Mamas Uncut

25 Tattoo Meme Examples That’ll Make You Laugh

Zamrznuti tonovi / Shutterstock

If you’re one of the millions of people who have a tattoo, then you’ve probably laughed at a tattoo meme (or two) in your lifetime. They’re all over social media, being screenshotted and sent via text, being attached to emails, and being shared in-person when the opportunity presents itself.

Did you know 36% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 have at least one tattoo? Not only that, but 70% of those with a tattoo have multiple tattoos and 20% have at least five. All that being said, only 17% of those that get a tattoo will regret it and 5% decide to cover the tattoo up.

With over 20,000 tattoo parlors in the United States, a majority of the country is within driving (or even walking) distance of getting a tattoo. And with more tattoo parlors opening for business every single day, you can expect tattoos to continue to grow more and more popular every year.

RELATED: Check Out These Memes People Got Tattooed on Their Body

Share a Laugh or Two With a Tattoo Meme / Shutterstock

Tattoos have been around for thousands of years – with the earliest tattoos dating back to 3300 BCE. Over the years, tattoos have evolved and taken on new meaning for millions of people around the world. They’re a form of expression, a form of art, and a testament to who you are.

Whether it’s taking a tattoo and turning it into a meme or taking a meme and turning it into a tattoo, there are endless opportunities with a tattoo meme. Who knows, maybe it’ll go viral and it might even inspire someone else to get a tattoo. Either way, a tattoo meme is worth sharing. 

I don’t know about you, but anytime I come across a funny tattoo meme, I can’t help but crack up at it. If that sounds like you, then you’ll likely get a kick out of these tattoo memes we have for you below. So, let’s take a moment to wind down and gander through hilarious tattoo memes.

25. The Stussy Bart

Who remembers sitting in middle school class and drawing those ‘s’ figures all over the place? They were on binders, desks, homework, tests, and everything above. Did you know those figures are actually called the Stussy S? They also go by the name of Cool S, Super S, Superman S, and Universal S. Well, we’re going to call this one the Stussy Bart S.

24. Homer and His Donut

Speaking of The Simpsons, here’s a Homer one that made me laugh. We all know how much Homer loves his donuts. And if you’re someone who wants to honor Homer with a tattoo, but doesn’t want anyone to see it, then this is perfect. Now, Homer will always be near a donut and you can enjoy your tattoo in peace – unless you go swimming or forget to put your socks on.

23. Charmander

Charmander is one of the most popular first generation Pokemon – it’s the one that evolves into Charizard. Unfortunately, this person didn’t do Charmander justice when getting their tattoo. Instead, it came out looking like a charred-mander. I’m not sure what attacks it’ll know, but I have a feeling it won’t be that effective in battle and won’t be worth keeping in your Poke Bag. 

22. Mario and Yoshi

Sometimes you have to go all-out when getting a tattoo – even if some people might not get it. And while some people might find this tattoo weird, Super Mario fans will find it delightful. It’s unique, creative, different, and idiosyncratic. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen Mario and Yoshi switch bodies, but now you have – as have I. And I must say, I like it – what do you think?

21. You’ll Regret That

This Spongebob meme is a classic, so it’s only right that it gets turned into a tattoo. And what better way to do it than by making fun of the stereotypical thing everyone says when someone else gets a tattoo – “You’ll regret that tattoo when you’re older.” Well, we all live with our regrets and if my regret is going to be a tattoo, then I’ll take it. I mean, it could be worse, am I right?

20. Dog in a Spacesuit

If there was ever a drunken tattoo, then this is it. I’m sure there’s a story behind this one, but then again maybe the meme is right – we’re all going to die, so why not get a tattoo of a dog holding a space helmet. It’s not like it’s hurting anyone and it’s definitely a good conversation starter. Let’s be honest, it’s not everyday you see a tattoo like this – but today’s the day!

19. Permanent Pikachu

Earlier, we talked about the stereotypical ‘you’re going to regret that when you’re older’ comment when someone gets a tattoo. This tattoo makes light of another stereotypical comment people make – “you know that’s permanent, right?” The only difference is this one uses another popular meme – the surprised Pikachu. Let’s hope this person understood it was permanent before getting it!

18. Aynor Tattoo

Every culture is known for its own, unique style of tattoo. The Indians, the Samoans, the Japanese – you know the style of tattoo when you see it. Of course, those styles are nothing compared to the misspelled and poor lines that you see with tattoos in the southern United States. They don’t appeal to everyone, but when you want a tattoo, you’ll do anything. 

