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Mom Accidentally Picked Out Two Names For Her Baby Girl That Sounded Like ‘Lasagna’ When You Say Them Together But Didn’t Realize It

Just like comedian Amy Schumer, one mom on Reddit is admitting that she picked two names for her newborn daughter that, when you say them together, take on a totally different word. In Schumer’s case, she originally named her son, Gene Attell.

But as the funny mom pointed out on an episode of her podcast, she and her husband made the decision to change their son’s middle name to David after they realized that when you say his first and middle name together it sounds like “genital.”

RELATED: Amy Schumer Reveals She Had to Change Her Son’s Middle Name Months After His Birth After She Learned What His Original Name Sounded Like

And as Reddit user, “namedmydaughterpasta,” wrote she did something very similar. “My husband and I welcomed our first child about nin weeks ago,” she said. “We found out it was going to be a girl and we quickly decided on the name Elizabeth for her.”

As the new mom explained after deciding on the name Elizabeth, they also decided on the middle name Jane “with the intent to call her “EJ” for short. “However, when I was seven months pregnant, my husband’s mother lost her fight with breast cancer,” she wrote. So they made the decision to give their then-unborn daughter the middle name Anya in honor of her late mother-in-law.

Mom Names Baby Girl Something That Sounds Like 'Lasagna'

Mom Names Baby Girl Something That Sounds Like ‘Lasagna’

“My husband and his family were touched and agreed so our daughter became Elizabeth Anya Jane. A few days after she was born we quickly started calling her Liz instead of Elizabeth. Now her legal name is all but forgotten and everyone refers to her as Liz Last-Name.”

It wasn’t until a conversation with her sister over Skype that the new mom realized that her daughter’s first and middle name, Liz Anya, sounds like “lasagna.” “I hadn’t made the mental connection.”

“I told my sister that I doubt anyone would make that connection, especially considering people rarely use their middle names in daily life. But then my whole family chimed in and now everyone keeps calling my daughter ‘Lasagna.'”

The admitted that she’s now concerned that when she’s old enough to start going to school, that her classmates will “latch onto this and make fun of her. I mean, the teasing has already started amongst my family.”

“They won’t stop and every time I protest they remind me that I’m the one who named her so I’ve made my bed. I’m basically not speaking to them right now and they’ve been sending me daily tests basically telling me I’m being unreasonable and cruel to keep them from seeing the baby via Skype.”

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Now she’s left wondering if she is, in fact, the a**hole for naming her daughter what she did and for cutting off her family because of their teasing. While many of the comments reassured the mom that she is not an a**hole, that they should just raise her daughter with a good sense of humor.

“Just try and raise your kid with a good sense of humor and self-worth,” one commenter said. “Kids make fun of each other no matter what, don’t stress about that.”

“I’m not sure not having those people in her life is a bad thing,” another wrote. “Odds are good that her classmates won’t ever know her middle name. I went to a pretty small school with the same kids for years and had no clue if most of them even had one, much less what it was.” How would you handle this situation?

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