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My Fiancée Wants to Adopt my Son but My Family Is Against It: Advice?

My Fiance Wants to Adopt my Son but My Family Is Against It: Advice?


A mom writes in asking for advice after her son’s biological father said he wanted to sign over his rights and her new partner asked to adopt her son. However, while the mom is considering allowing her partner to adopt, her family is against it. Now, this mom is looking for advice to help her make the right decision.

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A member of the community asks:

“My partner and I have been together for six months, but she has been more to me than anyone ever has in my entire life. And has accepted my son as her own. The biological dad wants to sign over his rights, and I’m perfectly fine with that. But my partner wants to adopt my son. The way I see it is, he will always have two loving parents. No matter if my partner and I stay together or not.

The dilemma [is that] my family doesn’t want her and I getting married, which she just proposed, plus they don’t want her to adopt him. I think it’s not their place to voice their opinions as they have been super obsessive about my son since he has been born. Advice, please.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Thinks Her Family Should Be More Supportive of Her Fiancé Potentially Adopting Her Son

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary


While many told the mom, “it’s her family,” others advised her to listen to her family.

One mom wrote, “It’s your family and your son. The only legal person who has a say is the biological father, and if he is ok, then go for it. You create the family that you want.” However, another person added, “Six months is way too soon. Give it a few years. It’s only a piece of paper but if you split, [it] could cause you a lot more hassle.”

And someone else said, “I would give the relationship more time to develop, ripen and come down from that first blush of newness and excitement before taking such a serious step. But how and when it should be done is NOT a group decision. It is between you, your partner, and the child in question.”

Another agreed, “Your child’s happiness comes first, give your relationship a chance to work and then maybe go ahead for adoption … But if the father of the child doesn’t want any responsibilities towards his child the decision’s fully yours, not outside family’s. All the best to you both I wish you happiness and enjoy this love you have found with each other, the baby will thrive because of it.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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