17. Post Malone’s Detention Desk

I want you to imagine that old, beat up desk that sits in the back of middle school or high school detention. Every teenager that has ever sat there has written on or carved something into it – almost like the stall in a public bathroom. Sometimes it’s artistic, sometimes it’s offensive, and sometimes it’s just random scribbles. To be honest, it sort of resembles the tattoos on Post Malone’s face!

16. Cat’s Butt

For all the cat owners out there, I’m sure we can all agree that our cats have a fascination with putting their butt in our face. It’s never something we ask for and it’s definitely not something we enjoy, but they continue to do it anyway. In fact, you’d be surprised to learn that it’s a sign of trust and love – they often do it because they want attention. So, why not make it into a funny tattoo?

15. Chicken Nuggets

Who doesn’t love chicken nuggets and barbecue sauce? It’s a classic combination that can be enjoyed anywhere, anytime, and on any occasion. If you’re like me and love chicken nuggets a little too much, then you might consider a tattoo like this. Everytime you flex your bicep, it’ll look like you’re dunking the nugget in the sauce. It’s creative, relatable, and makes me hungry. 

14. Oops!

Some studies suggest that nearly 17% of all people with a tattoo will regret it at some point in their life. And, not to anyone’s surprise, the most common tattoo that ends in regret is getting someone else’s name written on your body – especially a lover. The good news is this person came up with a fool-proof way of covering it up. I’m sure that’s what he meant the first time, anyway.

13. Fifth Time’s the Charm

Alright, the last tattoo meme was funny, but this one is overkill. At a certain point, he should just give up, shouldn’t he? If Anna, Rosalie, Jessica, and Tina didn’t work out, I have a feeling Laura won’t work out either. I don’t know about you, but if I were Laura, I would’ve started running away the moment I saw the tattoo – before he ever got Laura added. It’s okay, she’ll learn the hard way!

12. Temporary Tattoo

Ah, yes, our second Spongebob reference – some might say that’s two too many, but I say you can never have too many Spongebob references. Now, let’s reminisce about our pre-teenage and teenage years when temporary tattoos were a thing. Since you can’t get one until you’re 18 years old, temporary tattoos were all the rage when I was a kid. They’re also a great way to test out a new design!

11. QR Code

Here’s a creative tattoo idea for any tech enthusiast – and if you do it correctly and carefully, you can make it a functional QR code! Even better, you can have the code link to whatever you want. It can be a video (like the keyboard cat one in the tattoo meme above), a website, a picture, or anything else you can think of. What would you link the QR code tattoo to?

10. After the Break Up

We already talked about some funny ways to cover up your ex’s name on your body, but things are made a little more difficult when you get a self portrait of them. Don’t worry, this person came up with the perfect fix – turn the portrait into a portrait of the devil. It’ll signify everything that person ever did to hurt you and will make you laugh hysterically every time you see it. 

9. Triple Mike

Michael Jackson is one of the most successful singers of all-time, also known as the ‘King of Pop.’ Michael Jordan is one of the greatest basketball players of all-time, if not the greatest. Mike Tyson is one of the greatest heavyweight boxers of all-time, as well as one of the most feared. When I look at this tattoo, I don’t think there’s any better way to honor all three of them.

8. Real Spider-Man

Mike Tyson was famously known for getting an obnoxious tattoo on the left side of his face, but his tattoo is nothing compared to what this man did. I guess there are two ways you can become Spider-Man. The first, which is the traditional way, is by getting bit by a mutated spider. The second, which is the new-age way, is by getting a gigantic spider tattooed across your face.

7. Baby Tattoo

Temporary tattoos are for teenagers and adults that are scared of commitment, but what about the babies – don’t you think they deserve to express themselves? Well, now you can! If you don’t feel like going the temporary tattoo route, this tattoo sleeve built into their onesie is the perfect solution. It looks real enough to receive some second looks and death stares from other parents. 

6. Peow Peow!

Cat tattoos are always a delight – just think back to the cat butt one from above. This one confirms what we all thought about cats. They’re always plotting against us and would turn on us in a second if they had to. In other words, “you mess with the meow meow, you get the peow peow.” It can also represent your love and protection over your cat, but that’s not as fun. 

