AITA For Telling Off My Brother And SIL When No One Came To Their Expensive Destination Wedding?

One user is asking Reddit if they are the a****** for calling out their family members after they got upset that no one came to their expensive destination wedding.

“My (29f) brother (31m) and his wife (34f) got married two months ago, they had a destination wedding,” the OP began.

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“Unfortunately none of our side [except] a cousin could attend due to multiple valid reasons which I list a short few: grandparents (95f,98f,89m) = too old. Our parents = mom has breast cancer and my dad takes full care of her. Me and our youngest brothers gf = heavily pregnant/newborn. Our older brother and aunt = busy doctors who have to be extra careful.”

“Everyone else ether couldn’t afford it or couldn’t afford to take two weeks off. We tried to explain to them the situation months before the wedding but where hit with ‘our wedding,our rules. Don’t like it don’t come'”

“We asked to be able to help in anyway we could but a few weeks before the wedding their attitudes changed we where told they’d prefer to go low contact because we weren’t coming to the wedding, which meant we didn’t support their marriage. I even begged to pay for the bridesmaids dresses but my brother told me he didn’t want my money he wanted me at his day I tried to explain to him, his wedding was 4 days before my due date. He ended up screaming at me calling me a spoiled entitled brat than blocking me.”

AITA For Telling Off My Brother And SIL When No One Came To Their Expensive Destination Wedding?
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“They did similar stuff with everyone else, they even went as far getting my extremely sick mother upset to the point my father stopped talking to my brother. So onto the situation after months of passive aggressive posts on social media and bride/groomzila tantrums they wanted to make up with everyone due to my mother finding out extremely heartbreaking news (6 months left).”

“We all ended up having dinner at my family home tonight with everyone being extremely cold to my bother and his wife. No one really cared to listen to about their wedding nor looked at their photos.”

“My brother ended up getting us (siblings) alone to ask us why we where being d****. My youngest brother told him tonight wasn’t the time than walked out, oldest said when mom died he would never speak to him again but due to the fact I’m his only sister he seem more mad/upset at me I told them ‘you got your big day now you have to deal with the consequences.'”
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My [brother] and SIL got extremely upset than left. My mother asked what happened but we told her he had the runs [diarrhea] and needed to leave. My [brother ]sent me a heartbreaking email afterwards on how he felt so rejected that we weren’t at his wedding nor apologised afterwards.”

One user said: “NTA. Your brother doesn’t get to alienate his family, make it impossible for them to come to his wedding, and then turn around and play victim on the other side.”

While another commented: “NTA. Your brother and his wife obviously had grand visions for their wedding and seemed to be entirely tone deaf about the viability of those visions. That’s not your fault or issue. They seem pretty immature.”

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