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This Terribly Sad Family Realization She Made While Recovering From Surgery Made Miley Cyrus Finally Get Sober

Kathy Hutchins /

Miley Cyrus has made the decision to get sober. And the reason why is because of a sad family realization she stumbled upon while healing from surgery.

The pop icon has been one of the biggest stars in Hollywood since a very young age.

This Terribly Sad Family Realization She Made While Recovering From Surgery Made Miley Cyrus Finally Get Sober
Kathy Hutchins /

If you don’t recall, Cyrus’ television show Hannah Montana was one of the biggest Disney has every produced.

As a result, Cyrus has had to grow up faster than usual and has seen more life than most people her age.

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And now, as Newsely reports, the former Hannah Montana star is opening up about the scary parts of her past.

The things Cyrus is now talking about are truly shocking.

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Even before Cyrus was Hannah Montana and one of the most famous performers in the world, her father, Billy Ray Cyrus, was making chart-topping music as a country singer.

In fact, Cyrus was just 13 years old when she and her father starred in their hit Disney show. The show lasted for a total of four years before it ended in 2010, which saddened it’s loyal fan-base.

 s_bukley /

And while Cyrus played a pop star on the show, no one seemed to really know just how talented she was as a singer.

It wasn’t long before the world found that out when she turned her focus away from acting and more to music.

Cristopher McRae /

Some of Cyrus’s earliest success in the music industry was The Climb, Party in the USA, Fly on the Wall, 7 Things, and many more.

Then, Cryus decided to through away her Disney-perfect image and began creating music videos like the one she made for another hit single, Wrecking Ball. It was then that fans grew concerned for Cyrus and her wellbeing.

Kobby Dagan /

This was only compounded by the fact that Cryus cut off all of her hair, started covering her body with tattoos, and publicly smoking marijuana.

Sadly, the public began to just dismiss Cryus and her antic by categorizing her as “just another Disney star who finally went off the rails.” But that wasn’t necessarily the case.

Debby Wong /

In a 2020 interview with the “Big Ticket,” Cyrus revealed that she made the decision to get sober and had been for six months.

When asked why she decided to take this step in life, Cyrus admitted that it was her mental health and other family struggles that encouraged her to get clean.

She also revealed that she could no longer deal with the nasty hangovers a night of binging who lead to and what all of that was ultimately doing to her body.

Ultimately, it was vocal surgery that lead her to becoming sober and learning about the addiction and mental health challenges that thrive in her family. 

Kathy Hutchins /

“It’s really hard because especially being young, there’s that stigma of “you’re no fun.” It’s like, “honey, you can call me a lot of things, but I know that I’m fun.” The thing that I love about it is waking up 100%, 100% of the time. I don’t want to wake up feeling groggy. I want to wake up feeling ready.”

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