15 Tips for Ending Homework Battles to Make Kids More Productive and Successful

The struggle is real when it comes to getting your children to sit down and focus on their homework. The daily tug-of-war between parents and kids over assignments can feel like an uphill battle that no one is winning. But what if we told you there’s a way to turn this homework battlefield into a constructive environment?

Imagine a world where your child willingly sits down to tackle their homework, not just because they have to, but because they want to. A world where homework isn’t a chore but an opportunity for your child to learn and grow. This may seem far-fetched now, but with the right strategies and approach, you can transform your child’s attitude towards homework and set them on the path to productivity and success.

Each Kid Has Their Own Needs

Homework tips

There’s no single solution that will work for every student. Each kid needs to get into the right headspace for homework time. Some kids need to sit down right when they get home from school to knock out homework and have play/leisure time as a reward. Others might have too much energy to burn and will need to run around a bit before sitting down to finish their homework.

Homework tips

So, before we give you our best tips, know that it might take several tries and approaches to find the best solution for your young learners. One size does not fit all! Be patient, get creative, and listen to your kids.

Is There Something Else Going On?

Homework tips

True for all kids, but especially those in elementary school, get them tested. If it seems like your kid has difficulty focusing, they might have ADHD or other learning differences. Getting an evaluation by a licensed professional could help you uncover the root of the homework difficulties.

A Dedicated Space to Study

Homework tips

Create a cozy environment with all the supplies and snacks that they might need. A kitchen or dining room table is often perfect. This way, you can be near should they need your assistance with a project, and you can keep an eye on them to ensure they are staying on task.

Screens: A Blessing and a Curse

Homework tips

Tablets and laptops have become integrated into schools, and while they open new worlds to children, they can also be a source of distraction and procrastination. If your child does homework on a device, do your best to ensure they don’t stray from their assignments. You can install software, but the easiest thing to do is to have them set up in an area that you can keep your eye on.

Tackle the Least Fun Assignments First

Homework tips

Ask your child to complete their most challenging homework assignments first. Chances are, they are dreading it, so get it out of the way, take a play or snack break, and then do the rest. Further, the mind will be freshest earlier than later, and getting the worst out of the way first will be easier for your kiddos to complete.

Reading Logs Are Not Productive

Homework tips

Who hates reading logs? We hated them as students, and your kids today likely do too. Forcing a child to read will suck all the fun out of cracking open a book. You can encourage your kids to read independently by having a no-screen policy for an hour or two after school. You can offer rewards for them and even read with them to make it more appealing. Don’t sweat the reading logs.

More on Screen Time

Homework tips

If you are lucky enough to have a kid whose school does not require tablets/laptops to do homework, have a no-screen time policy from day one. No screens until all homework is finished and backpacks are packed for the next day and ready to go.

For Younger Learners, Homework Should Be Optional

Homework tips

If your kid is in elementary school, how important is homework? This might be controversial, but having playtime and socializing with friends is more important for development at this stage than spending hours doing homework. Remember, you’re the boss. See what works for your family.

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Feed the Brain

Homework tips

Think back to the time when you were in school. Remember how ravenous you would be after the school day ends? Make delicious yet nutritious snacks available to your child when they get home. You can avoid many homework-related meltdowns this way.

Don’t Stress It

Homework tips

This homework tip goes hand-in-hand with our it’s optional opinion. For many children who participate in extracurricular activities or play sports, some days there’s just no time for homework. Discuss your child’s schedule with their teacher to agree on homework leeway. It’s not the end of the world if your kid misses a homework assignment.

Planners Are Excellent Tools

Homework tips

Remember that our kids (even teens) do not have fully formed brains. It can be challenging to map out how they will get bigger projects done. Start each week by getting an outlook on what’s ahead. Help your kids make time so that they can meet their goals. Start them young, and they can grow this skill to help them later in life, especially in college, technical school, and even their profession.

Consult the Teacher

Homework tips

Talk to the teacher if it seems like your child’s life has become consumed by homework each day. In all likelihood, they do not intend for your child to spend hours and hours to complete tasks. The teacher can help lighten the load and develop strategies to tackle it quickly. It never hurts to ask.

All Hands on Deck

Homework tips

It takes a village. It’s unfair for only one parent (if you are not a single mom or dad) to bear the brunt of homework enforcement. You and your child deserve that support. You can even ask older siblings to help with something like math homework in a course they already completed. After all, education is a project for the whole family.

