Mamas Uncut

If You Have Kids You’re Going to Want to Download This John Legend Song

Like the headline has already stated, if you have kiddos who love music, you’re going to want to download, buy, or stream John Legend’s newest song. The song is titled Crowd Go Crazy and it’s a part of the Space Jam movie starring LeBron James.

The song itself, the beat, and of course Legend’s soothing vocals are a hit, especially when it comes to the kids. As demonstrated by Legend himself, his kids let him know early on that Crowd Go Crazy was going to be a hit!

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Legend shared a video that was captured back in March, prior to the worldwide release of the song. The video showed Legend in the middle of his workout.

If you have kids you’re going to want to download this John Legend song.

However, when his Space Jam song hit the speakers, he and his two little ones, daughter Luna and son Miles, had to interrupt the workout sesh to bask in the bop that is Crowd Go Crazy. As the video shows, Luna and Miles couldn’t help busting a move in the middle of the gym while listening to their father’s newest song!

Take a look at Luna and Miles thoroughly enjoying their dad’s song!

As Legend wrote, Crowd Go Crazy is and has been “kid tested, kid approved.” And we love it as well.

We dare you to try listening to this song and not end up dancing right along with your little ones! And the commenters are eating it up as well.

“They are precious,” one person wrote. “I cannot even handle Luna’s moves.”

“The booty shakes and head boppin’ is the BEST,” another added, while many more couldn’t help but point out yet again just how much Miles and Legend lookalike. “Miles really is your little twin!!”

People also thought this video really showcased just how much Luna and Miles are like their father. We mean, with inheriting Legend’s rhythm and all.

“These babies are also musical,” a commenter mentioned. “They have rhythm.”

We wonder if either Miles or Luna (or maybe even both of them) will follow in their father’s footsteps and become musicians! After all, they seem to be on the right track!

What do you think of Crowd Go Crazy? Did you love it as much as Luna and Miles did?