Mamas Uncut

Mom Hired Pregnant Friend to Babysit 3-Year-Old. She Had Her Arrested Moments After Watching Nanny Cam

The mother of a 3-year-old girl asked her pregnant friend to babysit one night, but after viewing the nanny cam footage she learned her friend spent the night physically abusing her daughter. According to BET, the mother then posted some of the video online, as well as sent it to police.

The “friend” can be seen sitting on the couch with no clothing on her bottom half, directing the child where to walk and violently shoving her multiple times. After several aggressive pushes, she can be heard telling the toddler to “get up.”

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VIDEO: Pregnant babysitter physically abuses a 3-year-old girl and gets caught on nanny cam.

She’s heard instructing the child to “walk right here,” pointing for the little girl to stay closer to the couch so the woman can reach her without standing up.

It can also be seen that the woman is far along into her own pregnancy.

Since sending the footage to authorities, the mother told The Shade Room the woman has been arrested. She also warned other parents to be cautious when letting someone be around your children:

“I helped this girl, paid her rent for her to ‘help’ babysit my baby while I work some nights. Be aware and careful who you leave your kids with ‘cause people are sick and it’s the people closest to you.”

Both BET and The Shade Room kept the mother and the woman’s identity anonymous, but people online were calling for authorities to take the woman’s baby away from her as soon as he or she is born:

They need to make sure they take her baby as soon as she gives birth!

Now she’ll be locked up and her own kid will probably be taken from her. Congrats girl you played yourself.

And she is pregnant now another child as to endure her hateful behavior.

Smh I hope they take that child she’s pregnant with…she doesn’t deserve to have a child

But some people felt the mother shouldn’t have left her daughter with her “friend” in the first place:

Friend or not you can’t leave your kids with everyone

Why put your daughter in that position just to prove a point..obviously the mother sensed something was wrong.

Most, however, expressed raw outrage for the abuse shown in the footage:

I woulda dragged her all threw that house then out the door then dumped her off a bridge, that ain’t no friend

This is my biggest fear. My child being mistreated when I’m not around. I pray this little girl never has to experience that again . That’s unacceptable !

She would be dead

It’s unclear if the woman has been charged with child abuse as of Sunday morning, but she’s clearly been ruled guilty as far as the public is concerned.