19 Shocking and Unbelievable Facts About Periods That Most People Don’t Know

Prepare to be amazed as we delve into the often-misunderstood and rarely-discussed world of periods and menstruation. Despite being a natural part of life for half the population, countless aspects of this biological process remain shrouded in mystery and misconception. We’re about to uncover some truly astonishing facts that might change how you think about periods.

Did you know that a rare period disorder can cause bleeding from the eyes? Or that cold weather could intensify menstrual pain. These are just a few mind-boggling truths we’re about to explore. So buckle up and prepare for an enlightening journey through a topic that touches every corner of human existence but is still often kept under wraps. Get ready to have your mind blown by these little-known facts about menstruation.

Periods Can Make People Bleed from Their Eyes

Period Facts

Yes, you read that correctly. Thankfully, this condition is extremely rare, but the fact that it’s happened to any person is disturbing. According to the National Library of Medicine, vicarious menstruation mainly affects patients with endometriosis. A uterine-like tissue forms around the eyes, resulting in bleeding during menstruation.

Bleeding from Other Parts of the Body Has Also Been Documented

Period Facts

It’s not just the eyes. The same condition has been known to make people bleed from their nose, ears, urethra, and rectum during their period.

Being on Your Period Can Change Your Voice

Period Facts

In the days leading up to a period and into it, your voice can change dramatically. Scientists coined the term dysphonia premenstrualis for it. Symptoms include “decreased vocal efficiency, reduced flexibility, breathiness, fatigued voice, loss of high notes, hoarseness, intonation problems, and muffled voice.”

Because of It, European Opera Singers Were Given ‘Grace Days’

Period Facts

According to a 2018 report, Ukrainian opera houses still offer “grace days” for singers on their period. Speech pathologist Jean Abitbol says, “symptoms of premenstrual vocal syndrome include the loss of vocal power, range and harmonics, and a reduced ability to sing pianissimo. Also, drier vocal cords during menstruation make it more difficult to control vibrato.”

Your Womb ‘Strangling’ Itself Causes Period Cramps

Period Facts

Period cramps are no joke. They are caused by the uterus contracting to get the uterine lining out of your womb. When the contractions intensify, your uterus constricts its blood vessels so tightly that oxygen cannot reach them. This lack of oxygen triggers pain signals, which are transmitted to your brain. Ouchies!

But wait, it gets worse. These powerful contractions trigger the release of chemicals called prostaglandins. Prostaglandins encourage the uterus to contract further. It’s as bad as it feels, folks.

Periods Are Worse in Winter and Cold Environments

Period Facts

“Blood vessels constrict in the cold, reducing blood flow,” GP Sarah Jervis said. “If the blood flow from your period is interrupted, it could increase period pain. It’s also possible that pain receptors are more sensitive in cold weather.” 

Guess How Much of Your Life You Will Spend Menstruating

Period Facts

The average person with a uterus will spend seven years menstruating. Seven. Years. Don’t dwell on this for too long, as your womb has already taken seven years from you, and you should not give it another moment.

Use of a Menstrual Cup Might Mess With IUDs

Period Facts

According to one paper, those who use menstrual cups instead of pads or tampons are more likely to move or dislodge an IUD and make it ineffective. While more research needs to be done about it, a doctor BuzzFeed spoke with suggested getting some tips for menstrual cups and IUDs here.

Your Period Is Coming for You: Asthma Edition

Period Facts

Your period can make asthma symptoms much more dangerous. According to one journal, 19-40% of asthmatics who menstruate experience worse symptoms in the week leading up to their period. The condition is known as perimenstrual asthma. It’s not the same as your garden-variety asthma. Sufferers can experience  “aspirin sensitivity, less atopy, and lower lung capacity.” The theory is that hormones are to blame.

RELATED: Why Do We Yawn? Learn Why and Other Fascinating Facts About the Reflex

Periods Are Our Undergarments’ Worst Enemy

Period Facts

54% of people who menstruate report periods ruining all of their underwear. Every single pair!

