50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

The ocean covers about 71% of Earth’s total surface and holds an estimated 1.35 billion cubic kilometers (324 million cubic miles) of water – which accounts for roughly 97% of all water found on planet Earth. 

Without it, life wouldn’t be possible – and none of this would exist. 

Not only does it producenearly half of the world’s oxygen and absorb 50 times more carbon dioxide than our atmosphere, but it influences everything from our ecosystem to the climate and even our economy.

RELATED: 20 Nautical and ocean related Names for Baby Boys

In fact, the ocean plays such a big role in our day-to-day lives that it even has an influence on the names we give our kids – whether it be ocean related names or mythological names inspired by water deities.

If you love the ocean and the vast mystery that comes with it, then ocean related names are for you!

And don’t worry… We’ve got some ideas to help get your baby name list started – from ocean related names that literally translate to ocean or the sea to names inspired by animals found in the ocean. 

With that said, let’s get started!

Ocean Related Names That Literally Mean Ocean or Sea

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver
via Shutterstock (Tatevosian Yana)

We’re going to start things off with literal translations – ocean related names that directly translate to ocean, the sea, or something similar. These names are usually words taken from other languages. 

Names like Kai (Hawaiian word for ‘sea’) and Dylan (translates to ‘son of the sea’ in Welsh). 

As awareness of environmental issues grows, many people feel a strong connection to the ocean – which is a good thing – and are choosing ocean related names to reflect their appreciation for the environment. 

Let’s take a look at some of the most popular ocean related names for boys and girls. 

10. Moana

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Gender: Girl

Origin: Polynesian

Meaning: In Polynesian languages, “Moana” means “ocean” or “sea.” 

The name gained international recognition due to the Disney movie “Moana,” which features a strong, adventurous heroine named Moana who embarks on a journey across the ocean.

9. Kai

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Gender: Boy & Girl

Origin: Hawaiian, Japanese

Meaning: In Hawaiian, “Kai” means “sea” or “ocean.” In Japanese, “Kai” can mean “ocean,” “shell,” or “restoration” depending on the kanji used.

8. Dylan

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Gender: Boy (Primary) & Girl

Origin: Welsh

Meaning: The name Dylan is derived from the Welsh elements “dy” meaning “great” and “llanw” meaning “tide” or “flow,” often interpreted as “son of the sea” or “born from the ocean.”

In Welsh mythology, Dylan was a god associated with the sea. According to legend, he was a son of Arianrhod and was able to swim as soon as he was born. 

7. Marisol

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Gender: Girl

Origin: Spanish

Meaning: “Marisol” is derived from “María” (a form of Mary) and “sol” (meaning “sun”). Therefore, the name can be interpreted as “Mary of the sun.” It can also be seen as a combination of “mar” (sea) and “sol” (sun), giving it the meaning “sea and sun.”

6. Kaimana

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Gender: Boy & Girl

Origin: Hawaiian

Meaning: “Kaimana” is derived from two Hawaiian words: “kai” meaning “ocean” or “sea” and “mana” meaning “power” or “spirit.” Therefore, the name “Kaimana” can be interpreted as “power of the sea” or “divine power of the ocean.”

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5. Morgan

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Gender: Boy & Girl

Origin: Welsh

Meaning: The name Morgan is derived from the Welsh elements “mor” meaning “sea” and “cant” meaning “circle” or “completion.” Thus, Morgan can be interpreted to mean “sea-born” or “circling sea.”

4. Cordelia

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Gender: Girl

Origin: Celtic, Welsh

Meaning: In Celtic/Welsh, it is believed to mean “daughter of the sea” or “jewel of the sea.”

3. Pelagia

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Gender: Girl

Origin: Greek

Meaning: Pelagia is derived from the Greek word “pelagos,” which means “sea.” Thus, the name Pelagia can be interpreted as “of the sea” or “sea-born.”

2. Kailani

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Gender: Girl

Origin: Hawaiian

Meaning: Kailani is a combination of two Hawaiian words: “kai” meaning “sea” or “ocean” and “lani” meaning “heaven” or “sky.” Therefore, the name Kailani can be interpreted as “sea and sky” or “heavenly sea.”

