Mamas Uncut

20 Inspiring and Fresh Frida Kahlo Tattoos


Frida Kahlo was a Mexican artist who is remembered for her extraordinary talent and unique style, as well as her fierce spirit and resilience in the face of adversity. Since her tragic death in 1954, Kahlo has become an icon of modern feminism and a symbol of strength and courage for people around the world.

One way that fans of Kahlo have chosen to honor her legacy is by getting tattoos of her likeness, her artwork, or her famous quotes and sayings. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at 20 inspiring and fresh Frida Kahlo tattoos, each of which captures a different aspect of her life, personality, and artistry. From bold and colorful designs to delicate and intricate pieces, these tattoos showcase the enduring appeal and artistic vision of one of the most beloved figures of the 20th century.

Whether you are a die-hard fan of Frida Kahlo or simply drawn to her vivid and expressive style, there is no denying the impact that she has had on the art world and beyond. Her legacy lives on through her powerful paintings, her personal story, and the countless ways in which she continues to inspire and empower people today. So if you’re looking for a way to pay homage to this remarkable woman, consider getting a Frida Kahlo tattoo – and let her spirit guide you on your own journey of self-discovery and creative expression.

Through All the Flowers


Here we find our hero depicted in a storm of flowers that dance around her face. The blossoms are just so lush and palpable.

Black and Grey


While most Kahlo tattoos are in bright colors, a few, especially those based on black and white photographs, are completed in black and grey. Some people prefer black ink; if that sounds like you, have no fear when going in that direction.

On the Line


Single-line tattoos are popular today, and they are often abstract yet instantly recognizable when they are done right.

An Illustrative Interpretation


We call tattoos that look like these sketch tattoos. They have a sort of animated quality to them that celebrates the behind-the-scenes way art is produced.



Find yourself a tattoo artist with a point of view and they can take your Frida Kahlo tattoo to the next level. This piece is unlike any other on this list. It both honors Kahlo’s legacy while allowing a new artist to create something new about her.

On a Starry Night


Self Portrait in a Velvet Dress (1926) meets Vincent van Gogh‘s The Starry Night (1889). What a fun combination that imagines a world where to celebrated artists collide.

Pop Art Kahlo


The artist who shared this image explained that they were inspired by Pop Art. The deep colors are out of this world and lines do not come cleaner than these.

Shot Through


The Wounded Deer (1946) is a favorite as it is as haunting as it is beautiful. This person has recreated it in a unique way that pays homage to Kahlo while also looking like an etching.

Seeing Double


We love when artists depict Kahlo in a surrealist way. She is not often lumped in with a group we call surrealists today but she should be. While her paintings were deeply influenced by Mexican folk art, the visuals are wholly imaginative and otherworldly.

A Juicy Message


Viva la Vida, Watermelons (1954) is a delicious painting by Frida Kahlo that does inspire a good many tattoos. Viva la Vida is Spanish for “Long Live Life.” An appropriate message for a ripe piece of fruit and for viewers as well.



The Two Fridas (1939) highlights the graphic and visceral nature often seen in Kahlo’s paintings. It is one of her most popular masterpieces and it also inspires many tattoos.

An Interesting Use of Color


This Frida Kahlo tattoo is scant on details but big on color. Think outside the box and color outside the lines when coming up with your design. Tattoo artists are wickedly good at helping you realize a unique vision.



This tattoo is based on a photograph of Kahlo and richly recreates the details with glorious black and grey. So many people go for the same image of her; there’s so much out there to inspire your tattoo.

An Explosion of Flowers


How cool is this one!? Kahlo’s face has been pushed off of her skull to reveal a head full of flowers that are full of movement and visual interest. This is one of our favorites on this list.

Frida Kahlo Meet Camille Claudel


Camille Claudel was a sculptor who was working at the same time as Kahlo, but Claudel was decades into her career when Kahlo burst onto the scene. Claudel was an extremely skilled artist, but like so many others, her genius was not realized until after her death. We love this celebration of two dynamite artists in one neat package.

A Vision


The sky’s the limit! Here is one of the most adventurous Kahlo portraits on this list. Patterns and splashes of color swim together over black facial details that ground the design. Go your own way, folks. You will not regret it.



This is a really interesting concept that has been beautifully achieved. Kahlo in black and grey looks phenomenal while bursts of neon color on each side help to warm things up.



There are many excellent photographs of Kahlo painting, even some of her working in bed as she battled one of her many health issues. In her self-portraits, she often includes her pet monkeys which is just so sweet.

A Popular Motif


Survey the Frida Kahlo tattoos out there, and you will see some version of this design over and over and over again. It is ubiquitous. While this one is beautiful, and staying on the beaten path is fine, we just want to warn you that you will be in good company if you get something similar.

As Realistic as They Come


Nickolas Muray was an American photographer who took some of the most iconic portraits of Khalo. This tattoo and many others on this list are inspired by the photographs he took. We think the tattoo artist perfectly captured his vision.

These 20 inspiring and fresh Frida Kahlo tattoos are a testament to the enduring legacy of this remarkable artist and icon. From her bold and colorful self-portraits to her fierce spirit and unwavering resilience, Kahlo has left an indelible mark on the world – one that continues to inspire and empower people of all ages and backgrounds. So whether you are looking to honor Kahlo’s memory, express your own unique style, or simply celebrate the beauty and diversity of human creativity, these stunning tattoos are sure to provide plenty of inspiration and food for thought. So why wait? Get inspired, get inked, and let your own inner Frida shine through!