Toxic Shock Syndrome Kisses Tampons Goodbye

Period Facts

Most of us have been warned about the effects of leaving a tampon in for too long. One condition that can occur is the life-threatening toxic shock syndrome (TSS). According to BuzzFeed and the Mayo Clinic, symptoms include vomiting, a high fever, dizziness, diarrhea, a sore throat, muscle aches, faintness or weakness, and a sunburn-type rash; call your doctor immediately if you notice these.

For those who have been treated for (TSS), the Mayo Clinic advises them never to use tampons again.

Ancient Europeans Had Some Strange Beliefs About Period Blood

Period Facts

In the Middle Ages, people believed that period blood could cure leprosy. A nun, Hildegard von Bingen, was born in what we now call Germany in 1098. She had a bunch of exciting ideas, but one truly stands out. She wrote if “a person becomes leprous from lust or intemperance… He should make a bath…and mix in menstrual blood, as much as he can get, and get into the bath.”

The Middle Ages used to be called the “Dark Ages,” we should go back to that for this reason alone.

The Need to Clean

Period Facts

Menstruation throws hormones and chemicals out of whack, and in the days leading up to it, many folks report having the compulsion to deep clean. Why? Most people’s serotonin levels tank just before it starts. The result is a sadder, more irritable, and obsessive mood. This gives some people the urge to scrub.

It Can Hurt So Bad Fainting Can Occur

Period Facts

Dysmenorrhea is a million-dollar word that means “period pain.” Some cases are so severe that people pass out. Other symptoms include but are not limited to cramping, vomiting, low back pain, nausea, fatigue, diarrhea, headaches, weakness, or pain spreading down the legs. If you feel like you’re about to faint, you should contact your doctor.

The French Thought Period Sex Resulted in Monster Babies

Period Facts

An old French belief held that having sex while menstruating would result in a scary baby. According to The Curse: A Cultural History Of Menstruation, it would lead to “puny, languid, and moribund, subject to an infinity of fetid maladies, foul and stinking” children. Got it.

Pliny the Elder Can’t Hang

Period Facts
Public Domain

“Great thinker,” Pliny the Elder sure had some weird thoughts about those who menstruate. The Roman writer and historian wrote that people on their periods would stop hailstorms, dim mirrors, ruin crops, kill bees, and blunt weapons. He also believed menstrual blood drove dogs mad.

Here’s Why Period Poops Are So Miserable

Period Facts

We’re circling back to prostaglandins for this one. The same chemical that causes contractions to increase can also impact your bowels, making them contract. The result is a very unpleasant trip to the toilet.

There’s a Disney Movie About Menstruation…

Period Facts

In 1946, Walt Disney produced The Story of Menstruation, recognized as one of the first films to use the term “vagina.”

It’s better than you might expect, and once you start watching it, you won’t be able to stop. Take a look at it here.

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Menstruators Today Have More Periods Than Their Ancestors

Period Facts

It’s sadly true. In most industrialized societies, the average menstruator has 450 menstrual cycles. Historians believe that in prehistoric times, and even later, people got their period far less often. Many factors could have been at play, but leading theories are that malnourishment and multiple pregnancies are to blame.

“Menstrual regularity was also impacted by the fact that most women spent a larger part of their reproductive life either pregnant or breastfeeding, compared to today,” History Extra said.

We hope these surprising period facts have broadened your understanding and sparked curiosity. Remember, knowledge is power – the more we understand about our bodies, the better equipped we are to navigate the intricacies of our health. So, keep exploring, learning, and, most importantly, keep the conversation about periods going!

Ever wonder why humans and animals yawn? We’ve got some answers for you below!

Why Do We Yawn? Discover the Possible Answers Below and Some Fascinating Facts About Our Bodies.

Why Do We Yawn?