1. Ocean

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Gender: Boy & Girl

Origin: English

Meaning: While “Ocean” is a relatively modern and unconventional given name, it evokes a strong connection to nature and can symbolize vastness, mystery, and tranquility.

Ocean Related Names Inspired By Famous Seas

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver
via Shutterstock (Daria Aleshena)

A sea is a large body of saltwater that are typically found on the margins of the oceans and are partially enclosed by landmasses such as continents or islands. There are more than 50 seas in the entire world. 

Examples include the Mediterranean Sea, Caribbean Sea, Baltic Sea, Red Sea, and Dead Sea. 

Seas are vital for human activities such as fishing, transportation, and trade. They also have significant cultural and recreational value, with many coastal communities relying on them for their livelihoods.

If you want to name your child after a sea, then here are some perfect ocean related name ideas!

10. Aegean 

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Greek

Meaning: The name “Aegean” is derived from the Aegean Sea, which lies between the Greek mainland and Turkey. The sea itself is named after Aegeus, a figure from Greek mythology.

Sea Profile: The Aegean Sea, which is part of the Mediterranean Sea, has been a cradle of ancient civilizations, including the Minoans and Mycenaeans. It has numerous islands, many of which have significant historical and cultural heritage.

9. Caspian 

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Persian

Meaning: The name “Caspian” is derived from the Caspian Sea, which takes its name from the ancient Caspians, a people who lived in the region around the sea.

Sea Profile: The Caspian Sea is bordered by five countries: Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran, and Azerbaijan. Despite being called a sea, it is actually the world’s largest lake, with a surface area of about 371,000 square kilometers (143,000 square miles).

8. Adria

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Latin

Meaning: The name “Adria” is derived from the ancient city of Adria (or Hadria), located near the Adriatic Sea. The name Adria is believed to mean “dark” or “rich,” referring to the dark waters of the sea.

Sea Profile: The Adriatic Sea is a body of water separating the Italian Peninsula from the Balkans. It is a part of the Mediterranean Sea, stretching from the Gulf of Venice in the north to the Strait of Otranto in the south.

7. Aden

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Hebrew, Arabic, Gaelic

Meaning: In Arabic, the name Aden (also spelled Adan) means “settler” or “one who is settled.” In Hebrew, the name is sometimes associated with the word “Adin,” meaning “delicate” or “gentle.” In some cases, Aden is considered a variant of the Gaelic name Aodhán (also spelled Aidan), which means “little fire.”

Sea Profile: The Gulf of Aden is a significant gulf located in the Arabian Sea, between Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula and Somalia in the Horn of Africa. It connects to the Red Sea through the Bab-el-Mandeb strait.

6. Azov

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Turkic

Meaning: The name “Azov” is derived from the ancient town of Azov (previously known as Tanais or Tana), located near the sea. 

Sea Profile: The Sea of Azov is a shallow sea in Eastern Europe, connected to the Black Sea by the Kerch Strait. It is bordered by Russia to the east and Ukraine to the northwest. It’s widely known for its fishing industry and has been an important route for maritime trade.

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5. Flores

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Portuguese, Spanish

Meaning: The name “Flores” means “flowers” in Portuguese and Spanish. It was given to the island by Portuguese explorers due to the abundance of flowers they found there.

Sea Profile: The Flores Sea is situated between the Indonesian islands of Flores to the south, Sulawesi to the north, and Sumbawa to the west. It is part of the larger Pacific Ocean. It’s also a part of the Coral Triangle, which has the highest diversity of marine species in the world.

4. Banda

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Malay Indonesian

Meaning: The name “Banda” does not have a widely recognized specific meaning in Malay or Indonesian, but it is the name given to the islands and the sea in the region. 

Sea Profile: The Banda Sea is a part of the Pacific Ocean, located in Southeast Asia. It is surrounded by the Maluku Islands of Indonesia, including the famous Banda Islands. The Banda Islands were colonized by the Portuguese in the early 16th century, followed by the Dutch, who established a monopoly on the spice trade. 

3. North

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: English

Meaning: The name “North” is derived from the Old English word “norþ,” meaning “northern region” or “direction toward the north.”

Sea Profile: The North Sea is a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean, bordered by several European countries. It is an important body of water for trade, fishing, and energy resources. Today, the North Sea is known for its significant oil and natural gas reserves.

