Mamas Uncut

Kara Keough Bosworth Makes Powerful Announcement Nearly One Year to the Day of Her Infant Son’s Passing


Almost one year to the day Kara Keough Bosworth and Kyle Bosworth announced that their baby son McCoy had passed away shortly after birth, the proud parents are making a huge announcement. While celebrating Easter and what that means for them and millions of other people—the end of one life and the beginnings of new life—Kara and Kyle revealed that they are expecting a rainbow baby.

On Instagram, Kara shared a photo of a onesie with a rainbow on it laying in an Easter Basket. “For Christians, for Jews, and for me, this time is a reminder of the death of firstborn sons. Sacrifice. Suffering. Mourning. Grief,” Kara wrote.

Kara and Kyle Bosworth Reveal They’re Expecting a Rainbow Baby on Easter

“Why is this night different than other nights? Last Easter was the worst night of my life. We held our firstborn son in our arms as he took his final breaths. We spent time in the hell that is watching your child die,” Kara continued, before announcing that she is pregnant.

“This Easter is decidedly better,” Kara admitted. “Despite that wretched Easter night, I can’t ignore that this day also represents rebirth. Renewed hope. It is said that the word ‘Easter’ is derived from the goddess Eostre. Eostre, the goddess of fertility, symbolizes the birth of new life and the dawn of spring. And so it is for us.”

As Kara continued, while McCoy will always and forever be a part of their thoughts, a part of them, this Easter was a celebration of “new life, the dawn of something beautiful and restorative. Quite literally rising from the ground,” as they prepare for the birth of their rainbow baby. Which is also a term coined to symbolize “a rainbow appearing in the sky after a storm, or after a dark and turbulent time.”

“We miss you, Mack-a-doodle,” Kara said as she ended her statement. “Thank you for sending us this sacred gift. You’re a big brother! Tell Grandpa that I said he was right. He’ll know what I mean.”

Rainbow baby: Kara Keough Bosworth Makes Powerful Announcement Nearly One Year to the Day of Her Infant Son's Passing
Kara Bosworth/Instagram

Kara revealed that she and her rainbow baby are due sometime this spring. This will be Kara and Kyle’s third child as they also have a daughter, Decker. Kyle commented on his wife’s post saying, “Love you my sweet.” To which Kara responded saying “I love you” back. It has not been announced if they are expecting a boy or a girl.

As the soon-to-be mom of three revealed last year, “during the course of his birth, McCoy experienced shoulder dystocia and a compressed umbilical cord.” Following his passing, the couple made the decision to donate his organs.

RELATED: ‘To My Fellow Loss Mom’: Kara Keough Bosworth Pens Note to Other Moms Who Have Experienced the Loss of a Child 6 Months After Her Baby’s Passing

And ever since his passing, Kara has used the last 12 months to remember her baby boy and the grief she has experienced over this last year, which now has turned into hope and another little miracle.

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