Mamas Uncut

Young Boy Goes Viral After He Asks His Mom to Take Photos of Him and His Favorite Baby Doll ‘Three’

Ashley Mae Photography LLC

Sometimes when you see your mom constantly photographing newborns and babies, you want your own photos of you and your baby doll as well.

Ashley Fitz is a mom and a photographer, who owns Ashley Mae Photography, LLC. She specializes in newborn and baby photoshoots, and as she explained on Facebook, her son Jynsen wanted in on the action as well.

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On September 24, Fitz wrote that while she was editing some photos that evening her “youngest son informed me that his baby girl, named “Three,” has not had her pictures taken.”

“Three” is Jynsen’s beloved baby doll, which he received after his father was deployed.

“I warned him that ‘three’ was slightly too old to get all of the curly newborn poses. He wanted to give it a go anyway. [The] little booger was wide awake the ENTIRE time. But, I still managed to get some super cute shots!”

And super cute is right. Just take a look at how sweetly Jynsen is holding and looking has his baby.

The photoshoot quickly went viral with over 35,000 people sharing and commenting on the photos. And many of the commenters praised the mom for raising her son right.

One fellow mom told Fitz, “Whatever you’re doing as a momma, keep doing it! Raising such a sweet little guy.”

And another wrote, “This is absolutely beautiful work. Showing love regardless if it’s a girl or boy. To him, ‘Three’ is his baby. What a great way to bring up kids.”

Fitz admitted days later that she never expected the photos of her son and “Three” would garner this much attention.

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But after thanking everyone for their “kind words,” Fitz explained that they also have been dealing with hateful words as well.

My son who has been getting a lot of attention lately requested to be photographed with his baby, he has seen me working in the past, and this is not the first time we’ve done pictures of him, and Three. This was his idea, and I love that he cares about her so much that he wanted to do this! As much love as we’ve received, we’ve unfortunately also received some pretty nasty hate.

Fitz then addressed the haters, saying that while she doesn’t need to explain herself to anyone, she wanted to set the record straight.

“There are some people who believe we posted these to gain attention, and let me tell you, that was NOT the case! We were just having fun, and it has just spiraled into this crazy viral post! I just wanted to share a few older pictures of him, and Three. He has loved her for a while now, he received her when his Dad left for deployment and he has held on ever since! I don’t feel like I need to explain myself to anyone, but I also feel a need to set the record straight. Three, and Jynsen go way back, and there’s no breaking them up!”

How sweet his Jynsen and his baby girl “Three?”