Mamas Uncut

Mom Asks Internet If She Should Still Take Her COVID-Positive 4-Year-Old On Trip To Disney

One anonymous mom is (actually) asking the internet if she should go to Disney after her 4-year-old contracted COVID-19.

According to the post, the mom wants to go ahead with her travel plans for the family’s Christmas Disney World vacation, despite her toddler testing positive for the novel coronavirus.

Mom Asks If She Should Take COVID-Positive Kid To Disney
Image via Shutterstock

“ 4 year old tested positive for Covid on Wednesday, the rest of the household was negative. We are/were supposed to go leave for Disney on the 26th. I am so devastated over the idea of canceling this trip..we have been planning it for months and months!! It was my 4 & 6 year olds entire Christmas present, without it..we have nothing really to give them Christmas morning.”

The woman continued, saying that in addition to the disappointment, they didn’t have anything to give their kids on Christmas if they did not go on the trip.

“She doesn’t have any symptoms or fever or anything. Neither do the rest of us. We plan to all get retested again in a few days. We have had some people tell us that we should be ok to go, including our travel planner. We have had others tell us not to go. I am unbelievably stressed and heartbroken over the whole situation!!! And I just have no idea what to do.”

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The original post was shared in the Facebook group Disney World Junkies.

It was later screenshotted and posted on Twitter by someone was appalled by the plea for advice.

“ma’am are you outside your entire f–king mind?” the user tweeted out, which spurred similar responses.

Image via Shutterstock

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One user commented: “Taking a contagious 4 year old to an amusement park to potentially sicken a bunch of other people when they’ll likely not even remember they’d been anyway. I doubt this was for the kids.”

While another said: “love that the actual, original plan was 1) Christmas where the kids have nothing to open 2) leave for Disneyland the following day. it’s demented even without the pandemic context.”

What do you think? Be sure to comment below!

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