Mamas Uncut

10 Hilarious Parenting Memes That Are Almost *Too* Real

The air is turning crisp and we’re craving all the pumpkin- and apple-flavored things. We’re looking forward to fall, but it’s also a totally crazy time: school is starting, after-school schedules are nuts, there’s so much homework, and we’re all just so, so tired. There’s only one cure: hilarious parenting memes!

To keep our heads on straight, it’s important to take some time for yourself and laugh as much as possible. We’ve rounded up some of our favorite recent parenting memes to help with the latter. 

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: 7 Hilarious Back-to-School Memes That Absolutely Nail The Ups and Downs of Parenting This Time of Year

Love your kids, but also need a break from them? As Daniel Tiger says, you can feel two emotions at the same time. No judgment!  

Why is it that children always get a second wind seconds before their bedtime, while us parents nearly fall asleep while reading a book?

We’re thinking about starting a movement where adults get naptime too. Sound good?

We cannot stress this enough: It’s VERY hard to find alone time once you have children. So very, very hard.

Hard things are hard. I think we all agree parenting falls into this category.

Once the kids get older, they tend to be, shall we say, a tad dramatic with their reactions. 

Some mornings, your child wakes with a smile on their face and other mornings, well, it’s not so pleasant. 

After searching for so long, we’ve finally found the *perfect* back-to-school photo…

They learn the bad behavior so young these days.

Always get a gift receipt! Especially when your gift is garbage!

Which hilarious parenting meme is your favorite? Which do you relate to the most? Love ’em? Us too! Stay tuned for more hilarious parenting memes to come!