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Expert Advice: How Can I Help My Two-Month-Old Who Has Started Teething?

A mom writes in asking for advice on the topic of teething. She says her two-month-old son already has some teeth coming in, but he’s so small still that she doesn’t know what to do.

Home Guide Expert and mom Sharon Henry weighs in with some advice below.

Expert Advice: How Can I Help My Two-Month-Old Who Has Started Teething?

Mamas Uncut fan asks:

“How can I help my 2-month-old with teething? Hi, my little boy is two months and is bottom teeth are already coming in. I don’t know what to do since he can’t grab most of the toys yet, and most of the pacifiers are too big for his mouth. I’ve read that you can give them crackers or something to help cut the gums to relieve some pressure, but he’s still too young to eat stuff. And I just hate seeing him hurt and I can’t do much about it. So what could I do to help my little one?”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Advice from Sharon Henry

Teething can be a difficult time for both baby and parents, particularly when the baby is only a few months old. Fortunately, there are many remedies that you can use to ease your baby’s discomfort, some of which may seem a little unorthodox, but they can help. If your baby gets a teething rash, gently wipe their face and dry it straight away to prevent any chapping. Whatever method you use to alleviate any discomfort, you should stay close to your baby in case they choke.

Frozen teat/teething ring/pacifier. Fill your baby’s bottle with a little cooled down boiled water, place the bottle in a bag so that the teat is covered and place it in the freezer upside down. When you take it out of the freezer, pour cooled down boiled water on it so that it doesn’t stick to the baby’s mouth. Gently rub the frozen part on your baby’s gums. If your baby has a pacifier or teething ring, you could freeze those too, apply the method above and rub the frozen part on your baby’s gums.

Use Your Finger. Wash your hands and fingernails thoroughly and use your index finger to gently massage your baby’s gums whilst holding them in their favorite comfortable position. This will give your baby the comfort it needs, and the gum massage will ease their distress.

Give your baby a bath. It will help to relax and provide a distraction from their discomfort.
Use a teething gel. Teething gels contain a mild local anesthetic, and they are usually available in local pharmacies. Always check with your pharmacist before giving a baby this type of remedy and ensure that it is specially designed for your baby’s age group.

[Images via Shutterstock]

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