Simone Biles’ mom reveals what she prays for while watching her compete

On June 15, Simone Biles will fight for her place on her third Olympic team.

And after her U.S. Championship performance, Biles is expected to be front and center leading America to even more Olympic gymnastics medals in Paris starting the last week of July.

Now, Biles’ mom, Nellie, who adopted Simone when she was six years old, is opening up about her talented daughter, who will go down as one of the most legendary gymnasts of our time.

“The Simone that I know is a young adult that I admire,” Nellie told Today. “She knows what she wants.”

Nellie, and Biles’ father, Ronald Biles, adopted Simone and her younger sister Adria out of foster care. Ronald is Simone and Adria’s biological grandfather.

It was after moving from Ohio to Texas that Simone discovered her love of gymnastics. And Ronald and Nellie have been by Simone’s side every step of the way.

Something Biles acknowledged time and time again throughout her incredible journey. She recently reiterated just how much she admires her parents in a recent press conference.

And as Nellie told Today, “it means a lot” to hear how much their support means to their daughter. “I feel like we have done the right thing. And, so, yes, we did something right in her life.”

But when it comes to watching their daughter compete, Nellie admits that while she couldn’t be more proud of her daughter, she also can’t wait until her routines are over.

Like many moms, watching their child perform a dangerous sport at the highest level isn’t for the faint of heart.

“All I’m thinking about and praying for is that she stays safe and that she ends that routine,” Nellie admitted while explaining what it’s like to watch Biles during her meets. “I could hardly wait for it to be over with.”

Despite the worry Nellie feels while watching Biles compete, Nellie also admits there is no place she’d rather be than in the stands supporting her girl.

“The important thing is to be there for Simone and making sure that she understands that her family is there giving her full support,” she said. And unlike Tokyo, there is no way she’s going to miss being in the stands in Paris next month. 

“And I am going to be really happy and probably shedding a few tears just because I’m going to be so emotional.”

Three years ago, Biles family couldn’t attend the Tokyo Olympics due to COVID restrictions.

As you may recall, Biles’ second Olympic run was cut short after she fell ill with the “twisties” making it impossible for Biles to compete her dangerous and difficult routines that are filled with twists and flips safely.

Nellie told Today “it was devastating” being so far away from their daughter during that time. 

“After her vaulting, she called me and then mentioned that she couldn’t do it anymore,” Nellie recalled the emotional phone call she had with Biles during that time. 

“My words to Simone was, ‘Don’t do it. Don’t feel like you need to push yourself because that’s the last thing I need is to see you injure yourself on television and I’m not going to be there.’”

Now, both Nellie and the rest of the family is gearing up for Paris where Biles is expected to be better than ever.

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