Mamas Uncut

Parents Name Baby Born in Lockdown ‘Sanitizer’ as a ‘Contribution’ to the Fight Against the Novel Coronavirus

Baby names are always a hot topic, and that’s even truer these days.

Shortly after news of newborn twins being named Covid and Corona broke, a new story out of India shows that pandemic-inspired names will not be slowing down anytime soon. Two new parents there named their new son “Sanitizer” after, well… hand sanitizer.


A quick aside to add: Sanitizer is often spelled “sanitiser” in countries outside of America.

Omvir Singh and his wife welcomed a baby boy on April 12 in Uttar Pradesh, India. India, like many other parts of the world, is currently under lockdown as the nations struggle to curb coronavirus infections. And so, of course, when it came time to choose a name for their baby, they landed on Sanitizer.

“Whenever people will talk of corona, they will remember that it was the sanitizer that saved them,” Singh told a news agency according to The Week.


RELATED: Mom Names Twins Born During Global Pandemic ‘Covid’ and ‘Corona’

Singh also added that they liked the name because hand sanitizer has become an icon of the fight against the ongoing pandemic. ”Sanitiser is one of the best ways to protect oneself against contracting Coronavirus infection,” Singh said according to the Deccan Herald. “We will remember this period (lockdown), whenever [we] utter his name,” he added.

It should be noted that while hand sanitizer is indeed effective at killing the novel coronavirus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that the best methods for preventing infection are social distancing and proper handwashing. Hand sanitizer, ideally, should be used when you cannot wash your hands with soap and water.


”Everyone is fighting against this virus….from our prime minister to ordinary people….this (Sanitiser) is our contribution,” Singh said.

Sanitizer’s mom, who has not been named, said that hospital staff smiled when they heard the name they’d chosen.

So we’ve got a Covid, a Corona, a Covid Bryant, a Lockdown, and now a Sanitizer. Truly now is the era for brave baby name choices, if you are so inclined. As far as we know, “Soap,” “PPE,” “SIP” (an acronym for Shelter-in-Place), and “Isolation” are still available.