Mamas Uncut

15 Of Our Favorite Parenting Memes To Help You Survive Any Day Of the Week

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Parenting is the toughest job around and if you’re not laughing — you’re crying into a bowl of Cheerios. So what is a parent to do? Commiserate with memes of course.

We have compiled a few of our favorite parenting memes made by parents, for parents, to not only help you survive but thrive — well, as much as one can with three hours of sleep.

15. Let me have this one thing…

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Oh, you’re a parent? So you haven’t pooped alone since you had kids — right? This is a correct statement. We stand with you in solidarity and hope that one day, you finally have the courage to lock the door behind you when it’s time to go.

14. Mom loves it when you listen…

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It’s hard for kids to listen due to their lack of impulse control but also because sand is awesome. Sending love and light to all beach-side parents who have made this request more times than they have asked for anything else in their life. Y’all deserve some sandless peace and quiet.

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13. It. Never. Stops.

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A crisp $100 bill goes to the parent who can confidently say “I’m finally caught up on laundry.” That’s what I thought. If you need me, I’ll be daydreaming about a dryer that folds clothes, puts them away in the correct drawers and recycles the leftover lint to create a dark chocolate brownie for an afternoon snack because being a caretaker is hard work and we deserve nothing less.

12. Money, money, money….

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As the old saying goes, you’re d***** if you do, d***** if you don’t and I think this meme encapsulates the phrase. I’m not sure what choice is the right one but I can confidently say that you will be exhausted with either route. Where is the make-me-a-mimosa button?

11. Kids say the darndest things…

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This kid also knows what’s really going on inside the home and what’s going on inside the home is one strong independent mama! We love to see it. But do they have to tell everyone like this?

10. Scrolling In Bed: A Cautionary Tale.

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Ah, yes. The sweet, sweet realization that you are alone at last! And while you probably are very sleep-deprived and dehydrated, scrolling in peace is a delicious treat. Especially when you glance at the clock and oops it’s 3 a.m. but hey, you’re a parent! You’ve been trained to survive on thrice reheated coffee and your child’s energetic antics to keep you going throughout the day. Treat yo’ self!

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9. Carseat or stationary backpack with infinite crevices that leads to a portal of forgotten, crumb-covered belongings?

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Okay, but this may be my favorite meme because when have you reached into your kid’s car seat and not found something that does not belong there? One time, I found my credit card(s). Plural. Don’t ask me how because I don’t know. Legend has it, I am still anxiously checking my bank accounts to this day….

8. Bedtime? Never heard of her.

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Is this woman terrified of little feet pattering in the halls should she start a load of dishes? Is she caught in the abyss of silence before the storm of children sobbing, shrieking or a 52-minute rambling monologue live streams into the monitor? Or, is she simply in her happy place — imagining a looooong weekend in Cabo with unlimited sparkling wine (the kind that comes with the little orange sweater vests) alongside her oiled-up partner? We may never know but it’s probably the second scenario.

7. Forgetting all the things, all the time…

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Hey, that’s the gig, right? Repeating stuff to your child until you wanna pull your hair out is completely expected and normal. But you’re not alone, mamas! Besides, the constant reminders we shell out to our kiddos are most likely improving our brain’s plasticity. At least that’s what helps me sleep at night. Also, don’t fact-check that.

6. Poop-tastic.

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A picture is worth a thousand words and Will Smith’s face says it all. While he probably was not talking about stepping in a child’s excrement — we will suspend disbelief for just a bit. I can’t think of anything worse than a child stepping in their own mess and then dragging it into the house. But I also think there is no greater love on this planet than a mother’s love for their child. Would your roommate clean up that kind of mess? I am gonna take a wild guess and say “uhm, yea no.”

5. #CurrentMood

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Maybe the bath wasn’t cutting it? If you think about it, being inside is a dishwasher is just like being inside one of the isolation pods where you float in the dark. Except, this toddler would be pelted with soap and the annoyingly loose plastic things that are supposed to hold our forks? I give her performance an 8/10 — she committed to her protest whilst keeping her pop tart intact. The world needs more empowered ladies who aren’t afraid of a little detergent.

RELATED: 33 Funny Parenting Memes That Get Exactly What You’re Going Through

4. “BuT i AlWaYs StAy Up ThIs LaTe”

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Does your kid do that cute thing where they ask for five-thousand things despite gently but firmly telling them “goodnight”-? It’s hard to say “no” to our little angels. Maybe someday they will be excited to go to bed or maybe Alexa herself will have some tricked-out technology that lures them to sleep. Anyone have Jeff Bezos’s email?

3. Embarrassingly accurate…

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Okay, raise your hand if you think Spotify Unwrapped should have come out with TWO. SEPARATE. PROFILES. One is for your personal use, obviously, and the second is for when your child hijacks your phone and demands Daniel Tiger on an indefinite loop. How are we supposed to proudly share this on Instagram? The ball is in your court, Spotify. You have 24 hours to respond. Please. “We Don’t Talk About Bruno,” is no longer catchy – it is in our collective nightmares.

2. God forbid we wear clothes outside the house…

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This meme needs no explanation. Clothes are designed to be on children. But children weren’t necessarily designed to want clothes on them. A friendly fun reminder that bribing your children with Oreos and encouraging them to race against the clock will usually speed up the please-just-put-this-on-process. Or not. There is a 50/50 chance this works but it’s so cold out currently that it is worth a shot. Godspeed.

1. Let them…fart?

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At the end of the day, we try not to sweat the small stuff. Even the small (smelly) stuff that comes out of kids. If you’re laughing when you feel like crying, odds are, your child will inherit your great disposition and take life in stride. Or they will think it’s okay to fart on authority figures and I am not trained to solve that issue. And on that note, seize the day!