A Change of Scenery

Homework tips

Having a dedicated space in the home for your child to work is essential. But don’t leave them pining for a gorgeous day outside while they are stuck at their desk. Take it outdoors. They can complete reading on a swing or a bench in the park. Take play breaks between each assignment! Mixing things up will stimulate growing brains and make homework feel less of a chore.

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Work, Play, Work, Play

Homework tips

A timer can help you keep your kid on task and have fun. A good method is to do a 20-10-20 plan where your kids works for 20 minutes, and when the timer goes off, they get free time for 10; when the timer goes off, it’s back to work. This is especially great if your child needs help focusing and staying on task.

Bringing an end to homework battles is not an overnight process, but with patience, consistency, and the use of these 15 tips, you can certainly make it a less stressful and more productive experience. Remember, the goal isn’t just to get your child to complete their homework, but to help them develop a love for learning, self-discipline, and the skills they need to succeed not only in school but in life. The effort you put in today to turn homework time into a positive experience will pay off enormously in your child’s future. So, hang in there, keep trying new strategies and before you know it, homework battles will be a thing of the past!

For even more advice about your children and school, keep reading. We have the best ways to get kids out the door on school days.

Designate an Area for All Their Stuff

15 Tips for Ending Homework Battles to Make Kids More Productive and Successful | Getting kids to do their homework is no joke. These tips will empower your kid to get into a good routine.

Get your kids into the habit of putting their supplies, like backpacks, jackets, shoes, etc., into the same spot when they return home from school. This way, there’s no searching for missing items in the morning. You don’t have to have a dedicated mud room for this. Stick-on wall hooks or a chair next to your door will do the trick.

A Family Calendar Works Wonders

15 Tips for Ending Homework Battles to Make Kids More Productive and Successful | Getting kids to do their homework is no joke. These tips will empower your kid to get into a good routine.

Don’t let a doctor’s appointment or a field trip sneak up on you or your children. Put a family calendar on the refrigerator for all to see and update it so you don’t miss a thing.

Create an Inbox

15 Tips for Ending Homework Battles to Make Kids More Productive and Successful | Getting kids to do their homework is no joke. These tips will empower your kid to get into a good routine.

Signatures, signatures, signatures. There are permission slips, report cards, and more to sign throughout the school year. Train your kids to put documents that need your attention to avoid last-minute scrambling in the morning.

Choose Outfits Ahead of Time

15 Tips for Ending Homework Battles to Make Kids More Productive and Successful | Getting kids to do their homework is no joke. These tips will empower your kid to get into a good routine.

Getting your child dressed appropriately is one of the most challenging tasks before school. You can have arguments about clothes the night before and get your child’s outfit laid out and ready for the next day.

Pack Lunch the Night Before

15 Tips for Ending Homework Battles to Make Kids More Productive and Successful | Getting kids to do their homework is no joke. These tips will empower your kid to get into a good routine.

So many tasks can be done ahead of time that will set you up for success. Pack lunch the night before to save more time. Get your kids involved in the process so that you ensure your kid will enjoy lunch at school. Also, this primes kids to pack their own lunches when they are old enough.

Pack Those Packs

15 Tips for Ending Homework Battles to Make Kids More Productive and Successful | Getting kids to do their homework is no joke. These tips will empower your kid to get into a good routine.

After homework is completed, instruct your kids to have their backpacks packed with all the things they will need for the following day. If your kids are old enough to have their own phone, have them charge the phone overnight on their backpacks.

Use Actual Clocks, Not Smartphones

15 Tips for Ending Homework Battles to Make Kids More Productive and Successful | Getting kids to do their homework is no joke. These tips will empower your kid to get into a good routine.

Hang wall clocks around the home, including in the bathroom where your kid gets ready. Also, get an old-school alarm clock. It will reduce the temptation for your kid to scroll on their smartphone in the morning.

Set Timers

15 Tips for Ending Homework Battles to Make Kids More Productive and Successful | Getting kids to do their homework is no joke. These tips will empower your kid to get into a good routine.

This goes hand-in-hand with clocks and alarms. Set a timer so your kid knows they’ve got fifteen minutes to catch the bus or hop in the car. Set it again at the five-minute mark. You can use a wind-up kitchen timer or simply use your phone (or theirs). Just make sure they can hear it when it goes off.

