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My Sister Is Threatening Me with Legal Action if I Don’t Let Her See Her Nephew: Is That Legal?

My Sister is Threatening Me if I Don't Let Her See Her Nephew Is That Legal?

A mom writes in asking for advice. Her sister is threatening her if this mom doesn’t let her see her nephew. They have had a really bad relationship for over 8 years. She threatened her during her pregnancy. Now that her son is 17-months-old, her sister recently asked to see her nephew. When this mom said no, her sister again threatened to take her to court on it. Any advice for this mom?

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A member of the community asks:

“My sister and I have never gotten along. I moved out of my home eight years ago; I haven’t spoken to her for over a year and a half. We had a fight when I was 16 weeks pregnant. She threatened and tried to assault me. She said: “I hope you miscarry, and I’ll try to make it happen, and if you don’t, I’m coming after your baby.” My husband stood in between us and told her off, but my parents didn’t try to tell her to back down.

My son is now 17 months. He has never met my side of the family because of a disagreement that extended from that incident. She recently contacted me and asked me to see my son. I told her I don’t feel comfortable with that after what happened. She told me she would take me to court for ‘aunt’s rights.

My husband said there’s no such thing, but as someone with anxiety, I’m a little worried. I don’t want the stress of it all. We have enough going on at the moment. Please tell me she is wrong. I don’t want her in my life. What I wrote above is only part of the reason and it gets worse. She is simply not a nice person.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Worried About Her Sister

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary


Advice for this mom was all supportive of her. Many told her to completely cut out her sister for making threatening remarks about seeing her nephew. One said, “Maybe get a restraining order. She sounds crazy and make sure to include your son!” Many other commenters agreed on getting a restraining order. Another shared, “There’s no such thing as ‘aunt rights.’ She’s absolutely full of it. If I were you I’d block her and maybe look at getting a restraining order if you feel she could be a danger to you or your child.”

Others agreed that there were no such thing as “aunt rights.” One suggested, “No contact order as soon as possible! Include phone calls, texts, emails, and include your son in the order as well.” Another shared, “That’s definitely not a thing. But, even if it was, what transpired while you were pregnant should be enough to show why you don’t want her in your life in case she does actually try to take you to court.”

Some commenters tried to get her to relax and forget about this whole situation. One said, “Extended family doesn’t have rights unless they have custody of the child or adopted the child. There’s no such thing so just relax.” Another commented, “I’ve never heard of that, she’s making it up to try to force you to do what she wants. Don’t bend.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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