If you are a fan of Frida Kahlo, chances are you love surrealism and other artists like Salvador Dali who worked in this mode. We’ve got our favorite surrealist tattoos to share with you as well for even more ink inspiration.

Bike Melt

@surrealismtattoo (Source)

Thanks to Dalí’s famed melting clocks, we find a lot of melty, liquid images that distort the concreteness of materials into ether. This handsome bike tattoo would be nice on its own, but with a melted lower half, it’s far more appealing.

Hen’s World

@ciotka_zu_tattoo (Source)

“Hen exploring the Jupiter,” the person who shared this image wrote. We hope that chicken is enjoying their trip to space! This tattoo is not that big, but there is a great deal of detail packed inside.


@jimburgman (Source)

A common theme in surrealist art is a the separation of the mind from the body. We find a floating head, here, which could symbolize the psyche, hovering over a vague landscape. What do you think all of these eyes are looking for?

Feeling Weird

@delfi_tattoo (Source)

In this design, we find a more contemporary approach that marries pop art, hyperrealism, and surrealism into one, very strange portrait. There’s a lot of this that doesn’t make sense, but we’re not mad about it.


@9rukim (Source)

This haunting design imagines a bird and a whale traveling through the air together. On the whale, we find a small fishing traveler. This is one very handsome micro tattoo.

RELATED: 25 Micro Realism Tattoos That Shrink Reality Into Miniature


@hantverk_tattoos_nl (Source)

This dude went to tip his hat and his head came right off with it. This piece borders on the absurd, as all great surrealist works of art do.

Set the Scene

@pvur_tattoo (Source)

This bold and black tattoo finds a room floating in space that morphs and shifts as your eye appraises it. The stairs leading to a bust encourage a psychoanalytical reading of this design. Is it a symbol for the ideal self?

Don’t Bug (Source)

A very creepy flying creature with the face of a human looks downright Kafkaesque. Bold shapes and thick black lines give this tattoo a menacing sort of quality that works well for it.

Melting Clock

@gorskytattoos (Source)

Salvador Dalí would be thrilled to see this reimagining of some of his most iconic imagery. Front and center is the melting clock which are most notable in his painting, The Persistence of Memory.

A Change

@lucyorbarker (Source)

Slightly terrifying, but handsome nonetheless, we find a person removing a shirt to reveal that there’s no meat left on the bones. Instead, there’s an exposed skeleton.

A Serve

@hantverk_tattoos_nl (Source)

This very delicate tattoo features a hand with woodgrain holding a bird with a human arm. The arm serving a worm on a platter. There’s plenty of ambiguity here and it’s playful enough that you want to linger on the scene.


@tattooist_basil (Source)

Here, we find a balloon that’s been cleanly exploded in half. “It is a design created with the imagination of collecting thoughts into balloons and blowing them into the sky,” the artist who shared it wrote.

In Your Head

@studio.sable (Source)

This tattoo design looks like nesting dolls but for heads. The overall execution is very neat with sharp lines and dramatic shading.

As Above, So Below

@leoacostattoo (Source)

Here we find heaven and hell represented with a burning church in the lower portion of this tattoo. This design is stunning. We love the idea of a soaring fire meeting a waterfall.


@hantverk_tattoos_nl (Source)

This surreal tattoo reads as a love letter to cinema. A woman has got a camera for a head and the wheels of the bike are reminiscent of reels of film. This is a very fun design!


@yarafloresta (Source)

This dream of a tattoo is breathtaking in black and grey. This design clearly evokes a journey to dreamworld. Take a closer look at all of the dots used to shade this tattoo. It’s a marvel!


@c_yearn_to_be_art (Source)

This sliced up fish reveals a mellow rainbow inside. The design of the fish looks very sharp and tidy and the tiny dots of color inside are a treat. Do you have a rainbow inside you?

Clear Skies

@soniawang (Source)

“When the rain is over, the sky clears up,” the person who shared this picture wrote. Unlike most of these designs that skew morbid, we find a hopeful image here.


@mama.jim (Source)

We find a deconstructed skull in the style of M.C. Escher here. The floating stairs that connect the cranium to the jaw is a very interesting idea and you’ll find these stairs as a reoccurring motif in plenty of surrealist art.

A Trap

@erreacevedo (Source)

Here’s a plantastic design that imagines a Venus fly trap as a head of the character here. Equal parts imaginative and chilling, this tattoo is one of our favorites on this list.


@soniawang (Source)

A smiley face replaces a face-face in this playful design that deconstructs representation and the symbolic. What if you looked at yourself in the mirror and saw this smiling back? Better yet, don’t. That’s a terrifying proposition.

Raining Men

@kara.kurta (Source)

This mesmerizing peach cloud is raining silhouettes of humans. We love the way the colors contrast with the center of the design in grey and the outer reaches tinged with warmth.


@martinabilli_illustration (Source)

Here we find a cute little creature sipping a beer on the beach. How do we get on this otter’s level? We love the subtlety in the shading which gives this tattoo an overall soft look.

Psycho (Source)

In this remix, we find Janet Leigh’s iconic scream in the film Psycho, stretched into a distorted portrait. This one is very weird and completely unnerving.

RELATED: 25 Neon Tattoos That Crank the Color to the Max

Bright Idea

@la_balena_nera (Source)

Finally, we leave you with a touch of sunshine. A sunflower grows inside this very neat light bulb. We have a soft spot for designs that mix the industrial with the natural so this is a real winner for us.

There you go! 25 surrealism tattoos that celebrate the bizarre and sublime. We hope you feel inspired by these offbeat designs and will consider creating one for yourself.