Don’t Be Your Own Worst Enemy

15 Tips for Ending Homework Battles to Make Kids More Productive and Successful | Getting kids to do their homework is no joke. These tips will empower your kid to get into a good routine.

Parents run late, too! Take steps the night before to ensure that you are not the one who is holding the kids up. Program your coffeemaker to have a hot pot ready and waiting when you get up. Have a designated place for your purse, wallet, and keys. Fill up the gas tank on your way home from work so you don’t have to worry about it the next day.

Get Them In the Zone

15 Tips for Ending Homework Battles to Make Kids More Productive and Successful | Getting kids to do their homework is no joke. These tips will empower your kid to get into a good routine.

Don’t allow kids to leave the bedroom or bathroom until they are fully done: dressed, teeth brushed, beds made, and showered. Don’t allow kids to eat breakfast in their pajamas. It means an additional trip to and from the bedroom. Running around the house wastes time.

Don’t Be a Chef

15 Tips for Ending Homework Battles to Make Kids More Productive and Successful | Getting kids to do their homework is no joke. These tips will empower your kid to get into a good routine.

While the urge to cook your kids a stack of pancakes in the morning might be tempting, simplifying breakfast saves so much time. A bowl of cereal, overnight oats, breakfast bars, etc., are your friends. You can even prepare something like a breakfast casserole or big frittata on Sunday that you can microwave and serve throughout the week.

Be Direct

15 Tips for Ending Homework Battles to Make Kids More Productive and Successful | Getting kids to do their homework is no joke. These tips will empower your kid to get into a good routine.

Instead of saying a command like “Put on your shoes,” be more specific. “It’s time to put on your shoes. Do you want the red or white pair?” This encourages kids to make their own decisions and leaves little room for debate.

Mix It Up

15 Tips for Ending Homework Battles to Make Kids More Productive and Successful | Getting kids to do their homework is no joke. These tips will empower your kid to get into a good routine.

Reward your kids in a way that gets them out the door. Let them know they can play their favorite game while waiting for the school bus. “We can stop at the coffee shop for a muffin, but only if we have time” can also work as an incentive.

Stock the Car

15 Tips for Ending Homework Battles to Make Kids More Productive and Successful | Getting kids to do their homework is no joke. These tips will empower your kid to get into a good routine.

If you’re a parent who drops your kids off at school, keep an extra pair of shoes, hair ties, breakfast bars, and more in your backseat. This way, if you’re really in a rush, you can ready your kid for school on-the-go.

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15 Tips for Ending Homework Battles to Make Kids More Productive and Successful | Getting kids to do their homework is no joke. These tips will empower your kid to get into a good routine.

Make getting to school on time pay for your kids. If you give allowances, take away a portion for each day that they run late. You can also leverage screen time or assign extra chores as well.

Establish a Routine for You and the Kids

15 Tips for Ending Homework Battles to Make Kids More Productive and Successful | Getting kids to do their homework is no joke. These tips will empower your kid to get into a good routine.

Take the same steps to get ready each day and encourage your children to do the same. You can all go into autopilot mode which streamlines the getting ready for school routine.

A Good Bedtime Is Key

15 Tips for Ending Homework Battles to Make Kids More Productive and Successful | Getting kids to do their homework is no joke. These tips will empower your kid to get into a good routine.

This might seem like common sense to most, but enforcing a bedtime is a great way to ensure that kids wake up on time and are ready to go. A well-rested child is an alert one!

Wake Up Before the Kids

15 Tips for Ending Homework Battles to Make Kids More Productive and Successful | Getting kids to do their homework is no joke. These tips will empower your kid to get into a good routine.

Having a moment to get caffeinated and collected is really important for you to facilitate a get-ready for school morning. Though it might be painful, you can do it!

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Give Plenty of Hugs and Kisses

15 Tips for Ending Homework Battles to Make Kids More Productive and Successful | Getting kids to do their homework is no joke. These tips will empower your kid to get into a good routine.

Now, you have some great tips for getting the kiddos out the door and in school each day. Remember to shower those little ones with love and encourage them to have a productive and fun day!

Remember that the morning rush doesn’t have to be a stressful ordeal. With a little planning, consistency, and a dash of fun, getting your kids ready for school can become a smooth and enjoyable process. Use these tips as a starting point and adjust them according to what works best for your family’s unique needs. Remember, the goal is not just to get your kids out the door on time but to also set a positive tone for their day ahead. So here’s to stress-free mornings and successful school days. Happy back-to-school season!

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