Dr. Oz helps sick passenger on plane while traveling to a wedding

Dr. Oz reportedly helped a man who fell ill during a flight from New York City.

According to TMZ, Dr. Oz was traveling from New York to Cabo, Mexico for a wedding when flight attendants made an announcement asking for medical assistance.

Dr. Oz told TMZ that he answered the call and was asked to help a “middle-aged healthy man” who was in and out of consciousness.

“We did usual triage with physical exam and vital signs,” Dr. Oz explained. “After oxygen, OJ and time, he recovered and needs to have a detailed evaluation with his local physician.”

Dr. Oz explained that the passenger drank some juice to help raise his blood sugar, adding that low blood sugar can cause unexpected fainting. “Oxygen is the best drug we ever us,” he continued.

Eventually, the man started feeling better. Dr. Oz reportedly gave him his number in case he experienced another emergency once they landed.

Good for Dr. Oz.

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