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“Hi. Wondering how many mamas had concerning HCG levels in the first few weeks of pregnancy? I went in for an ultrasound, and they could not see a sac or baby yet, so they assumed I was really early. I did have a thick uterine lining, but that is all that showed on top of a few positive pregnancy tests. My HCG levels rose from the Friday I went into Monday when I did my second round of blood work, but the levels did not double. They only went up about another 1000. I’m going in to do more bloodwork tomorrow and then an ultrasound on Thursday, but I’m pretty concerned. My question is has anyone been thru this and still had a healthy pregnancy and it not been ectopic or nonviable?“
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Community Answers
The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.
“I had a miscarriage early, and then about 3 months later got pregnant again. I was so nervous we did serial HCGs and sure enough my numbers were not rising appropriately, they kept saying I likely not going to be having baby, so I stopped the labs and waited a few weeks until the next appointment by then they found a heartbeat! Don’t stress all of our bodies are different, and its great you are getting some rises even if they aren’t happening exactly how they are suppose to! Good luck.”
“I had to get injections for the first weeks of my pregnancy with our oldest because my HCG level was low. This was after a miscarriage with my first pregnancy.”
“I had an ectopic pregnancy in December. They couldn’t find a sac and after tracking my hcg levels, figured it out. Have you had any bleeding or pain?”
“Yesss! My 2nd son is currently 2 & a half weeks old, healthy as can be! This was happening in the beginning plus I was bleeding throughout my whole pregnancy (it would vary from light spotting to gushing blood) was in & out of the hospital to check my HCG levels every 3 days for about 3 weeks in the beginning.”
“I had low levels in the beginning and when the nurse called after my first apt she got me concerned and listed everything it could be even down it it possibly being down syndrome (I didn’t care as long as my baby was ok) and I was in tears and obv worried. My next visit I asked my obgyn about it and she said she wasn’t concerned at all. It was still early and they slowly leveled out. I now have a perfectly healthy and happy 5 year old daughter. Try not to get too worried even with what people say online…unless your Dr expresses concern over it I would just go by the dr. And don’t be afraid to ask your Dr. They will usually always be upfront with you so its not a liability on them later.”
“Went up 1000 from what? If it was 2000 or even 3000 then that’s great! It’s it’s 10,000 then I might be concerned. Good luck! Baby dust your way!”
“Yes mine was extremely low at first . Had ultrasound at 5 weeks at hospital because was bleeding.”
“Mine was low in the [beginning] and I had to get bloodwork every week for a few weeks. It kept going up but not as much as I seen that it should. But I am currently 35 weeks pregnant and doing well!”
“My HCG levels were rising really well until about 6 weeks. I went in for another early ultrasound because I had miscarried 2 months before this with another pregnancy. There was a gestational sac but nothing else. The doctor suspected that I would miscarry but sent me in for blood work. My HCG had only risen about 1000 in a week. Four days later I started bleeding. I did lose the baby. ????. I hope it works out different for you.”
“I have, and had a successful pregnancy. HcG levels were not doubling like they should have in the early weeks of pregnancy but all was fine, they eventually leveled out and I made it to term with a baby boy who’s turning five this year. Try not to stress, what’s meant to be will be. Best of luck to you and your pregnancy.”
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