Mamas Uncut

10 Hilarious But Not-So-Delicious-Looking Dinner Disasters

Ding ding ding! Dinner’s ready! Well, not dinner so much as photos of dinner disasters. Just as tasty, right?

If you’re like us, your social media feed is flooded with perfect snapshots of culinary wins. We all know that is not reality. Recipes fail, the bread burns, and things end up on the floor. Whether you’re trying to dazzle your family with a new dish or find yourself getting pulled in a million different directions while trying to pull off dinner, we understand the struggle.

In an effort to keep it real, we’ve rounded up the best dinner disasters on Instagram. Get ready for burnt rice, shattered pots, and epic spills.

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10 Hilarious Dinner Disasters We Discovered on Instagram

Takeout Anyone?

We can so relate to this mom’s noodle disaster. We’ve all felt the pain of scraping burnt food off of the bottom of the pan while simultaneously pulling out the takeout menus.

Mama Tried

If we don’t laugh over the burnt dinner disaster, we will most certainly cry. Pass the wine, please.

Shattered Dreams

Sometimes, despite your best effort, dinner prep takes a dramatic turn.

Extra Crispy Focaccia

Thank goodness that this wonderful baker is willing to share her focaccia fails. You’ll get ’em next time!

Rice Krispy

How endearing is it that this mama is able to smile while sharing her latest dinner fail?

Real Talk

When you’re juggling it all and trying to satisfy the pickiest little customers, there is bound to be an off night. As this Insta post says, “We learn and try again!”

Flipping Out

How would you like your eggs? We should mention that scrambled is your only option.

Grab the Broom

That feeling when dinner hits the floor and you know that your hard work has gone to waste.

Burning Up

We applaud the effort that likely went into these scallion pancakes, even if the result was a bit, um, crisp.

Smoking Hot Buns

Kudos to this mama for creating a smoke show in the kitchen. Luckily, the burnt tops were easy to slice off and these were still devoured.