Mamas Uncut

25 Sad Memes That Are Unfortunately All Too Relatable

There’s a meme for every emotion and situation. There are even sad memes out there that help folks better express their feelings in a certain moment. These memes can be tinged with humor or bitingly straightforward about the unhappiness that people feel. You might be searching for a relatable sad meme that perfectly expresses what you’re going through. If that’s the case, you’ve come to the right place to find a fitting meme.

Sad memes allow you to see that you’re not alone and that, in fact, many others can sympathize with those dark and twisty emotions you might be feeling. We’ve rounded up some of the most touching sad memes for you to scroll through. Our goal was not to find memes that make you sad but instead find memes that can help you feel seen. Take a look below.

Find the Sad Meme That Perfectly Expresses the Emotions You Feel.



It’s not uncommon for a mind to race and ultimately imagine the worst. It could be a creeping sense of anxiety that keeps you awake at night.

On Depression


Depression touches so many lives today. In fact, the pandemic has made the condition even more visible for many folks. Some estimates say that depression rates tripled over the course of the last couple of years. You’re not alone.

You’re Not


Although you may feel like garbage, you are not actually disposable. This funny meme picks at insecurity in a refreshing way.

You’re Gonna Make It


We all internalize and process trauma in different ways. While it might feel alienating, you’re not alone.

Mental Health

In this sad meme, we also find some humor. For those struggling with mental illness, it can feel chaotic. Just know that you’re not the only one living through that chaos.

For Those at 2%


Here’s a text conversation that takes a turn. We’ve all felt less than 100% and that’s totally fine.

Can You Relate?


Sometimes a sad meme hits you just right. We suppose that’s true of any meme, but we found this one to be exceptionally relatable.

Behind the Mask


For the Chemistry Geeks


Sad memes can be darkly funny. In this one, we find some information that only the brightest chemistry lovers will appreciate.



Here’s a sad meme about unfounded claims. Perhaps we all deserve to be fact-checked once in a while.

The List


Who can relate? Anyone can fall victim to spiraling thoughts. In this sad meme, we find an illustration of how that can look.

Ah, Therapy


Sometimes we build a wall around ourselves to feel protected. Here’s what that feels like in a visualization.



It’s just the depression. But, this silly sad meme makes a good point about how many of us cope.

S.A.D.’s Over


Here’s a funny-sad meme about seasonal depression giving way to just the normal kind. Who else can relate?

RELATED: Sweet I Miss You Memes to Share With the One Who Makes You Feel Complete

Easier Said…


We suppose we’re all looking for peace of mind. That’s finding it is easier said than done. Let’s meditate?

Points Have Been Made


Who else has been in this same spot? Working on yourself is the hardest of work. So, don’t beat yourself up. Take each day as it comes.

Darkly Funny


There’s a deep undercurrent of dark humor in many of these sad memes. They are sad, but also funny as exemplified in the above meme.



This sad meme is the best reminder that things could be much, much worse. Just imagine having to survive a car ride with these two.

It Can Happen


Who can relate? It’s easy to become swept away by emotion. Overthinking is the worst and it’s something that most people do.

Not Seizing This Day


Who else has woken up like this? Some days the motivation is harder to find than others. Keep pushing through it.

Did They Make It?


With an assist from Kermit, we find a sad meme about lingering thoughts. Do you ever get so deeply lost in them?

It Me


Here’s another one of the most relatable sad memes out there. Are we all this Shiba Inu?

It’s Okay to Cry


And, that’s totally fine. We all can use a release every once in a while.



You can do bad all by yourself, right? Here’s a funny meme for the anxious, the depressed, and overthinkers of the world. We’re not saying it’s good advice. It’s simply the way things go at times.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Dark Humor Memes That Get Your Twisted Sense of Humor

Just Hanging On


We’re all just doing our best, okay? This silly-sad meme helps to visualize how close one might feel to falling apart. But, you got this. Keep hanging in there!

There you go! There are a variety of ways to express sadness and these sad memes are simply a unique way to share an emotional state through the use of images. We hope you have found solace among these images and the feeling that you’re not alone.

If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, we encourage you to contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): 1-800-662-HELP. They can connect you with resources in your area. There’s no shame in admitting that you’re struggling and could use some help.