2. Andaman 

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Sanskrit

Meaning: The name “Andaman” is believed to be derived from the ancient Sanskrit word “Handuman,” which refers to the Hindu deity Hanuman.

Sea Profile: The Andaman Sea is located between the southeastern coast of Myanmar (Burma), the west coast of Thailand, and the northwest coast of the Malay Peninsula. It is part of the northeastern Indian Ocean. It’s known for its clear waters, coral reefs, and numerous islands, including the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

1. Weddell

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: English

Meaning: The name “Weddell” itself does not have a specific meaning beyond being a surname, but the Weddell Sea is named after James Weddell – a British sailor and seal hunter who explored the area in the early 19th century.

Sea Profile: The Weddell Sea is located in the Southern Ocean, to the east of the Antarctic Peninsula. It is one of the coldest seas on Earth, characterized by extensive ice cover and harsh climatic conditions. It’s notable for its large ice shelves, particularly the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf. 

Ocean Related Names Inspired By Fish & Other Aquatic Animals

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver
via Shutterstock (Katrina Elena)

Did you know there are an estimated 3.5 trillion fish in the ocean? That means there are roughly 437 fish in the ocean for every one human being on land – and more than 10,500 fish for every American citizen. 

And that doesn’t even begin to include all the other animals and creatures found in the ocean. 

Whether you’re a marine biologist who studies aquatic animals for a living, an angler who enjoys a day out fishing, or someone who admires the ocean from a distance – why not honor it in your child’s name? 

Let’s take a look at some examples of ocean related names inspired by fish and other aquatic animals. 

10. Marlin

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: English

Meaning: The name “Marlin” is believed to be derived from the Old English elements “mære,” meaning “famous” or “renowned,” and “lēah,” meaning “clearing” or “meadow.”

Oceanic Significance: A marlin is a large, powerful fish known for its elongated body, spear-like snout, and high, pointed dorsal fin. Marlins belong to the family Istiophoridae and are prized by sport fishermen due to their size and strength. 

9. Coral

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Latin

Meaning: The name “Coral” comes from the Latin word “corallium,” which directly refers to coral, the marine organism.

Oceanic Significance: Corals are marine invertebrates belonging to the class Anthozoa of the phylum Cnidaria. They are typically found in warm, shallow ocean waters and are best known for their role in building coral reefs, which are some of the most diverse and valuable ecosystems on Earth.

8. Pearl

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: English

Meaning: The name “Pearl” comes from the English word “pearl,” which is derived from the Latin word “perla.” 

Oceanic Significance: A pearl is a hard, round object produced within the soft tissue of a living shelled mollusk, such as an oyster or mussel. They’re formed through a natural process that involves the deposition of layers of calcium carbonate around a microscopic irritant inside the mollusk.

7. Blue

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: English

Meaning: The name “blue” directly refers to the color blue. The word “blue” comes from the Old French word “bleu,” which has Germanic origins.

Oceanic Significance: This is obviously a direct reference to the color of the ocean, which can vary in shades of blue depending on a variety of things – including the depth of the water, how clean it is, and the amount of sunlight hitting it. It can also refer to the Blue Whale – the largest animal on Earth. 

6. Delfin

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Spanish, French

Meaning: Delfin means “dolphin” in both Spanish and French. The word itself is derived from the Latin “delphinus,” which in turn comes from the Greek “delphis,” meaning “dolphin.”

Oceanic Significance: While dolphins prefer shallow, coastal waters where food is abundant, many species inhabit the deep, open ocean – far from the coast. These pelagic dolphins are adapted to life in the vast, deep waters and are often seen in areas where ocean currents create rich feeding grounds.

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5. Mack

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Scottish, Irish

Meaning: Mack is typically a short form of the name “Mac,” which means “son of” in Gaelic. It is often used as a prefix in Scottish and Irish surnames (e.g., MacDonald, MacKenzie).

Oceanic Significance: This name honors the ‘mackerel’ – a species of fish found in both temperate and tropical seas, primarily belonging to the family Scombridae. They have a slender, streamlined body that is built for speed, and are covered with small, smooth scales. 

