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Mamas Uncut’s Most Popular Memes Of the Week: “Maybe She’s Losing It. Maybe It’s Quarantine.”

Mamas Uncut Most Popular Memes Of the Week

Do you need a little meme inspiration to keep you going today? Yes, yes you do! Funny memes are our life-force and we’re not ashamed to admit it. At Mamas Uncut, we come across many a dank meme and we decided it’s time to start sharing the best of the best every week. Being a mom can sometimes feel like you’re on your own little island. When, in reality, every mama is going through the same things you are. Memes are here to help.

The world (and internet) can be a dark place and we’ve decided to wade through the trash to find the treasure. Here are 38 incredibly funny and heartfelt memes we think any mom, parent, or person with a beating heart will love. If you need a pick-me-up, scroll through our most popular memes and we’re sure you’ll get a laugh and some well-deserved validation.


Just blame all the bad stuff on the father. You’re doing great, mama!


Parents can get along. Love is real.

3 Yesss!

Yes, we’ve always wanted to meet a ghost. If that doesn’t happen, we’ll settle for a broken hip as a result of falling through rotten floorboards.

Thank You For Your Service

Mission accomplished. Time to give it a rest.

100% This

Privacy? Who is she? I’ve never met her.

Let’s Do It

We’re going to be so thrilled when all of this is all behind us. Aren’t you ready for a little normalcy?


How do we get on that level?


There are so many sacrifices no one warns you about. Your meals aren’t even your own.

Good Morning!

LOL! This is a perfect meme. It hits so right. Could the Sanderson sisters make us a sleep potion?


This is so true. Public schools aren’t just places of learning they’re essential for children experiencing food insecurity and/or a troubled home life.

Looking Good

And, you’re doing just fine. We love this meme about loving yourself.


When will it ever end?

 Keep Going!

We might all be losing it, but we’ve got to keep things moving forward for the kids.

100 Times This

Take care of yourself and do the best you can for your kids. That’s all you need to worry about.


Keep your opinions to yourself. We’re all doing our best right now.

If You Know…

It’s curfew. Time to get home when the lights come on.

It’s Called Pajama Time, All the Time

Even better: if you see ME in the same clothes for the last five days, mind your own business.

Beautiful Mess

Motherhood is different for every single mom. It’s fine to be a little rough around the edges. Just make sure you’re being true to yourself.

We’ll Hold Our Breath

Waking a baby is not an option. We’ll do some Indiana Jones-style maneuvers to keep that from happening.

My Way

Perhaps we don’t actually need a break from our kids and may need a break from ourselves. It’s hard to let go, but you deserve that break!

What Could Go Wrong?

We’re not sure if this creative idea is at all practical.

Good (Sleepy) Times

It’s the best and the worst at the exact same time. Parenting is so hard, but the reward is the greatest thing on the planet.

How Dare He?

LOL! This meme is so wonderful. The anger in that cat’s eye… We would not mess with this lady.

Finally Winning

Wow. We feel absolutely seen. We think.

Lockdown Love

Home is where the pandemic is not. We’re not sure why any parent would want to memorialize this moment, but it’s good for an arts and crafts project.

Thirst Responders

Co-sign. If you’re going to risk your life, it might as well be for George Clooney and puppies.

Ah, Ah, Ugh…

Today? How about every day? It’s not a laughing matter and we need the Count to rethink things.

YOU MIGHT ALSO ENJOY: MU’s Top 35 Memes of the Week: “Respect Your Parents. They Passed School Without Google.”


A mother’s love is truly boundless. What a precious meme.

Worth It

We’d take one less stretch mark, but yes to this.

We Feel so Old

Well, we have finally arrived. How does it make you feel?


We really thought we remembered how to solve for Y after being taught how and not applying that skill to anything for decades. Rude awakening.


And, tired. Basically, parenting turns you into an adult-baby who hasn’t been fed, changed, or put to bed in years.

By a Thread

Live shot of our last shred of sanity right now. This meme is every parent’s mental state in 2020.

Bless this Mess

How can you be mad at little Kermit here? As Kermit famously said, “Life’s like a movie. Write your own ending.” We guess he wanted the end to involve a grounding.

RELATED: The Muppets of ‘Sesame Street’ Want to Comfort Socially Distanced Kids in New Special

Target King

Oh, Tiger King… How can one person be so endlessly meme-able? When this is all over, there are going to be some epic Target shopping sprees. We can’t wait.

There you go! 35 incredible memes about parenting and motherhood that you needed in your life today. These are some of the most popular memes on Mamas Uncut and it’s easy to see why.

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