Mamas Uncut

Simone Biles makes surprise announcement with emotional video: ‘Full body chills’


On June 19, Simone Biles announced a documentary expected to hit Netflix next month.

The documentary titled SIMONE BILES RISING takes a deep look into her devastating 2020 Olympics run and one of the “most powerful comebacks in history.”

If you watched the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, you know Biles second Olympic run was cut short when she came down with a case of the twisties.

The “twisties” are a “mental block that affects physical performance.” It causes gymnasts to get lost in rotation, making it extremely dangerous for gymnasts to throw the level of stunts that Simone Biles throws when dealing with the twisties.

Back in 2021, Biles got honest with her fans about how she was feeling after she was forced to drop out of the individual all-around finals due to the twisties.

When asked what the twisties felt like, Biles said, “Sometimes I can’t even fathom twisting. I seriously cannot comprehend how to twist. Strangest and weirdest thing as well as feeling.”

Biles revealed that she’s dealt with a case of the twisties before, just never on the world stage. “I have experienced them before. They’re not fun to deal with. It’s honestly petrifying trying to do a skill but not having your mind and body in sync. 10 out of 10 do not recommend. [It] could be triggered by stress I hear, but I’m also not sure how true that is.”

In the documentary trailer, Biles ends up revealing that the twisties were a trauma response.

Now, her two-part Netflix documentary will follow Biles from the aftermath of the Tokyo Olympics to her decision to go for a third Olympic Games.

“I get to write my own ending,” Biles said in the trailer. And that’s exactly what she’s doing.

“Full body chills into actual tears,” after watching the trailer. “YOU GO GIRL!”

“I am so thankful I am alive during her reign! Truly NO ONE like her!”