Mamas Uncut

Mom Shares Baby Poop Hack She Discovered Accidentally…And Fellow Moms Are So Thankful


Mom hacks are the best, aren’t they? If something can make a mom’s life easier or at the very least, less stressful, it’s something we should share with the masses, am I right?

And that’s why we have to share a massive thank you to Rachel Flowers, who put together the most adorable video about her baby pooping! Seriously, earlier this month, Flowers shared the poop hack she accidentally stumbled upon that will help your little one go number two almost instantly, even if they are struggling.

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“I have a really weird baby hack,” Flowers, who runs the blog Growing in Grace, wrote on the video. “I found this out by accident. If you sit your baby in the middle of your crossed legs, they poop.”

Flowers jokes that she called it the “toilet position because her legs make a toilet for the baby!” And it’s something she swears by saying it’s a safe and natural remedy that has worked for both of her children when they are constipated.

Flowers also notes that it is imperative that when your little one is in the “toilet position” that their bottom is suspended above whatever surface you are sitting on! “I noticed randomly with my son that every time I would hold him in my lap like this, he would poop. So I started doing it when I noticed he hadn’t gone in a while, and sure enough, it got things going!” How cool is that?

Mom hacks are the best, aren’t they?

And so many commenters say they use this trick as well! “I’ve done this with all three of my babies!!! I always called it the mommy potty!” one mom wrote. “Omg I’ve been trying to get my daughter to sh*t all day and after sitting like that for 5 minutes she finally did! Wish I would’ve seen this 8 hours ago,” another mom admitted!

So there you have it! Like Flowers wrote, we “hope you enjoyed this random and silly tip!