let family care for her. And then she feels more guilt at the idea of leaving a fussy baby with a loved one. She’s looking for advice about how to get used to letting her daughter be in others’ care and managing her emotions and mental health in the process.

I Struggle Deeply with Mom Guilt Whenever I Leave My Baby with Others: Advice? Read More »

Doctors Find First US Child With COVID-19-Triggered Disease

Doctors Shocked To Discover 6-Month-Old Was First US Child To Suffer Alarming COVID-19-Triggered, Inflammatory Disease

Just last week, UK doctors began warning health officials across the globe of an “inflammatory-like disease” that was appearing in children and believed to be brought on by the coronavirus.

Doctors Shocked To Discover 6-Month-Old Was First US Child To Suffer Alarming COVID-19-Triggered, Inflammatory Disease Read More »

My Two-Year-Old Has Refused to Eat Solid Foods for the Last Six Months: Advice?

My Two-Year-Old Has Refused to Eat Solid Foods for the Last Six Months: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her two-year-old. She says her toddler, who once ate “literally anything,” has refused to eat solid foods for the last six months. All he wants is milk, juice, and sometimes oranges. All day, every day. This mom has tried some old standby tricks, but now she’s turning to the community for further advice.

My Two-Year-Old Has Refused to Eat Solid Foods for the Last Six Months: Advice? Read More »

I'm 15 Weeks Pregnant and Have No Support System: Advice?

I’m 15 Weeks Pregnant and Have No Support System: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about finding support during her pregnancy. She says she is 15 weeks pregnant, and though she is with the father of the child, he is currently injured and unable to help with many of the things she needs help with. She has health concerns as well, along with housing and financial issues. What can she do? Who can she turn to?

I’m 15 Weeks Pregnant and Have No Support System: Advice? Read More »

Kylie Jenner Calls Stretch Marks "Gifts" On Instagram

Kylie Jenner Dawns Stretch Marks On Instagram: “I Haven’t Gotten Rid Of Them; Just Accepted Them As A Little Gift From Stormi”

If you have seen any one of the Kardashian’s – then you know without a doubt, the sister-stars seem to always be captured in the most perfect picture way, including Kylie Jenner.

Kylie Jenner Dawns Stretch Marks On Instagram: “I Haven’t Gotten Rid Of Them; Just Accepted Them As A Little Gift From Stormi” Read More »

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