4. Mahi

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Sanskrit, Hawaiian

Meaning: In Sanskrit, “Mahi” means “great,” “earth,” or “heaven.” In Hawaiian, “Mahi” is short for “Mahimahi,” which refers to the dolphinfish, a popular fish known for its beauty and strength.

Oceanic Significance: Mahi Mahi, also known as dolphinfish or by its scientific name Coryphaena hippurus, is a vibrant and fast-growing fish found in tropical and subtropical oceans around the world. They have a bright, iridescent blue-green back and sides that fade to a yellow or golden belly.

3. Cobia

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: unknown

Meaning: The name Cobia is derived from the common name of the fish species “Cobia,” scientifically known as Rachycentron canadum.

Oceanic Significance: Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) are large, predatory fish known for their strength and sporting qualities, making them a popular target for anglers. They are found in warm, tropical, and subtropical waters around the world, both inshore and offshore.

2. Balaena 

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Latin

Meaning: The name Balaena is derived from the Latin word “balaena,” which means “whale.”

Oceanic Significance: While most whales are known for their size, they also have large, complex brains and exhibit behaviors that suggest high levels of intelligence, such as problem-solving, social interactions, and communication. In fact, they can communicate through a variety of sounds, including clicks, whistles, and songs.

1. Angel

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Greek

Meaning: It comes from the Greek word “angelos,” which means “messenger.” 

Oceanic Significance: Angelfish are a diverse group of fish known for their striking appearance and graceful swimming. They can be found in both freshwater and marine environments. Marine angelfish inhabit tropical and subtropical coral reefs around the world. 

Ocean Related Names Inspired By Water Deities

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver
via Shutterstock (Warm_Tail)

Water deities are gods and goddesses associated with bodies of water such as rivers, seas, lakes, and oceans. They’re usually the reason behind natural phenomena like floods, droughts, storms, and tides. 

Today, some of the most popular names are inspired by water deities – and for good reason. 

Water is essential for life, and ancient civilizations often revered water sources. Deities associated with water were believed to control its life-giving properties, influencing agriculture, health, and well-being.

Let’s take a look at a few examples of popular ocean related names inspired by gods and goddesses.

10. Poseidon

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Greek

Meaning: The meaning of Poseidon is commonly interpreted as “lord of the earth” or “husband of the earth,” deriving from the Greek words “posis” (husband or lord) and “da” (earth).

Mythology: In Greek mythology, Poseidon is one of the Twelve Olympian deities and the god of the sea, earthquakes, storms, and horses. He is the brother of Zeus and Hades and is often depicted holding a trident.

9. Amphitrite

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Greek

Meaning: The name Amphitrite is derived from the Greek elements “amphi,” meaning “around” or “on both sides,” and “trite,” possibly from “tritos,” meaning “third.” 

Mythology: In Greek mythology, Amphitrite is a sea goddess and the wife of Poseidon, the god of the sea. She is one of the Nereids, the fifty daughters of Nereus and Doris. Amphitrite is often depicted as a beautiful mermaid or sea nymph, riding sea creatures or chariots drawn by sea horses.

8. Nereus

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Greek

Meaning: The meaning of Nereus is often interpreted as “wet one” or “from the sea,” deriving from the Greek word “neros,” meaning “wet” or “liquid.”

Mythology: In Greek mythology, Nereus is known as the old man of the sea and the god of the sea’s rich bounty of fish. He is the son of Pontus (the Sea) and Gaia (the Earth), making him a primordial sea god. Nereus is often depicted as a wise and benevolent figure, with the gift of prophecy and the ability to shape-shift.

7. Oceanus

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Greek

Meaning: The name Oceanus is derived from the Greek word “Okeanos,” which refers to the great river or ocean that encircles the Earth.

Mythology: In Greek mythology, Oceanus is a Titan and personification of the great, encircling river Okeanos, which was believed to flow around the world. He is the son of Uranus (Sky) and Gaia (Earth) and is married to his sister Tethys. Together, they’re the parents of the river gods and the Oceanids, who are the nymphs of the world’s fresh waters. 

6. Neptune

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Roman, Latin

Meaning: The exact meaning of Neptune is not definitively known, but it is often associated with water and the sea. The name might be derived from the ancient Latin word “nuptu,” which means “moist” or “wet.”

