Mamas Uncut

Car Runs Into President Joe Biden’s Motorcade Leaving the President Stunned


President Joe Biden and his group of secret service agents were left stunned Sunday night.

As Fox News reports, while leaving his campaign headquarters in Delaware, a four door sedan was caught on camera running into one of the armored vehicles involved in the president’s motorcade.

Joe Biden

Photos, captured by Fox News, revealed that Biden was walking out of the headquarters when the impact between the sedan and the motorcade occurred. Biden appeared visibly shocked by the event.

Fox News further reported that the sedan attempted to continue down the blocked off street when members of the secret service team surrounded the vehicle with their weapons drawn.


The driver of the vehicle was asked to exit the car with their hands up. Joe Biden and his wife, First Lady Dr. Jill Biden, were quickly out into their designated vehicle and driven home.

Police are now reporting that the accident wasn’t intentional. This is a developing story.

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