Mamas Uncut

You Might Think You Know All About Drake Memes But You’re Just Getting Started

Meme king, Drake has inspired countless memes over the years because of his unique facial expressions and uncanny ability to make content that instantly gets turned into Drake meme material. You are likely familiar with the “Hotline Bling” meme that finds Drake seeming to shun one thing and praise the next. It’s been in circulation since 2016 but the meme is still going strong today with it showing up in just about any situation. It’s perfect because it allows meme creators to compare two things in unusual and humorous ways.

We wanted to round up the best Drake memes that are out there and you better believe the “Drakeposting” and “Hotline Bling” memes will be in full force. But, we’ve found some other truly hilarious Drake memes that also hit the spot. If you are a fan of Drake or just find Drake memes to be superior, you’ve come to the right place because we’ve got meme gold to share with you. Now, go catch a laugh below!

“Hotline Bling” Drake Memes

Fridays Hit Differently


“Going to work,” we agree, is pretty lame. But, while that’s tired, “Going to work to get my paycheck” is pretty wired. Can you relate? We imagine most folks aren’t out there just loving their 9 to 5 and that they are really in it for that payday goodness. If you feel the same, share this Drake meme with your buds at work.

Going Solo


We feel seen. “Preferring to drive alone so you can be in silence,” sounds pretty sad. While, “Driving alone so you can listen to that one song you like as many times as you want and as loud as you want,” sounds rad. We’re pretty sure this is a totally normal thing that most people do even if it is ridiculous in reality. Alone time is golden time.

Don’t Have the Time


“Watch a 4-hour movie?” Drake says no. “Binge watch a whole season totaling 4 hours?” Drake says go. Why does it always feel like a long movie is a commitment while the same length in TV format seems digestible? It’s a weird quirk that so many of us have in the age of streaming content.



“Drinking water during day” really does pale in comparison to “Drinking water at night.” We don’t make the rules it just is what it is. We’ll take this Drake meme as an opportunity to remind you to drink some water. Most of us do not drink nearly as much as doctors recommend and staying hydrated is just about the best thing you can do for your skin and overall health. Cheers!

How to Do It


How do you mute? In this Drake meme, we find a complete visual gag that compares the two types of people who mute. In the first, someone has muted with the volume still turned up which Drake is not a fan of. Real pros know that turning that volume all the way down in addition to muting is the optimal way to silence a device and set you up for success.

On Shopping


“Ask someone where something is at in the store,” gets the boot from Drake. “Walk around like an idiot,” gets approval in this Drake meme. We know people are doing the best that they can but sometimes it can be a real challenge to find employees that will help you in big box stores. When in doubt, you can just mosey around like a moron until you stumble on what you’re looking for. Sometimes it’s the journey and not the destination, right?

Not In Your Feelings


“Actually admitting to people how you feel,” is just not right, according to this Drake meme. However, “Just say you’re ‘fine,'” is the best course of action. What’s the point in burdening someone with your personal problems? Most folks don’t actually care and it’s best just to avoid being negative, at least that’s what Drake has to say about it.

An Update


We find an old saying “Cruising for a bruising,” is not too cool according to this Drake meme. Instead, he encourages “Yeeting for a beating,” instead. Of course, this is a personal preference sort of thing but “Yeeting for a beating” does have a certain ring to it. All that matters is that you’re expressing your desire for violence and both vehicles will help take you there.

The Second Time Around


Where are the older siblings of this world at? We’ve found the most relatable Drake meme on earth to share with you. “When your parents had you,” Drake says was not too impressive. But, “When your parents had your little brother,” Drake knows that’s when parents get lit. This Drake meme should feel so real for older siblings who batched “the baby” in the family get away with crime with no punishment again and again.

Add It Up


Who wants a price tag that reads “$15 and $5 shipping” when “$20 and free shipping” always sounds like the better option? Don’t make us add, brands. Follow this Drake meme’s advice and do that math for us so we can go ahead and hit the buy button. We know it all shakes out to be the same in the end but let’s all be honest, the second way is the only way.

