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Mom’s Honest and Emotional Post About Morning Sickness Goes Viral: ‘Thank You, Husband’

Mom's Honest and Emotional Post About Morning Sickness Goes Viral: 'Thank You, Husband'


Sara Celina is an Instagram influencer from Sweden. She is currently a mom of two, but Sara and her family are expecting another little one on the way in 2021 and as a result, she has been dealing with morning sickness.

On August 5, Sara and her husband announced that they were expecting baby number three and couldn’t be more excited about it. As she revealed in the announcement, while she was thankful for all the well wishes and is very happy to become a mom a three, she is “also very nauseous and tired.”

RELATED: Tips to Help with Morning Sickness: Advice from Pediatrician Dr. Tiffany Fischman

Mom’s Honest Post About Morning Sickness Goes Viral

And that nausea has continued over the last two weeks. In a brutally honest and emotional Instagram post, Sara opened up about the morning sickness she was experiencing and how it was affecting her.

“My husband kindly snapped this photo of us earlier this week. I asked him not so kindly to f*** off and he did,” Sara began her post. “When I walked out of the bathroom an hour later I asked him why he felt the need to capture that exact moment, since it definitely wouldn’t be one I wanted to remember.”

And Sara’s husband had an answer for her:

“Well, you’ve been sick all day every day for the past 4 weeks, you keep asking me and yourself if it’s even worth it, having to feel this bad, so I wanted to remind you of why you’re doing this, because even though this part sucks, it will bring you something so extraordinary in the end. It will bring you someone who loves you unconditionally even on your worst day. It will bring you a person that doesn’t care about the fact that you haven’t showered in 4 days and you’re puking endlessly, she will still want to be right next to you, she will hold your hair up, pet you on your back and keep telling you that you’re doing great, that my dear is the purest kind of love I’ve ever seen.”

RELATED: I Have Terrible Morning Sickness. How Can I Still Show My Husband Love?

In the end, despite her initial feelings about the photo her husband took, Sara is now thankful for the image. She’s thankful because it signifies the journey and the hardships she will endure to become a mom of three, a title she is honored to have. “So thank you, husband, for always making me look at the big picture when I’m only focusing on the small things in front of me,” Sara concluded her post. “Because if this baby turns out to be even 1/10 as amazing as our others did, it’s worth every single second of it. Even though this part truly does suck.”

How incredibly sweet is that?

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