Mamas Uncut

20 Jean-Michel Basquiat-Inspired Tattoos That Celebrate the Artist’s Genius

In the world of contemporary art, few names resonate as profoundly as Jean-Michel Basquiat. Known for his raw and expressive style, Basquiat’s work carries a powerful message that has captivated audiences and influenced generations of artists. His distinctive iconography, comprised of enigmatic symbols, bold colors, and graffiti-like lines, makes for an exceptional source of inspiration, especially for those seeking meaningful tattoos.

If you’re a fan of Basquiat’s art and are considering expressing your admiration through a tattoo, this post is for you. We’ve curated a selection of 20 tattoos inspired by the legendary artist’s work. Each design captures the essence of Basquiat’s artistry, transforming his compelling imagery into wearable pieces of art that serve as enduring tributes to his influence and legacy.

Untitled (Head), 1982


There is so much energy in this piece that is based on one of the most famous Basquiat artworks. The color has been cranked up to ten here.

Pez Dispenser, 1984


By far, the most popular style of Basquiat tattoo is of this dinosaur with a crown. The artwork it is based on is called Pez Dispenser. These tattoos come in all shapes and sizes and many other variations.

A Notable Quote


“Every single line means something” is a famous quote attributed to Basquiat. There are so many wonderful quotes from the artist, many of which will make for meaningful tattoos.



We were not kidding when we said this artwork inspires the most Basquiat tattoos. Here we find it in pixelated form which is just so playful and inventive.

Untitled, 1982


The piece this tattoo is based on sold at auction for $110.5 Million. At the time, it was the most expensive artwork sold by an American artist.

Portrait of the Artist


This piece is based on a photograph taken of Basquiat by Andy Warhol. Many liberties have been taken like the suit taking on the appearance of one of his paintings and the inclusion of the signature crown.

Basquiat Meets Jeff Koons


The crown has been kept mostly the same for this tattoo, but the dinosaur has been transformed into a silver balloon. Metallic tattoos like this are a big trend today.

On Kings


This is a very popular quote from Basquiat that inspires many tattoos today. The tattoo artist has managed to replicate the text perfectly.

Warrior, 1982


Now, for a little violence. This tattoo is based on a painting called “Warrior.” The glowing red eyes really get under the skin.

Arroz con Pollo, 1981


Basquiat spent a lot of time in Puerto Rico in his youth. He likely enjoyed his fair share of Arroz con Pollo, or chicken and rice there. And now, we’re craving it.

Trumpet, 1984


Basquait completed “Trumpet” in 1984. This tattoo pays homage to the piece while also adding the “Most kings get their head cut off,” quote.

The Sleeve


This person is clearly a big Basquiat fan. There’s a portrait of the artist and many elements found in his paintings. Pick your favorites and you can have a enough to constitute a tattoo sleeve like this.

RELATED: 20 Inspiring and Fresh Frida Kahlo Tattoos

Cassius Clay, 1982


A popular print inspires this tattoo. It was part of his boxer series. It was famously very red. We wish this person had gotten this done in red ink but we still think it serves.

Caesar Meets Basquiat


We find a classical bust with elements from Basquiat peppered around. That very famous quote is there, as is the equally beloved crown. We all know what befell Caesar, so it’s very much appropriate.

Give Them a Beat


This is based more on the style of Basquiat than any single painting. We too, want more drums.

In the Beginning


Basquiat helped the world see the artistry that goes into graffiti. He borrowed many elements from street art to inform his work and his audience.

Augusto Sanchez Inspired by Basquiat


Yes, this tattoo based on a painting resembles Basquiat’s work. However, it was a tribute to him painted by Augusto Sanchez. He nailed it.

Basquiat Meets Van Gogh


“Van Gogh’s Chair” is a famed painting from Vincent van Gogh. The painting was completed in 1888. Basquiat is imagined sitting in the chair, a meeting of two of the world’s most cherished artists.

Obscured Portrait


Incredible! We find a portrait of the artist here with tons of motifs from his paintings injected in unique ways. There is so much life and exuberance in this tattoo. We’re smitten!

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The Mashcow Treatment


Tattoo artist Alexey Mashkov, also known as Mashcow, is one of the internet’s favorites. He has an unmistakable style that Basquiat and his other contemporaries heavily influence. His tattoos are surreal!

As we conclude this visual journey through Basquiat’s world, it’s evident that his artistry transcends the traditional canvas. Each tattoo showcased in this collection is a unique interpretation of his work and a testament to the enduring influence of his style. Whether you get a Basquiat-inspired tattoo as an homage to the artist or a personal expression of your narrative, remember that each design carries a piece of history and a spark of rebellion. Here’s to celebrating Basquiat’s legacy, one tattoo at a time!