Current research suggests a correlation between brain temperature and yawning as well as it potentially being an empathic response. So, do we yawn to regulate brain temperature or do we yawn because others are yawning around us?

Even If You’re Not Tired, Yawns Happen

Why Do We Yawn?

The most scientifically backed theory about why we yawn has to do with brain temperature regulation. A 2014 study published in the journal Physiology & Behavior looked at the yawning habits of 120 people and found that yawning occurred less during the winter than in summer. If the brain’s temperature gets too far outside of the normal range, inhaling air can help cool it down.

Yawning When You’re Tired

Why Do We Yawn?

Why do we yawn when we’re tired? It might be your body trying to stimulate your brain. When we’re tired, the brain slows down causing the temperature to drop. But, stick a pin in this topic because we will return to it.

Why Do We Yawn When We’re Bored?

Why Do We Yawn?

Boredom is a lack of stimulation and that’s not only true for you when you feel it. When our brains get bored they slow down, causing the temperature to drop. Yawning helps stimulate the brain and raises the temperature back to. a normal range.

Why Do We Yawn When We See Someone Else Yawn?

Why Do We Yawn?

In general, when you’re in the same environment as another person, you’re both exposed to the same stimuli and the actual temperature that surrounds you. That means that both people or multiple people can share the same set of circumstances that causes yawning.

Does Yawning Wake Us Up?

Why Do We Yawn?

Another reason you may yawn is due to the body wanting to wake itself up. The physical motion helps stretch the lungs and their tissues, and it allows the body to flex its muscles and joints. Evidence also suggests that yawns also force blood toward your face and brain to increase alertness.

Other Possibilities for Why Yawning Is Contagious

BuzzFeed / YouTube

Yes, yawning is contagious and, no, you’re not imagining it. Yawning is so contagious that even videos of people yawning can make you yawn. In the above video, created by BuzzFeed, people are shown yawning. Try watching the video and see if it will also make you yawn. We’ll let you know just what it could mean after you’ve viewed it.

Did You Yawn?

Why Do We Yawn?

Did the video make you yawn? If it did, that could be a really good signal. According to a Baylor study reported by Healthline, yawning after you see someone else yawn means that you’re expressing empathy and a readiness to bond with another person.

More on the Baylor Study

Why Do We Yawn?

The study, which was published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, looked at 135 college students, their personalities, and how they reacted to different facial movements. The results showed that the less empathy a person had, the less likely they would yawn after seeing someone else yawn.

However, You’re Not a Psychopath If You Did Not Yawn

Why Do We Yawn?

You might not have yawned while watching the video and if you did not, there is no reason to worry! The results of the Baylor study cannot be generalized. This means that not yawning does not indicate psychopathic or sociopathic tendencies.

How Do You Stop Yawning?

Why Do We Yawn?

Sometimes you catch a case of the yawns and you cannot stop yawning once you have started. A lack of sleep is generally the cause but there are some things you can do to help yourself out. It’s actually pretty easy to stop a yawning fit scenario.

Nasal Breathing

Why Do We Yawn?

If you are excessively yawning, practice deep, nasal breathing. That just means for you to take deep breaths through your nose. A 2007 study also found that nasal breathing decreased contagious yawning completely in their research.

Tips for Better Sleep and Less Yawning

Why Do We Yawn?

For better quality sleep and fewer yawns, exercise more. Also, limiting caffeine and alcohol will help. Further, creating a comfortable sleeping environment and sticking to a sleep schedule will also help you get the most restful and restorative sleep possible.

Other Ways to Stop Yawns

Why Do We Yawn?

Get that body moving! Breaking up a routine will also help stimulate your brain. Feelings of tiredness, boredom, and stress tend to make people yawn even more. Excessive yawning may also stem from taking in too much caffeine or going through an opiate detox.

Time to Cool Off

Why Do We Yawn?