Other Excellent Drake Memes

Praise Him


Okay, those “Hotline Bling” Drake memes are a blast but let’s pivot to some other excellent Drake memes that folks have created. This Drake meme comes in the form of a little story. “This little boy next door just opened his window and yelled ‘What is 32 plus 7?’ So, I yelled back, ’39.’ And he said, ‘Thank you, God.'” How hilarious is this? Be a god in your own community!

Are you?


Drake has fashioned some iconic music videos featuring his unique style of dance. He really knows how to get down like no other! In this Drake meme, we find a still from a music video with the caption, “You gonna finish those fries?” It’s the sort of stupid meme that we live for. Yes, Drake actually looks like he’s asking you this question and we hope you’ll never be able to unsee it.

So Gross!


“When the dishwater is dirty but you have to put your hand in to let the water out,” has got to be one of the most relatable Drake memes on this list. Is there anything worse than that swampy water in the sink after you’ve scrubbed away all that grime? We won’t wait. It’s the absolute worst and these expressions from Drake totally honor that terrible feeling of pulling out the sink stopper. Yikes!

It’s Not Right


How do people come up with all of these Drake memes? Folks can turn literally any image of this man into a meme and it is hilarious. “When you call shotgun but end up in the back,” the caption says above a very upset-looking Drake. For us, this is a hit. It’s the “Nobody puts Baby in the corner” of Drake memes.

Let Go and Let God


“I don’t know who needs to hear this… But, stop trying to track that package. It’s in God’s hands now,” these meme caption says. This meme and others like it are called “God’s plan starts playing.” In 2018, Drake released the video for his single “God’s Plan” and it spawned countless memes with this high image being the most prevalent.

RELATED: 30 Seinfeld Memes That Will Make You Laugh Your Socks Off

Don’t Hate the Player


“All of these games but you still had to play me,” this Drake meme says. It’s hilarious because we find Drake with a sullen expression in front of a display of video games. No one likes getting played and this is the perfect reaction meme for it. Folks, don’t play games with folks’ hearts. Take it from Drake, it’s just not that fun to feel played.

So Hot!


Do meme creators just sit around and wait for Drake to drop new music videos? Almost every single one is the source of a meme. We find this one from yet another music video from his catalog and it has been well-received among meme makers. “When you take your food out of the microwave and it burns your hand,” the caption reads. Where is the lie? You know you do the exact same thing!

She’s So Proud


“When you’re back from uni and your mom wants to introduce you to everyone after church service,” the caption of this Drake meme reads. It’s the perfect way to punctuate this stunning image of Leslie Jones and Drake together. It really does look like a proud mom and her unimpressed adult son. Bravo!



For fans of Harry Potter and Drake, you could do no better than this meme that’s simply titled “Drake-o Malfoy.” If you’ve ever yearned for a Harry Potter and Drake universe crossover, this is the perfect Drake meme for you. It’s perfectly ridiculous and every way and we can’t decide if it’s the blonde hair or the adult head on a child’s body that is more unsettling.

That Type


There is an entire genre of Drake meme that says “Drake’s the type of guy…” and finishes with something silly. In this one, “Type of guy that walks up to a treadmill at the gym and says ‘Don’t let them walk all over you.'” Do you know this type of guy? We honestly hope not! But, it does make for a very funny meme about a character who wants you to know your self-worth.



For the parents out there, you will not find a more relatable Drake meme. Through a few still images from one of Drake’s iconic music videos, we’re treated to a mini-narrative. “When you step on your child’s toy car in the dark,” the caption reads. If you’re a parent or older sibling, you know that this is the worst pain ever felt on the planet. Toy cars and LEGO pieces give you a sensation like no other. It’s so bad you just might have to dance it off.

