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Man Demands Sister-In-Law Return His Baby Gifts After Pregnancy Ends

Man demands SIL return baby gifts

One man took to Reddit to complain after his sister-in-law refused to return the baby gifts she was given after her pregnancy ended.

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The man says his SIL (sister-in-law), who ended her pregnancy, should return the expensive baby gifts she received. We’re not entirely sure if this man understands the concept of gift-giving or if he’s just really dense. We don’t have to speculate much because Reddit users have some thoughts, a lot of thoughts!

The man alleges in his post that the decision came after years of the woman trying to get pregnant. Further, he states that both mom and baby were healthy.


According to the poster, the SIL provided a list of gifts she’d like for her unborn baby. He and his wife purchased some items for her, “We bought her a crib ($1200) and some baby clothes (about $200) in preparation,” he said, “She also received other gifts from other family members.”

The pregnancy did not go to term and the SIL is no longer with her boyfriend. Now the man wants his SIL to return all of the gifts the couple received.

He thinks it’s wrong for his SIL to keep the gifts now that there is no baby.


“We told her to return the baby items to us and she refused, saying she’ll use them one day,” he explained. “Sure, but we can just get it back for you then. This is holding our money hostage. She still refused, so we asked to be reimbursed at which she also refused.”

They then told the SIL that the gifts would count toward her birthday and Christmas gifts.

“Knowing we’re now dealing with a brat,” he continued, “we let it be and aren’t associating with her for now.”


“This caused a cacophony of chaos in the family with many upset with her and many supporting her,” he said.

Many people on Reddit sided with the SIL because she’d lost both a relationship and a child.


“She’s grieving,” one commenter said, “…The man she thought she wanted left, and now everything she thought she was and was going to be is gone. Whether you see her suffering or not, that all sucks and is painful. I get that you feel your money was wasted, but maybe having [the gifts] gives her hope that one day her life won’t be this hot mess of emptiness she’s got right now. Just let it go.”

“Her boyfriend, the baby’s father, left her while pregnant,” another agreed. “The break up is one thing but is it possible she did want the baby but didn’t want to be a single mom, couldn’t afford to be etc and the baby stuff is her way of holding on to the idea. Be more compassionate to your sister.”


“Instead of supporting their sister through two really big losses, they’re being classy AF (/s) by demanding the return of baby gifts and hounding her for them,” another pointed out. “I feel OP is an unreliable narrator or not privy to what went down. They’re compounding her grief by being ravening wombles.”

Still, others thought the SIL was being selfish and agreed with the poster.


But many people agreed that the SIL should return the gifts.

“If someone gets married and calls it off what happens to those gifts?” a person posted. “… think you are eligible for a refund of all that stuff honestly.”

“You and your wife did something nice for her,” another added. “She needs to either give you the things back or pay you the money.”

Cool… If you can’t afford or aren’t comfortable giving a gift away, maybe don’t give. That seems pretty simple.

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