Mamas Uncut

Would You Get Upset With Your Husband If He Left the House Without Telling You?

This question was submitted to our community via our Facebook page and/or our Answers forum. Responses are also taken from the community. If you have your own parenting or relationship question you would like answers to, submit on Facebook or Answers.

QUESTION: Would you be upset if your husband left the house without telling you?

“Your husband left the house and didn’t tell you where he was going and then avoided every call you made. Do you have a right to be upset with him?”

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Would You Get Upset With Your Husband If He Left the House Without Telling You?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“My significant other does that. And it’s rude, not to mention it just breaks communication and trust. I would never just walk out.”

“I mean unless you have trust issues. Wait until he gets home to start investigating why he did that. Maybe you’re nagging him too much?”

“What were you doing when he left? It makes a difference. If my dude is sleeping I will disappear occasionally but I’m not far. My parents are right next door.”

“I’d just be worried because that’s so out of character. He lets me know when he makes it to work every night and if he’s going to be late the next morning because I legitimately worry about him. Like I don’t think he’s doing something he shouldn’t, I think he’s in a ditch.”

“Yep, I’d spazz TF out because if it was the other way around, he would spazz too. ‘Don’t do to me what you don’t want me to do to you,’ is my motto.”

“Nah I wouldn’t worry unless he has given you probable cause. For all you know he could be right back with roses. Ya never know. Don’t freak. Just wait.”

“I would be pissed. It’s common respect to let your partner know where you are going.”

“Yeah, I would be furious!! Especially if he didn’t say he was leaving or where he was going and if you didn’t have an argument to cause him to just walk out.”

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