My Daughter Failed Her Hearing Test, but Could It Be Due to Ear Wax Build-Up? Thoughts?

A mom writes in looking for experiences that other moms might have had regarding a buildup of ear wax, which she thinks may have caused her daughter to fail a hearing test.

A Community Member asks:

My daughter is in kindergarten and failed both hearing tests. She was referred to the audiologist. He determined she has conductive hearing loss in the right and possibly the left. We took her to her pediatrician and holy cow, were they successful in clearing out some serious ear wax build-up!! Now we have an RX for ear drops, along with Flonase.

The doctor says he seriously believes the wax build-up is the culprit for her failing her hearing tests after treatment; we’ll reschedule for her to take the tests again. If your kiddos have experienced this, please let me know, is the ear wax build up a recurring issue, or was it just something that needed to be cleaned, and then it’s fine moving forward. The doctor says it’s rare to see it recurring, but I want to know anyone else’s experiences if you’re willing to share. Thank you!!

-Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for the Mom Worried About Her Daughter’s Hearing Test That He Failed

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below

Fan QuestionMy daughter failed her hearing test and we think it was due to wax build up: Thoughts?My daughter is in…

Posted by Mamas Uncut on Friday, January 24, 2020

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Advice Summary


Many in the community have experienced what this mother has, and they had very encouraging advice. You can read some of their responses below.

My son has a horrible problem with the ear wax and it is a reoccurring thing and it definitely affects his hearing he has to go every few months to get them cleaned out so yes and answer to your question is that definitely could affect her hearing.”

Definitely go back for retesting. I literally fought for a year because my daughter failed her test. They swore she had no fluid in her ears that it was just a loss of hearing and no explanation on why all of a sudden she failed! They decided to put tubes in and sure enough, fluid was trapped in her ear where they couldn’t see!!!!

My daughter has a lot of wax build-up too. We go a few times a year for the doctor to clean them out. Don’t use q-tips.I’d also see about allergy medicine.

You would think an audiology dept and ENT would have the wherewithal to check for otic obstructions prior to the hearing test. Apparently they failed to do so, resulting in additional charges, probably by design.”

My youngest had some pretty bad wax build-up and it is recurring. I have to take an ear wax scraper and clean his ears out at least once a week to make sure it doesn’t get bad again. Also, we put peroxide in his ears at least once a week. Helps so much.

Well 1st just breathe, it’s not the end of the world. Just take the steps the Dr. advises & if by some chance she’s deaf just remind yourself that when they grow up they don’t really listen to us anyway. Be positive, stay positive, life’s not always easy.

Final Thoughts

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This happened with my son; he failed his hearing test every year, but he had horrible allergies and they always did the test in the height of allergy season. When I took him to the pediatrician they redid his test and said he passed. I don’t want to minimize the test results that your daughter had, but I just want to say that I do feel that earwax build-up and allergies can play a big part in whether they pass or fail.

The community gave some good advice on things you could do to help with the buildup of earwax. I hope that you are able to try some of these and that it helps your daughter.

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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1 thought on “My Daughter Failed Her Hearing Test, but Could It Be Due to Ear Wax Build-Up? Thoughts?”

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