Mythology: In Roman mythology, Neptune is the god of the sea, freshwater, and horses. He is the Roman counterpart to the Greek god Poseidon. Neptune is one of the major gods of the Roman pantheon and is often depicted holding a trident, riding a chariot drawn by sea horses or other sea creatures. 

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5. Salacia

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Roman

Meaning: The name Salacia is derived from the Latin word “sal,” meaning “salt.” It is associated with the sea and saltwater.

Mythology: In Roman mythology, Salacia is the goddess of saltwater and the sea. She is the wife of Neptune, the god of the sea, and is often depicted as a beautiful and serene sea nymph. 

4. Aegir (Ægir)

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Norse

Meaning: The name Ægir is believed to be derived from the Old Norse word “Ægir,” meaning “sea” or “ocean.” It is also related to the Proto-Germanic word “aigwaz,” which means “water” or “sea.”

Mythology: In Norse mythology, Ægir is the god of the sea, known for his hospitality and connection to the ocean’s powerful and sometimes destructive nature. He is often depicted as a giant or jötunn who rules over the ocean with his wife, Ran, and their nine daughters, who personify the waves. 

3. Varuna

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Sanskrit

Meaning: The name Varuna is derived from the Sanskrit root “vr,” which means “to cover” or “to encompass.” It can be interpreted as “the enveloper” or “the all-encompassing one.”

Mythology: In Hindu mythology, Varuna is one of the oldest deities mentioned in the Vedas, the ancient sacred texts of India. He is the god of the sky, water, the celestial ocean, and the law. Varuna is often depicted as a majestic figure riding a makara (a mythical sea creature) or a chariot pulled by seven swans.

2. Sedna

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Inuit

Meaning: The name “Sedna” commonly refers to the goddess of the sea in Inuit mythology. 

Mythology: Sedna is the Inuit goddess of the sea and marine animals, particularly those that are vital for Inuit survival, such as seals, whales, and fish. She is also known as the Mother of the Sea or Mistress of the Sea.

1. Njord

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Norse

Meaning: The exact meaning of the name Njord (also spelled Njörðr) is uncertain, but it is believed to be derived from an Old Norse word related to “power” or “strength,” particularly associated with the sea.

Mythology: In Norse mythology, Njord is a god associated with the sea, seafaring, wind, fishing, wealth, and prosperity. He is a member of the Vanir, one of the two main groups of gods, and is known for his peaceful nature and association with prosperity and fertility.

Ocean Related Names Inspired By Famous Ocean Explorers

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver
via Shutterstock (Jason Sponseller)

Ocean explorers have played a significant role in Earth’s history through their contributions to navigation, trade, scientific discovery, cultural exchange, geopolitical expansion, travel, economy, and colonization. 

If it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t be where we are today. 

They not only facilitated the exchange of cultures, languages, technologies, and religions between different civilizations, but they helped map the world and charted new sea routes for safer, faster travel.

Let’s take a look at some of our favorite ocean related names inspired by famous ocean explorers. 

10. Christopher 

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Greek

Meaning: The name “Christopher” is derived from the Greek name Χριστόφορος (Christophoros). It is composed of two elements: “Christos,” meaning “Christ,” and “phero,” meaning “to bear” or “to carry.”

Who Is Christopher Columbus?: Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer and navigator born in 1451 in Genoa, Italy. He is best known for his 1492 voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, which was sponsored by Spain’s King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. Columbus sought a westward route to Asia but instead landed in the Americas, specifically the Bahamas.

9. Leon

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Greek

Meaning: Leon is derived from the Greek word “leon,” which means lion.

Who Is Ponce de Leon?: Juan Ponce de León was a Spanish explorer and conquistador born around 1474. He is best known for leading the first official European expedition to Florida in 1513, which he named. He is also associated with the legendary search for the Fountain of Youth.

8. James 

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: James is derived from the Hebrew name Jacob (Yaakov), which means “supplanter” or “one who follows.”

Who Is James Cook?: James Cook was a British explorer, navigator, and cartographer born in 1728. He is renowned for his three voyages to the Pacific Ocean, during which he made detailed maps and discovered several islands, including Hawaii and New Zealand.

Who Is James Cameron?: James Cameron is a Canadian filmmaker and explorer born in 1954. He is famous for directing blockbuster movies like “Titanic” and “Avatar” and for his deep-sea explorations, including a solo descent to the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean.