5. Cher’s Chair

Imagine if you went to a tattoo parlor and asked for a tattoo of Cher, also known as the Goddess of Pop. After an hour of hard work by your artist, you find out that they gave you a tattoo of a chair instead. A simple misunderstanding, but one that is now permanently inked on your skin. It’s okay, I’m sure Cher will still appreciate the gesture – after all, it’s the thought that counts! 

4. Quarter Pounder

I’m sure we all know the feeling – when you want a quarter pounder, there’s nothing that will get in your way. Even if you’re at a tattoo parlor, there’s nothing that will get in your way. By the time the artist is done, you’ll have a quarter pounder permanently on the top of your head. The only thing that would make this tattoo better is if it were edible – now, that would be a unique tattoo. 

3. Tattoo of My Dad

According to the United States’ Census Bureau, nearly 20 million children are living without a biological, step, or adopted father present in the home. That’s nearly one in every four children in the United States, which is a concerning statistic. Those that grow up without a father are more likely to drop out, get into legal trouble, start using drugs, and end up in poverty. 

2. Cat Sleeve

Alright, we already gave the babies a tattoo sleeve, but why not give it to our second favorite living thing in the home – the cat. In fact, some cats don’t even need a sleeve because they already have one. The same is true with dogs and any other animal with random spots and multiple colors. I bet other cats don’t mess with this cat – he might’ve gotten the sleeve in kitty prison.

1. Infinity War

Avengers: Infinity War is the 19th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It was released in 2018 and received over $2 billion at the box office with a $300-400 million budget. I don’t want to let out any spoiler alerts, but this tattoo meme will make a lot more sense once you watch it. In fact, it’s actually kind of funny and creative. Looks like it’s time for a touch-up from your tattoo artist!

Which Tattoo Meme is Your Favorite?

AlexZaitsev / Shutterstock

I’ll admit it – a couple of those made me spit my water out. It’s funny how people can take something as simple as a tattoo and turn it into a viral meme. It goes to show how creative people can be, but some people make it easy by getting a silly, funny, or regretful tattoo. 

It also helps that we have access to meme generators on the internet. Within seconds, you can create your own meme and start sharing it on social media. This allows anyone to get their 15 minutes of fame by creating a tattoo meme that everyone can relate to and giggle at. 

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With that being said, we challenge you to make a tattoo meme that you can relate to. In fact, it doesn’t even have to be a tattoo meme, per se. We challenge you to make a meme of any kind – you might find that you have a gift. Before you know it, you’ll have a ton of viral memes.

If you liked these tattoo meme examples, check out more memes that people have actually gotten tattooed on their bodies.

Take a Look at These Meme Tattoos That Folks Got IRL. You Won’t Believe Them!


@courtenaydicksontattoo (Source)

We’ve seen a lot of the “Helmo” meme online over the past few years and it’s easy to see why it makes for a great tattoo. We love how this design kept the shape to stay true to the theme.


@darkarttattoodusseldorf (Source)

Grumpy cat is a beloved internet phenomenon that pictures one very cute, grumpy-looking feline. There’s no doubt that this scowling cat has made millions of people smile.

Keepers of the Lulz

@jenniferproblems (Source)

“Doing it for the lulz,” is a common internet saying that simply means that people aren’t taking anything seriously and instead are just in it for the laughs. We find this grinning skull with a cap that says memes, because memes or death.


@lily_gloria_tattoo (Source)

This very content-looking seal seems like it’s found its happy place and we’re here for it. We’d love to feel such serenity.

It Me and Me and Me

@_winkt (Source)

Strike! Here, we found a collision of a bowling ball and pins all objects symbolize the person with this tattoo. If you’ve ever felt all the feels at the same time, this meme should seem familiar to you.


@garrettxjerome (Source)

“Fun fact: Opossums would make great cowboys,” the person who shared this image wrote. Okay… At any rate, the hissing opossum meme has circulated around the internet for a while now and we love to see it as a tattoo.

Baby Yoda

@tattoo_witryna (Source)

Baby Yoda AKA The Child became an instant sensation because he’s so incredibly cute and offbeat. Here, we find Baby Yoda using “the force” to score a cone of ice cream. We endorse.

Sips Tea

@agustincroxatto (Source)

Kermit the Frog started its life as a meme around 2014 according to the website, Know Your Meme. The image is generally interpreted in a couple of ways. One is “minding my own business” and the other is “sips tea.” Both are excellent for memification and bode well for this tattoo.