As we mentioned, yawning is likely a result of brain temperature. That means that cooling yourself off will likely help you from yawning. You can try taking a walk outside or finding a space with a cooler temperature. If you don’t have time to go for a walk, drink some cool water or eat a chilled snack, such as fruit or baby carrots.

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When Should You See a Doctor?

Why Do We Yawn?

You should get medical advice from a doctor or licensed health official if you feel like you’re excessively yawning. If the yawning or other symptoms keep you from carrying about your day-to-day life, tell your doctor when you started yawning, other symptoms such as brain fog or pain in certain areas, and if you’ve had a lack of sleep. This information can help your doctor diagnose the underlying condition and make treatment recommendations based on individual needs.

Other Potential Causes for Excessive Yawning

Why Do We Yawn?

Sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea or narcolepsy, could be the reason behind your excessive yawning. Further, many medications used to treat depression and anxiety can cause it. SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) are notorious for causing it, according to Healthline.

It Could Be Serious

Why Do We Yawn?

Although far less common, excessive yawning could also be a sign of health conditions that can include:

  • a heart attack, especially if you are experiencing other common related symptoms such as chest pain or discomfort, upper body discomfort, lightheadedness, and shortness of breath
  • epilepsy, particularly in the presence of frontal lobe involvement
  • neurological disorders, such as multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • liver failure, which may be experienced as fatigue
  • a brain tumor, though this would be extremely rare

Why Do We Call It a Yawn?

Why Do We Yawn?

The Latin term used in medicine is oscitatio from the verb oscito meaning “to open the mouth.” The English word “yawn” comes from gionian in Old English, meaning “open the mouth wide.”

Yawning Might Serve a Different Purpose for Other Animals

Why Do We Yawn?

In animals, yawning can serve as a warning signal. Charles Darwin’s book, The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, mentions that baboons do it to threaten their enemies, possibly by displaying their large canine teeth.

Yes, FIsh Also Do It

Why Do We Yawn?

Did you know that fish also yawn? It’s a pretty wild fact considering they do not breathe in the same way as land-dwelling creatures. But, they might be doing it for another reason than we do. Siamese fighting fish do it only when they see a conspecific (same species) or their own mirror-image, and their yawn often accompanies an aggressive attack

Some Penguins Do It as Part of Their Courtship

Why Do We Yawn?

Adelie penguins use yawning as part of their courtship ritual. Penguin couples face off and the males engage in what is described as an “ecstatic display”, opening their beaks and pointing their faces skyward. This trait has also been seen among emperor penguins. Researchers have been attempting to discover why these two different species share this trait, despite not sharing a habitat.

Snakes Yawn for a Disturbing Reason

Why Do We Yawn?

Snakes yawn, both to realign their jaws after a meal and for respiratory reasons, as their trachea can be seen to expand when they do this. How creepy is that?

Yes, Your Dog Is Catching Your Contagious Yawns

Why Do We Yawn?

Dogs, and occasionally cats, often yawn after seeing people yawn and when they feel uncertain. Dogs demonstrate contagious yawning when exposed to human yawning. Dogs are very adept at reading human communication actions, so it is unclear if this phenomenon is rooted in evolutionary history or a result of domestication.

Folks Were Once Superstitious About It

Why Do We Yawn?

Back in the day, people had some pretty wild beliefs about yawning including that it was an evil or good spirit entering or exiting the body. It’s because of the belief that in the Medieval period people would make the sign of the cross over their mouths before, after, and during a yawn. Polydore Vergil, a humanist scholar, recorded instances of it between 1470 and 1555.

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Even George Washington Had Something to Say About It

Why Do We Yawn?

One of the United States’ founding fathers believed that yawning was rude to do in public. It’s been seen as a sign of boredom and a social faux pas for centuries. “If You Cough, Sneeze, Sigh, or Yawn, do it not Loud but Privately; and Speak not in your Yawning, but put Your handkerchief or Hand before your face and turn aside,” Washington once said.


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