7. Ernest 

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Germanic

Meaning: Ernest comes from the Germanic name Ernst, which means serious, resolute, or earnest. It was popularized in the English-speaking world by the works of Oscar Wilde.

Who Is Ernest Shackleton?: Ernest Shackleton was a British polar explorer born in 1874. He is best known for his Antarctic expeditions, particularly the Endurance expedition of 1914-1916, which became a legendary survival story after the ship was trapped and crushed by ice.

6. Pytheas 

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Greek

Meaning: Pytheas is an ancient Greek name associated with Pytheas of Massalia, a Greek geographer and explorer from the 4th century BC. The name suggests curiosity and a spirit of adventure.

Who Is Pytheas?: Pytheas was a Greek explorer and geographer from the 4th century BCE. He is known for his voyage to northwest Europe, where he explored and described regions such as Britain, Ireland, and possibly even Iceland, providing valuable geographic information.

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5. Jacques

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Hebrew, French

Meaning: Jacques is the French form of James, derived from the Hebrew name Jacob. It carries the same meaning of “supplanter” or “one who follows.”

Who Is Jaques Cousteau?: Jacques Cousteau was a French naval officer, explorer, conservationist, and filmmaker born in 1910. He is famous for his extensive marine research, pioneering underwater filming techniques, and his invention of the Aqua-Lung, an early scuba diving device.

Who Is Jacques Cartier?: Jacques Cartier was a French explorer born in 1491. He is best known for his three voyages to Canada, during which he explored the St. Lawrence River and laid the foundation for French claims in North America.

4. Vitus 

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Latin

Meaning: Vitus is a Latin name meaning life. It is associated with Saint Vitus, an early Christian martyr and the patron saint of dancers and actors.

Who Is Vitus Bering?: Vitus Bering was a Danish explorer and naval officer in the Russian Navy, born in 1681. He led the first European expedition to discover Alaska and the Aleutian Islands, and the Bering Sea and Bering Strait are named after him.

3. Ferdinand 

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Germanic

Meaning: Ferdinand is derived from the Germanic elements “farð,” meaning journey, and “nand,” meaning daring or brave.

Who Is Ferdinand Magellan?: Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer born around 1480. He is famous for leading the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe (1519-1522), although he died during the journey in the Philippines. His expedition provided crucial proof that the Earth is round and larger than previously thought.

2. Leif 

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Old Norse

Meaning: Leif is derived from the Old Norse name Leifr, meaning heir or descendant.

Who Is Leif Erikson?: Leif Erikson was a Norse explorer from Iceland, born around 970. He is believed to be the first European to land in North America, specifically in an area he called Vinland, which is thought to be modern-day Newfoundland in Canada.

1. Henry 

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver

Origin: Germanic

Meaning: Henry comes from the Germanic name Heinrich, composed of the elements “heim,” meaning home or house, and “ric,” meaning ruler or power.

Who Is Henry Hudson?: Henry Hudson was an English sea explorer and navigator born around 1565. He is known for his explorations of present-day Canada and parts of the northeastern United States, including the Hudson River, Hudson Strait, and Hudson Bay, all of which are named after him.

Are You Liking Any of These Ocean Related Names? 

50 Fun & Unique Ocean Related Names for Your Little Scuba Diver
via Shutterstock (Valeriya Anufriyeva)

Just as the ocean is vast and full of mysteries, ocean-inspired names can symbolize the varied depths of our character and personalities – as well as the adventurous spirit you hope to inspire out of your child. 

It can also reflect a family’s appreciation for nature and a commitment to environmental stewardship.

Whether you like a more direct influence like Oceanus, a name inspired by a water deity like Poseidon, or a name like Caspian (inspired by the Caspian Sea) – you have an endless supply of options to consider. 

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So, what do you say – are any of the ocean related names listed above catching your eye? Can you see yourself giving your child one of these ocean related names? If so, then let us know what you choose!

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Baby Name Generator

No baby name sounding good? Want a quick way to generate unique baby name ideas? Try our baby name generator below!

Set your terms (sex of the baby, number of letters, popularity, etc.) and then get a list of names that meet your criteria. Maybe the perfect name is just waiting to be generated for you.

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