@noxequus (Source)

“I’m just a potato.” This simple cartoon of a potato is a silly image that is still cute. There’s nothing wrong with being a humble vegetable.


@thicfigtattoo (Source)

This should look rather familiar to you. It’s one that never fails to make us laugh and we were pleasantly surprised to see it as a tattoo. Those eyes…


@nerkalers (Source)

Here’s a Pikachu joke tattoo about the permanence of tattooing. This very well might be the perfect meme tattoo.

Ted Talk

@love_your_mom_net (Source)

This feels about right. “Hello, I’m dead welcome to Ted Talk,” is incredibly stupid and morbid and we love it.

No Fear

@selahjude (Source)

“I’ve reached a career milestone: tattooing a meme!” the tattoo artist captioned this image. They explained that this tattoo is also a tribute to the person’s late feline friend.


@nerkalers (Source)

There’s a group of people who insist that “birds aren’t real” and that they’re actually government drones sent to spy on us. This hilarious tattoo is picking fun while also looking fantastic.

Doubling Up

@rhithehuman (Source)

“Been dying to tattoo these two pieces,” the artist wrote. We get two memes for the price of one with this image. Homer Simpson disappearing into a shrub is a classic. And, there’s a judgmental cat to help round things out.

Sad Cat

@zan.shin (Source)

Sad cat is a popular meme of a cat that looks like it’s crying or perhaps just allergic to itself. Now, we can rest assured that this meme will live on forever.

Sad Dexter

@hackedupforbarbecue (Source)

Sad Dexter is a popular, emotive meme for all the sad boy angst in your life. We love this very cute tattoo!


@saintdavidink (Source)

“If 2020 was a tattoo,” the artist captioned this image. Yes, we’re very much feeling this SpongeBob energy right now.

No Peace (Source)

This line “Peace was never an option” most likely comes from an X-Men movie. People have added the quote to many pictures of birds with knifes and other weapons. You’ll see a goose with a butter knife or a chicken on an axe, like the tattoo above.

Meme Horse

@saili_ink (Source)

“Healed meme horse. Probably the funniest piece I’ve ever done,” the person who shared this image wrote. Because the metaphor of this meme is so visual it works incredibly well as a tattoo.

Not Am

@moo.inks (Source)

“I do not think therefore I do not am,” this tattoo says. The funny string of words looks great here in this storybook-style font.

The Horror (Source)

Raccoons are nature’s mischievous cats and they are popular subjects of memes because they’re so cute and dopey. We find a hissing raccoon here which is a popular reaction meme.

Live Your Life

@mastro_rich (Source)

This person’s created their own world and we’re just living in it. We find a meme on a meme here and an incredibly clever joke. *chef’s kiss*


@wokzbok (Source)

Check out this fluffy puppy! It’s a very handsome tattoo with the the words “I’m tamttoo,” attributed to the dog. We needed this.

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@_winkt (Source)

Of all the meme tattoos we came across the “this is fine” meme is, by far, the most popular. We found color, we found riffs on the original, we found exact replicas, but we love this black and grey version the most.



“Life is full of insignificant disappointment,” this tattoo says. You might have seen this morbid and somewhat sad meme circulating around the internet but did you ever expect to see it as a tattoo?



There are tons of SpongeBob memes circulating online these days. Just when you think you’ve seen them all, another one gets sent your way. How cute is SpongeBob’s expression here? We think it’s a winner!

Just Fine


“Yeah, I’m fine,” this meme tattoo says above a haggard stick figure. We’re all just doing our best and sometimes fine is all we can muster. There’s no shame in that!

Not Cute


Do you get it? We’re not going to spell this one out for you. We contemplated whether to add this to the list. We hope it does not offend you! If so, we sincerely apologize.

Hands Up


Neil deGrasse Tyson is a national treasure. We find him in his most popular meme form for this amazing tattoo. Take a look at how neat and clean those fine lines are. Looking good!

SpongeBob Is Out


We’ve got another SpongeBob! The meme this tattoo is based on is wildly popular and it’s been riffed on a number of times. We like that this person kept it classic with the caption. “Ight, Imma head out.”

Just a Screaming Possum


Have you seen this screaming possum meme before? We bet you have! Would have ever thought to get it tattooed? Well, if the desire should strike, now you know it translates well to ink.

A Hit


This piñata is contemplating something. It’s answering in the affirmative with, “I’d hit that.” Of all the memes, this has to be one of the ones that is so stupid its hilarious.