For even more ink inspiration, keep reading. We also have some amazing Frida Kahlo-inspired tattoos to share with you!

hrough All the Flowers


Here we find our hero depicted in a storm of flowers that dance around her face. The blossoms are just so lush and palpable.

Black and Grey


While most Kahlo tattoos are in bright colors, a few, especially those based on black and white photographs, are completed in black and grey. Some people prefer black ink; if that sounds like you, have no fear when going in that direction.

On the Line


Single-line tattoos are popular today, and they are often abstract yet instantly recognizable when they are done right.

An Illustrative Interpretation


We call tattoos that look like these sketch tattoos. They have a sort of animated quality to them that celebrates the behind-the-scenes way art is produced.



Find yourself a tattoo artist with a point of view and they can take your Frida Kahlo tattoo to the next level. This piece is unlike any other on this list. It both honors Kahlo’s legacy while allowing a new artist to create something new about her.

On a Starry Night


Self Portrait in a Velvet Dress (1926) meets Vincent van Gogh‘s The Starry Night (1889). What a fun combination that imagines a world where to celebrated artists collide.

Pop Art Kahlo


The artist who shared this image explained that they were inspired by Pop Art. The deep colors are out of this world and lines do not come cleaner than these.

Shot Through


The Wounded Deer (1946) is a favorite as it is as haunting as it is beautiful. This person has recreated it in a unique way that pays homage to Kahlo while also looking like an etching.

Seeing Double


We love when artists depict Kahlo in a surrealist way. She is not often lumped in with a group we call surrealists today but she should be. While her paintings were deeply influenced by Mexican folk art, the visuals are wholly imaginative and otherworldly.

A Juicy Message


Viva la Vida, Watermelons (1954) is a delicious painting by Frida Kahlo that does inspire a good many tattoos. Viva la Vida is Spanish for “Long Live Life.” An appropriate message for a ripe piece of fruit and for viewers as well.



The Two Fridas (1939) highlights the graphic and visceral nature often seen in Kahlo’s paintings. It is one of her most popular masterpieces and it also inspires many tattoos.

An Interesting Use of Color


This Frida Kahlo tattoo is scant on details but big on color. Think outside the box and color outside the lines when coming up with your design. Tattoo artists are wickedly good at helping you realize a unique vision.



This tattoo is based on a photograph of Kahlo and richly recreates the details with glorious black and grey. So many people go for the same image of her; there’s so much out there to inspire your tattoo.

An Explosion of Flowers


How cool is this one!? Kahlo’s face has been pushed off of her skull to reveal a head full of flowers that are full of movement and visual interest. This is one of our favorites on this list.

Frida Kahlo Meet Camille Claudel


Camille Claudel was a sculptor who was working at the same time as Kahlo, but Claudel was decades into her career when Kahlo burst onto the scene. Claudel was an extremely skilled artist, but like so many others, her genius was not realized until after her death. We love this celebration of two dynamite artists in one neat package.

A Vision


The sky’s the limit! Here is one of the most adventurous Kahlo portraits on this list. Patterns and splashes of color swim together over black facial details that ground the design. Go your own way, folks. You will not regret it.



This is a really interesting concept that has been beautifully achieved. Kahlo in black and grey looks phenomenal while bursts of neon color on each side help to warm things up.



There are many excellent photographs of Kahlo painting, even some of her working in bed as she battled one of her many health issues. In her self-portraits, she often includes her pet monkeys which is just so sweet.

A Popular Motif


Survey the Frida Kahlo tattoos out there, and you will see some version of this design over and over and over again. It is ubiquitous. While this one is beautiful, and staying on the beaten path is fine, we just want to warn you that you will be in good company if you get something similar.

As Realistic as They Come


Nickolas Muray was an American photographer who took some of the most iconic portraits of Khalo. This tattoo and many others on this list are inspired by the photographs he took. We think the tattoo artist perfectly captured his vision.

These 20 inspiring and fresh Frida Kahlo tattoos are a testament to the enduring legacy of this remarkable artist and icon. From her bold and colorful self-portraits to her fierce spirit and unwavering resilience, Kahlo has left an indelible mark on the world – one that continues to inspire and empower people of all ages and backgrounds. So whether you are looking to honor Kahlo’s memory, express your own unique style, or simply celebrate the beauty and diversity of human creativity, these stunning tattoos are sure to provide plenty of inspiration and food for thought. So why wait? Get inspired, get inked, and let your own inner Frida shine through!