12 Months

Your baby is starting to stand and their first steps are starting to happen. Take a look around and make sure you are ready for their love of reaching!
12 Months | 12 Months Your baby is starting to stand and their first steps are starting to happen. Take a look around and make sure you are ready for their love of reaching! What should you expect now that your baby is 12 months old? One whole YEAR! What a milestone! Congratulations! By now, your baby is a toddler, and they are likely your mini-me (or your partner’s mini-me)! And so much has happened in the last six months! Your kiddo has grown like a weed, and they are becoming their own little person at this point! They are walking or holding on to furniture to walk, and their vocabulary likely includes four or so words! Your little one likely also enjoys: Pretend playtime
Following moving objects
Responding to their name
Identifying objects Imitating animal sounds
Understanding simple commands
Waving hi and goodbye
Pointing with their finger Your baby could have anywhere from 1 to 8 teeth and weigh roughly 3-times their birth weight! They may be experiencing some separation anxiety when it comes to being separated from their parents. Doctor’s visits Your baby will get a 1-month and 2-month checkup! After that, they’ll visit the doctor every two months for their first year of life. During your toddler’s 12-month visit, they’ll receive these vaccines: HepB
Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine)
IPV (Inactivated poliovirus vaccine)
PCV (Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)
MMR (Measles, mumps, rubella vaccine)
Varicella (Chickenpox vaccine)
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What should you expect now that your baby is 12 months old?

One whole YEAR! What a milestone! Congratulations!
By now, your baby is a toddler, and they are likely your mini-me (or your partner’s mini-me)! And so much has happened in the last six months!
Your kiddo has grown like a weed, and they are becoming their own little person at this point! They are walking or holding on to furniture to walk, and their vocabulary likely includes four or so words!

Your little one likely also enjoys:

Pretend playtime
Following moving objects
Responding to their name
Identifying objects
Imitating animal sounds
Understanding simple commands
Waving hi and goodbye
Pointing with their finger
Your baby could have anywhere from 1 to 8 teeth and weigh roughly 3-times their birth weight! They may be experiencing some separation anxiety when it comes to being separated from their parents.

Doctor’s visits

Your baby will get a 1-month and 2-month checkup! After that, they’ll visit the doctor every two months for their first year of life. During your toddler’s 12-month visit, they’ll receive these vaccines:
Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine)
IPV (Inactivated poliovirus vaccine)
PCV (Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)
MMR (Measles, mumps, rubella vaccine)
Varicella (Chickenpox vaccine)
12 months
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