Don’t Do It


“Don’t Drake and drive, you’ll end up at your ex’s house…” is a pretty iconic Drake meme. He has a somewhat sad boy image thanks to some of his songs about longing and dealing with the fallout from a breakup. We urge you to heed this advice and not listen to Drake on a drive within a 20-mile radius of any of your ex’s homes. Believe us!

You Otter Try It


Here’s a fun meme that makes fun of the ubiquitous Drake meme called “Hotline Bling.” We find a very cute otter in the place of Drake and we’re not mad about it. If you love Drake and you love otters, this Drake meme is a match made in heaven for you. We love memes that take a meta approach to tell a joke or a story. Keep it fun, kids!

Oh, Hello


This still from Drake’s music video, “Laugh Now, Cry Later” has become one of the internet’s favorites. Drake’s expression is so perfect that it can be interpreted in a variety of ways. “How men appear in the DM’s after you post a good photo,” the caption reads. If you’ve ever had anyone slide into your DM’s or just be a total creep after sharing an image of yourself online, this should be a pretty relatable Drake meme for you.

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With Your Woes


Some Drake memes incorporate some of his legendary lyrics into them. This one takes some from “Know Yourself,” and puts them to good use. “When you’re running through the 6 with your woes and then you have to hold on because you’re going home,” acts as the perfect caption for these contrasting images. On the left, we see Drake looking like the life of the party. To the right, we see him looking rather disappointed. Chef’s kiss!

There you go! We hope you enjoyed these hilarious Drake memes and that you’ll share them with your friends and loved ones. There is no denying that Drake is a real meme king and there are so many excellent ones out there that include the singer. If you enjoyed these memes but are still craving more, check out these Twitter memes that went viral for all the right reasons!

Enjoy Some Funny Twitter Memes Below:

Garlic Stuff


You take the good with the bad, right? We’re not sure how this meme got started but we are pleased to see it still has legs.

About Love


There are so many fish in the sea but when you’ve found “the one,” they are all you need. What a fun nature-inspired meme.

Some Rules


Honestly, what is happening? Is this sign on a bathroom in Chernobyl? We’d walk the other way if we saw it in real life.

For Real


If you’re having trouble sticking to your diet, do not worry, you’re not alone. There are plenty of Twitter memes out there about it.

Sure Do


This is perfect. We never realized how much Ed Sheeran looked like that Chucky doll. We’re pretty sure this is one of the Twitter memes that’s about to go viral.



What is the point? We’re into this funny meme about taking things in a literal way. Now, we’re craving pizza.

How It Goes


“Okay, I respect your wrong opinion,” feels like something that’s said a lot on Twitter. There is so much arguing but there are Twitter memes that make it all worth it.

RELATED: Get Your Fix with These Funny Coffee Memes

This Text Exchange


We all make mistakes and sometimes it’s all about how you frame it that matters. This funny text exchange is perfect in every way imaginable.



This feels like something you debate in philosophy class. Is the house made of flesh or is he made of house? What a paradox.

With All Due Respect


Here’s one of the best parenting, Twitter memes. Does your toddler also do the same? We would cave too.

A Wager


Here’s a funny meme that’s clearly about your favorite Looney Tune, Wile E. Coyote. It looks like the Road Runner has done it again!



Wow! We’ve seen A1 for years and never noticed the date it was established was right in the middle of the Civil War. The war tore the country apart from 1861 until 1865. What was A1 even doing?

Dads Will Be Dads


Dads really love to tell you to turn the lights out. It’s actually the right thing to do. You don’t want to be wasting precious energy, would you?

Well, When You Put It Like That…


Here’s one of the unlikely Twitter memes about evolution. What a funny sentiment about the time when our ancestors left the sea and made it to land. How did we end up with capitalism?

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Here’s a great, paranormal meme about hearing a ghost child’s laughter. It’s 100% accurate.

There you go! We hope you enjoyed these recent Twitter memes that have been making the rounds lately. These funny memes will always cheer folks up so share them far and wide with the ones who need a pick me up.